First Date
i haven't been feeling great the past few days, to quote roman: 'I'm not feeling like my fabulous self right now! I am bitterly jittery and not very glittery!'
soooooo here's some royality fluff (with a little analogical)
Roman was a nervous wreck. Today was the day that he was going on a date with Patton. What made it worse, was the fact that he had no control over what happened. Patton insisted on being the one to take Roman out, as he was the one who asked. Roman has always been a hopeless romantic, ever since he was a child, meaning that he fell in love fast and hard. And oh boy has he fallen for Patton.
Roman was currently in Janus' room with his brother - he refused to actually go into Remus' room. He brought with his pretty much all of his clothes for Janus and Remus to help him choose an outfit, well Remus was helping while Janus was just lying there. Remy was, of course, the best person to ask, but he was out with Emile.
"Where's he taking you?"
"I don't know" Roman thew his hands up in the air with an exasperated sigh
"Right well. Wear this shirt with a pair of dark jeans. Tuck it in loosely so it's easy to untuck if it's somewhere casual or leave it if it's more formal. Wear your long coat and your red converse"
"Thank you!"
Roman grabbed the clothes Remus picked out and went into the bathroom to change. He put some product in his hair to floof it up, and then some light foundation on before walking out and giving Remus a twirl - by now Janus was asleep on Remus' chest.
"Yass Queen, you look fabulous! You're gonna knock 'em dead!"
"I do not understand why I am here"
Virgil ignored his question and instead asked him to pass over a brush from their makeup bag. Logan rolled his eyes and just passed the brush over before retuning to reading his book. Virgil was doing Patton's makeup for his date and then was going to help pick out an outfit.
"So where are you taking him?"
"I'm not telling!" Patton giggled, before closing his eyes as instructed
"Well I'm sure it'll be amazing"
"Uh oh, what's wrong?"
"It's just-"
"Open your eyes"
"It's just, what if he doesn't like it"
"Pat, I'm sure whatever you do, he will love it. He's liked you for a while now"
"That's the problem! What if he's disappointed?"
"Patton, I can assure you that Roman will not be disappointed. You are smart and fun so whatever you have planned Roman will love, because he likes you so he will be happy just to spend time with you. It doesn't necessarily matter where you go, as long as you are together" Logan's eyes flicked to Virgil briefly but no one noticed, well Patton noticed but said nothing
"Lo's right. Now come on, let's find you the perfect outfit to give him a gay panic!"
After 10 minutes of looking through everything Patton owned, he couldn't find anything that he could wear. He was about to give up hope when Virgil suddenly jumped to their feet and snapped their fingers
"I know what you could wear!" they ran out of the room, only to run back in, "tell anyone about this and it will be the last thing you do. This stays between us, got it?"
Once the other two nodded, they smiled and ran into their room. Patton and Logan looked at each other extremely confused, their confusion only grew when Virgil walked back with a duffle bag in their arms.
"Jochie? What have you got there?"
Virgil dumped the bag on Patton's bed and unzipped it. They pulled out some clothes before quickly putting them behind their back and zipping up the bag again.
"Go put this on" Virgil handed Patton a bundle of white black and blue fabric
"What's this?"
"Clothes, more specifically mine, now hush and go put them on"
"Okay, jochie" Patton wasn't too convinced that he would like Virgil's clothes considering they had very different clothing styles, but never the less he went to try it on.
Virgil turned to Logan who was looking inquisitively at the bag. They sighed,
"Go ahead"
Logan glanced up at Virgil for another conformation, then opened the bag. Inside were clothes with more colour than Logan had ever seen Virgil wear. There were jumpers, skirts, shorts, jumpsuits and shortalls in various pastel colours.
"Qu'est-ce que...?" Logan couldn't help but laugh a little in shock.
He was surprised that Virgil, who he's only seen wear black, grey and a little purple, owns clothes with actual colour in them.
"Don't laugh"
"I'm not, I'm just surprised is all"
Patton walked in with a bright smile and he tackled Virgil in a hug,
"Oh my gosh I love this! Thank you!"
He was wearing a black and white striped short sleeved top with a light denim pinafore skirt and white tights.
"Wow Patton, you look amazing"
"Indeed, the outfit suits you"
"Thank you! I really love it Virgil!" he said as he twirled in front of the mirror, giggling as the skirt swooshed when he spun.
"I'm glad. You can keep it if you want"
"Of course, you'll wear it more that I will"
Patton smiled again and put on his blue high tops and grey coat. His watched beeped, telling him he has to meet Roman now.
"Wish me luck"
"You don't need it but good luck!" Virgil called as Patton sprinted out of the dorm
They turned to look at Logan who had a smile on his face. Alarm bells rang in their head as they looked between Logan and the open bag and the clothes in his hands.
"Urgh, fine" Virgil snatched the clothes from Logan and went to change in the bathroom.
Patton was sitting on a bench in the campus courtyard, swinging his legs as he waited for Roman.
Roman walked down the path, running his fingers through his hair making sure it was sitting right. He wasn't paying much attention to anything around him but as soon as he saw Patton, he was the only thing Roman could pay attention to. Roman thought that he looked so adorable with his curly blonde hair and rosy cheeks with freckles littered perfectly across his face. He snuck up behind Patton and gently wrapped his arms around his shoulders, resting his head on Patton's shoulder,
"Hello mi gatito, you look absolutely stunning"
Patton giggled and blushed a deep red, "hi Roman"
Roman let go of Patton and he stood up to face Roman,
"Oh wow, you look so handsome!"
Roman didn't hear though, he was too busy having a gay panic over Patton's outfit. ¡No es justo que una persona sea tan linda!
"Roman? Roman are you okay?"
"I am perfect, now where are we going?"
"Oh yes! Come on!" Patton grabbed Roman's hand and dragged him to the town
Patton finally stopped dragging Roman when they reached a building called 'Hollywood Bowl'. It had an old school Hollywood vibe with its red, black and gold decor.
"Yeah well bowling and there's an arcade and a restaurant. Do you-"
"I love it! Fair warning, I'm very competitive"
"Oh Roman, so am I"
"Then it's on!"
"Oh for the love of!" Roman yelled as Patton hit him with a red shell
They had played three games of bowling. It was meant to be two but Patton won the first match, then Roman won the second so they had to have a third one as a tie-breaker. They tied perfectly on the last game, therefore they decided to use the arcade to compete instead. They were playing Mario Kart - Roman was Princess Peach and Patton was Toad. Roman requested Rainbow Road as their track, which earned him a harsh glare from his date.
Patton sped ahead as Roman's car spun from the collision with the shell. Roman chuckled dryly and tried to catch up with Patton. After a few mishaps and being bumped off the road by the NPCs, Patton came in 2nd and Roman 3rd - if you're interested, Waluigi came in 1st.
The couple moved onto a violent game of air hockey, it wasn't intended to be violent but Patton kept forgetting to move his fingers from the edge of the table so the puck smacked off them multiple times. Roman ended up winning the game but Patton won overall as he got Roman to kiss his hand better. After dinner at the diner attached and a few more games in the arcade, they headed back home. Patton was cuddling a derpy looking seal plush that Roman won for him on the claw machine as the walked back.
He was gushing about Roman's amazing skills on the claw machine. Roman pretended that he was just that awesome when, in reality, it was because him and his brother had a bet going when they were younger at a holiday park. Whoever got the most prizes from the claw machine by the end of the holiday won and the other person had to be their slave for a day. Remus won so Roman had to spend 24 horrifying hours doing whatever disturbing thing his brother told him to. So, he decided that next year he was going to make sure it never happened again and practiced as much as he could with a clearly rigged game. Whatever he did, it worked because he won and got his payback.
Roman pulled them to a stop, just outside of their dorm, and took Patton's hand in his,
"Sooo...I had a lot of fun today"
"Me too" Patton giggled
"I'm glad, so...Patton Meijer, would you do me the honour of becoming your boyfriend?"
"I would like that" Patton blushed and hid his face behind the plushie
"Can I kiss you?" Roman stepped closer
Patton moved the plush away from his face and stood on his tip toes and connected his lips with Roman's in a short but perfect kiss. Patton giggled at Roman's flushed face and opened the door, Roman coming to his senses a couple seconds later and followed his boyfriend in. His boyfriend. Roman couldn't believe it. He was too lost in his thoughts that he didn't notice Patton stop, so slammed into the back of him.
"Shh! Look" Patton pointed to the couch where Virgil and Logan were asleep.
Logan's head was rolled to the side, resting on the couch's back rest, with an open book resting on his chest. Virgil was lying across the rest of the couch with one leg on Logan's lap and the other dangling off the couch. They were wearing an oversized yellow knitted jumper with grey shorts and had a book covering their face.
Patton cooed at them and Roman smiled as Patton took a photo of the two, before yawning himself.
"Why don't you go to bed, querido?"
"Yeah I might just to that" Patton hugged Roman then gave him a kiss on the cheek, "goodnight mijn prins"
A loud ringing and a flashing light woke Logan up from his peaceful sleep. He rubbed his eyes and looked around, still half asleep, and spotted that is was Virgil's phone making that ungodly noise. Logan sighed and hit Virgil's leg, trying to get them up,
"Virgil, your phone... please"
They rolled onto their side and slapped the coffee table until they hit their phone,
"Hello?" their voice was hoarse and they were still to open their eyes
Logan started to fall back to sleep until he was jolted awake again as Virgil shot up, suddenly wide awake.
"What?!" they yelled down the phone, "is he...where are...okay I'm on my way"
Logan raised an eyebrow, "is everything okay?"
"No, I'm sorry I would tell you but I'm not sure he wants me to"
"That's fine"
Their front door flew open and a panting Janus and Remus ran in, "did you hear?" they had just sprinted from the music rooms
"Yeah, Remy just called. Come on let's go"
YES! I HAVE MA MOTIVATION BACK!! (for now anyway)
That is two chapters finished today (this one and one for the guardian), and I have started the next chapter for my other three stories!!
sorry for the wait, but that small break did me some good.
i know my uploads aren't very consistent, and I apologise for that, but this is what works best for me so I can write when I feel inspired to and not because I feel I have to
anyway, i hope you enjoyed and feel free to point out any mistakes :)
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