With the camera pointed towards him, Logan pursed his lips as he stared at the comment directed regarding him. While it wasn't a dare, nor a truth, he was told to record a response.
Clearing his throat, Logan shifted slightly. "I appreciate it justyourlocalpoison, but I don't need a break nor do I need help—"
"Logan! I finished running your bubble bath!"
Logan flushed and dove forward, quickly ending the feed.
A very moody Virgil slumped in his seat, raising an eyebrow at the dare.
"Nosey much?" He murmurs, before rolling his eyes. "Fine, just don't tell Dad. He doesn't like me listening to a bunch of curse words."
"That's it for now, I'm out."
"I has a dare?!" Remus cheers, his smile stretched wide. He bounces on his heels, buzzing with energy and excitement. "Gimme!" He demands.
Remus' excited grinned turned mischievous at said dare and he winked into the camera. "Janny's gonna wove it," He sings.
The regressor stumbled out of his room, practically tripping over his own two feet in excitement. As he grew closer to Janus' room, his movements slowed and he tiptoed towards his door, carefully pushing it open. Peeking in, he figured if he was still awake, he'd just play off the intrusion, but beamed as he found him fast asleep, his hat set off to the side.
He glanced around towards Izzy's—Janus' pet snake—tank and immediately shuffled over, waving his fingers at her. He carefully removed her lid and set it aside, gently picking her up. She hissed softly at the contact, but with a light stroke of her scales, she began to wrap around his arm.
"Is okay, sowwy to wake you," He whispers, carrying her over to Janus' hat. He set her inside and lightly caressed her head before quickly scampering out of the room.
It wasn't until about an hour later did his prank come into play.
Janus slammed his door open, glaring at the little one who merely grinned cheekily.
"Remus, do you care to explain why Izzy was in my hat when I woke up?" He asks, his tone calm, but his narrowed eyes told Remus he was anything but.
With innocent, fluttering eyelashes, Remus giggled. "It was a gift Janny!" He insists, attempting to be cute with him.
It didn't work.
"Ha! I already gots another one!" Boosts a mentally five-year-old Roman, who was feeling a bit bigger than his usual two or three, but still rather small. Janus smirked as he stood in the background, having been informed he would need to look in on this one to read Roman's body language. Janus is great at revealing whether or not someone is lying, it's a skill he's had since a child. It wasn't difficult, just paying attention to small details was the issue.
Roman blushed a bit as he read the question and fiddled with his shirt, falling quiet. Raising an eyebrow, Janus' smirk only grew far more smug. "Oh? This is a rare sight, don't tell me Roman is acting too shy for the camera?" He teases, earning himself a small glare and a pout.
"Well go on little prince, answer the question."
With a dramatic sigh, Roman slumps. "I don't like you."
"Liar. Try again."
"Fineeee! I love everyone lots okays?"
Janus chuckled and let up, gently running his fingers through Roman's hair. "And we love you 'lots' as well dear, come along, it's snack time."
Patton stared at the camera with wide, curious eyes and mindlessly sucked on his fingers while Logan lightly bounced him, tugging his fingers from his mouth upon noticing. He briskly replaced them with a pacifier, not wanting a crying fest.
"Patton is a bit small at the moment," Logan explains. "He needs a mental break, but since I know his favorite snacks, I deemed it acceptable I answer for him. Depending on his age for the day, his favorite snacks can vary. When in 'babyspace' he generally enjoys Gerber strawberry puffs along with applesauce. In about three to five, his favorite snacks are gummies and fruit. Six to nine, he prefers chips and cookies. He has never regressed older than nine, so that is all, again, very sorry Patton couldn't answer."
"Cam'ma!" Patton squeaks, pointing to the camera, giggling loudly, the pacifier slipping out momentarily. A small, soft smile fell on Logan's lips as he was sure to move the pacifier back into place.
"Yes, yes dear, that is a camera, goodbye fellow homosapians."
Janus raised an eyebrow at the lens, resting his head on his palm. "Oh? A question for me? How cute."
Janus hummed, taking a moment to think of an answer. "Well, we'll start with Patton I suppose. His age ranges from at the very least six months to his highest, nine. Depending on his age, I am sure to act gentle with Patton, as he is rather sensitive. If not in babyspace, he is usually eager to be helpful, even if it's small actions such as cleaning up his toys. He also enjoys helping in the kitchen.
For Logan, I will give him small tasks for the sole purpose of making him feel independent, when smaller, I will admit he can be a bit persistent when it comes to 'being a big boy' and wanting to do big boy tasks but he can get simply too little for such things. In those moments, it's usually puzzle time or possibly I give him a task he can work on, such as—similar to Patton—picking up his toys. When he's above the age of six, he tends to want more independence, the urge only growing as his age does, but specifically for his teenage years, we usually leave him to his own regards. Of course, he does occasionally want a Minecraft buddy, and at any age, he wants someone to listen to his rambles and babbles.
For Virgil, his age range is similar to Logan's without the middle. He's either really small or a teen, there's rarely an in-between. When he's a teen, just like Logan, we leave him to his own regards unless he specifically asks for company. He is indeed a moody teenager who needs alone time. However, when small, he can have severe separation anxiety and is very clingy. I do what I can to make him feel comfortable. Sometimes he just needs cuddles and The nightmare before Christmas.
As for the twins, they're a lot to handle. Their age ranges never go above eight and never below two. They're both brats and have caused the worst messes I've ever laid eyes on. They're loud and won't listen to save their lives, but, I work with them rather than against them. Communication is key, just like in every relationship, but communication with the twins is crucial. Talking things out goes a long way, and punishments are a rare occurrence unless they did something like sneaking a snack when we had already told them no. The consequence would probably be no more snacks for the rest of the day or depending on the time, no dessert. They each need constant attention or else they will find negative outputs of attempting to get said attention.
I believe that is all for now, while these small explanations can't sum up my way of dealing with them each on a daily, I hope this gave you all a small insight into how we run things."
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