Quiet Mornings
A gentle knock pulled Emile from his thoughts. The door slowly opened as Janus poked his head in, a soft smile gracing his features as he locked eyes with Emile. Janus was wearing a t-shirt that went down to his knees with 'Thou Shall Not Try Me' printed in cursive along his chest. His hair was a mess of frizzy curls that were usually tamed by whatever hat he decided to wear that day.
"Are you-" he shook his head with a barely audible sigh, "I'm going to make some coffee do you want any? Or tea? Hot chocolate?"
"No, thank you" Emile cringed at how hoarse his voice sounded
Janus nodded, "alright, let me know if you need anything"
Emile offered a thankful smile and turned his attention back to his sleeping boyfriend, running his fingers through Remy's hair.
Janus slipped out of the room, closing the door behind him as quietly as he could, before making his way to the small kitchen area. He swiftly went around the room preparing his drink as quietly as he could so as not to disturb the two who were still sleeping, cursing under his breath as the coffee machine made an obnoxiously loud noise. He carefully poured the warm milk into the cup creating a leaf shape in the centre - those years of working at a crappy coffee shop paid off in some ways. Satisfied with his small creation, he turned around only to almost drop his drink with a startled yelp. Remus was standing mere centimetres in front of him in nothing but a pair of boxers, showing off his tanned chest, although Janus was too busy trying not to have a heart attack to notice,
"Fucking hell Remus! You scared the shit out of me! In the five years that I've known you, you've never once been quiet, why did you choose now to start and to sneak up on me?!"
"You look cute when you're concentrating"
"I-uh-what?" Janus fumbled for words as his cheeks flushed
"Yeah, you stick your tongue out and sometimes your nose scrunches up"
"Shut up" he grumbled, hiding his face behind his cup.
He walked past Remus and towards the couch, desperately trying to calm his blush. He could hear Remus' shuffling footsteps behind him as he pulled on a t-shirt. Remus flopped down next to Janus, his head resting on the smaller's lap. Janus, using his free hand to absentmindedly twirl Remus' thick hair, watched some crappy morning tv show while Remus drew dick shapes on Janus' knee.
Around half an hour later, Virgil quietly slipping into the dorm wearing a dark blue hoodie and grey jogging bottoms. They didn't say anything, other than a quiet hello, as they laid down on top of Remus. Remus moved to lie on his back so he could still draw dicks on Janus, as well as on Virgil.It didn't take long for the final two to arrive, opting to sit on the floor instead of trying to squeeze onto the couch.No one said anything. They were all contempt just sitting and watching the Moms have a go at Abby.
Roman sat alone on the edge of the dimly lit stage, his legs swinging beneath him. Highlighter ink stained his fingers, and somehow his cheek, as he scribbled notes in his battered copy of the Scottish play that can't be named - one of the plays they need to study for the written exam.
"Is that a dagger which I see before me, the handle towards my hand? Come, let me clutch thee; I have thee not, and yet I still see thee" he involuntary muttered as he scribbled about the effect of using a monologue on the audience.
He closed the playbook with a satisfying thump and began tidying up his pens and highlighters. He didn't want to leave, not yet anyway. It wasn't because he didn't like his dorm mates, it was just that whenever he was on stage, even when he wasn't performing, just made him feel safe and happy and like he could be himself.He moved to centre stage and performed a pirouette followed by a bow to his imaginary audience. He could see it all in his head, the bright lights in his eyes, the smell of makeup and sweat, the fabulous costumes, the sound of the audience cheering for him. Theatre was his life, and he couldn't wait until he could next perform.
The doors swinging open and smashing against the wall caused Roman to be pulled from his daydream.
Patton squeaked put an apology to the doors before turning his attention towards his startled boyfriend. He gripped the carrier bag tighter as he bounded over and climbed on the stage, a large grin never leaving his face. Patton was wearing a pair light wash of dungarees with small stars and animal paw prints doodled on the cuffs. He had a light blue top underneath that was stained with various coloured paints - along with the rest of his outfit and showing skin.He was bouncing in place, his eyes almost sparkling with a grin to rival the Cheshire Cat.
"Patton?" Roman stepped closer, eyeing the bag Patton was trying to hide, "whatcha got there?"
"It's for you! Well not yet, I need to get it graded first and then copy it but then it's yours!"
"Wha-?"Roman cut himself off with a gasp as he stared in awe at a realistic looking portrait of himself in regal attire.
The painting only showed the bust, which made the reds and golds of the prince suit stand out more.
"We um had to turn someone we know into a fairytale character, and well I thought of you" Patton mumbled nervously, as he waited for Roman to say something, anything
"I...I love it. It's amazing."
Patton giggled, "you think so?"
Roman nodded enthusiastically and quickly held his hands up to copy the pose Patton drew him in, causing another giggle to escape the blonde-haired boy.
"Can you see it Patton? Me on stage in that outfit performing for hundreds of people! And as a prince no less!"
Patton listened to Roman's small tangent about performing on stage and insisting that Patton design all his costumes, as he put the painting back in the bag.
"Why a prince though?"
"Why did you draw me as a prince?"
"Well...you're heroic and you act like royalty and..." Patton murmured something under his breath
"What was that last bit?"
"Nothing! Bye!"
Patton sprinted off the stage and towards the theatre doors. Roman's mind caught up and he grabbed his bag and followed after Patton,
"Hey no wait! That's not fair tell me what you said!"
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