Making New Friends
*Logan's POV*
I had finally got over to where I had pinpointed exactly where the harpy landed and when I got there I must tell you it was worth every single second of reading from the book of mythical mythics. Right in front of me was the feathery creature who was looking around confusedly, I was going to try and get a closer look until another creature fell from a tree nearby and landed directly on their face.
"well that surely has to hurt...." I said to myself as I took out my notebook and began to jot down some notes.
"Who are you?! What are you doing?!" The harpy screeched as it backed away only to screech once again but this time in pain.
It was then I realized the Harpy had a arrow lodged into its forearm.
"woah woah calm down buddy I'm not going to hurt you, look I have nothing that can hurt you dude" the other creature spoke as it removed its hood from its head revealing fur covered skin and wolf ears.
"Oh my god its a werewolf......" I couldn't believe what I was seeing, two amazing creature sightings in one day.
"Look I just want to help you I promise I'm not going to hurt you man" the werewolf spoke calmly as he slowly approached the harpy.
" you don't want to kill me....that's good and all but what are we supposed to do about this?" The harpy asked while lifting up his winged arm.
"Maybe we should just it out?" The werewolf suggested as he crouched down poking the arrow.
These guys can't be serious without the proper care that wing won't ever allow him to fly again. So of course I had to do something, I may not do well with others but I rather not see people hurt themselves.
I quickly made my way over to the pair while opening my bag and pulling out some bandage wrap. "I wouldn't do that if I were you, which I'm not but still you shouldn't do that, not without the proper tools that is."
"AH! Who be you friend or foe?!" the harpy shrieked as he tried to stand.
"I mean you no harm fellow mythics I am here to help you remove that arrow from your body" I said as I gestured to the arrow in his wing.
"Oh uh well I'm Roman as you can probably tell by the awesome wings I am a Harpy!" He said as he flexed his other winged arm.
"uhh..I'm Virgil and I'm a yeah that's basically it and you are? the werewolf known as Virgil asked whilst lifting an eyebrow.
"My name is Logan I am an elf....that is all. Anywho lets get that wing fixed up shall we?" I said as I placed my bag on the ground and grabbed his wing.
"Virgil is it? I need you to pull the arrow out be as quick and gentle as you can if done to roughly it could damage his wing even more."
"Why quickly then if I need to be gentle? Shouldn't I go slow so I don't do anything too rough? he spoke rather concernedly as he placed his hands on the arrow.
"Well unless you want to give him a slow agonizing recovery then yes. It's better to rip it out with only a bit of pain rather then slow with tremendously excruciatingly horrendous amount of pain. So which will it be?" I spoke as I prept the disinfectant.
"Alright alright jeez man, you ready Roman?"
"I'm a brave and outstandingly handsome Harpy I have nothing to fear do what you have to do my furry compadre" he smirked but it was obvious he was actually pretty nervous.
"Alright Virgil on my count........1......2.....3!!"
I quickly wiped his wound in disinfectant and wrapped his wing in the bandage wrap.
"see there, isn't that satisfactory?" I patted his wing as I got up helping him up in the process.
"Well thanks Intelligent elf man" Roman laughed as he swung his wing around my neck like a side hug.
"Don't ever call me that....."
"So what are you two doing here in the woods anyway?" Roman asked as he looked back and forth between me and Virgil.
"Well I found out you fell from the sky so I decided to come check on you. Also I have always wanted to meet another Mythic other than an elf." I said as I removed his wing from my shoulder.
"So how about you Mr. Dark and Bruting?"
"First of all don't call me that and second of all the reason I'm here is because I was running for my life from a stupid human village....." Virgil growled thinking back on what had happened to him.
"Well you already know why I'm here how about w-" Roman began but was soon cut off by the sound of tiny screaming getting closer and closer.
I turned my head to see a small ball rolling down the nearby hill.
"what on earth is that?"
We could hear a voice crying out in pain "I'm going to die!! I'm going to die!! I'm going to die!!"
The tiny ball rolled and rolled till it finally stopped right at our feet. That's when we realized it wasn't a ball at all it was actually a small glass jar.
I picked it up with intention of seeing what was inside. It was covered in mud and dirt so I pulled out an cloth and began to wipe the filth off the jar. When I finally got all the dirt off I was in complete shock, there was a person inside the jar a very tiny person who was unconscious might I add.
"Holy crap is that a person?!" Virgil exclaimed as he backed up a little bit.
"It is a tiny oh my goodness it's amazing I never seen someone so tiny before it's actually pretty cute awwww~" Roman tried to get past me to get a better look.
"Roman calm down, If I drop him it's going to be your fault" I hissed as I pushed him back a little.
I do have to admit Roman was right about it being cute. But now isn't the time to think about such things. I carefully looked over the jar to make sure the creature inside wasn't injured. From what I can see he was fine just knocked unconscious.
"So what do we do now?" Roman asked while tapping the glass of the jar.
"Well I think we should run" Virgil replied with a little fear in his voice.
"Why do you say that?"
"Because there's a shady figure in a cloak watching us from the top of that hill" he pointed upwards to the top of the hill that the small creature in the jar had rolled down.
"Well that's ominous......"
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