Patton smiled towards the camera, waving his hand. "Hello, Kiddos! Today we're doing something a bit different than usual, we're starting a new series of truth or dare! However, this version will be based on our lives as age regressors and caregivers. If you're new here or don't know what an age aggressor is, please click off the video and see our previous video explaining what age regression is, in that video, we also introduce ourselves so it's crucial if you're interested!" Patton spoke in a light, cheery voice, his intentions were to make their channel feel loving and accepting. Their page is a safe place after all.
Clearing his throat, he continued. "In this series, you guys can comment on any dares and truths you have for us. All we ask is a few things. One, this should go without saying but please nothing inappropriate! Nothing sexual or violent. Two, when giving a dare or a truth, please direct the question towards a person or people. For example, say you want to ask Caregiver Virgil a question, then please say 'To Caregiver Virgil...' Or another example of the proper formatting would be 'I dare everyone to...' And then state your dare!"
"Patton-" Janus walks in with a whining Roman on his hip, however, stopped at the sight of the camera, raising an eyebrow. "What's this one?"
"Oh!" Patton giggles, waving Janus into the frame. Roman immediately beamed at the offer of attention and grinned at the camera as they stood beside Patton. He waved his hand excitingly at the lens before pointing.
"Look! Look!" He squeals. "Imma be on Tv!"
Janus quirked his lips up while Patton cooed. "Of course you are! I was just telling our viewers about our new series! I told them about nothing inappropriate and how to adjust the dare or truth. Am I forgetting anything?"
Janus hummed in thought for a moment, handing a wiggling Roman to Patton, who immediately began to lightly bounce him on his knee. "I don't think so, I would like to point out that you are welcomed to ask Remy and Emile questions as well, even if they aren't living with us at the moment. They won't be able to answer until they visit again, but of course, we'll keep them until they do. Another thing, while we all regress, Roman and Remus aren't caregivers as well, they are strictly littles, unless it's a last resort situation."
"My spoiled little prince!" Patton croons, resulting in a small pout from the other.
"M'not little!"
"That's the part that had you pouting? Not spoiled?" Janus snorts.
"Well, that's all for now kiddos! Please leave your truths or dares in the comments!" Patton says with a wave. "I look forward to answering them all!"
"This will be intriguing," Chuckles Janus. "For now it's a certain Prince's naptime."
"Nooooooo!" He cries, pouting at the camera. "Save meeeee!"
"They can't help you now, your fate is sealed, dear prince."
Patton giggled as he handed Roman off before standing. "Bye kiddos!"
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