"Roman!" Called Patton as their editor and good friend, Thomas, sent them the dare requested. To keep the others from seeing each other dares, he sends an email with a title along the lines of Dare for Roman. That way, he can read it and perform the dare without the others having a spoiler for it.
The said little quickly tumbled into the room, stickers covering his arms with a few on his cheeks as well. "Patty!" He squeaks excitingly, waving his hands in his face. "Look! Look! Stickers! Are you looking?! Look!"
"I'm looking kiddo, I'm looking!" Patton laughs out, gently pushing his hands away. "You have a dare from a viewer, do you wanna read it?"
With a loud gasp, Roman eagerly nods his head and scampers over, making a scene to hide the screen from the other as he clicked on the email. Being dyslexic and little did make it difficult to read the dare, but overall, he understood the main goal that Fuck-You-David had sent him.
Operation make Papa's shirt beautiful is a go!
"Kay Patty M'gonna go do it! Don't cheat and look, it's a surprise!" He says, quickly closing out of the email and running out of the room to grab fabric paint and most importantly, glitter. He isn't usually allowed glitter unsupervised, but it's for the video! Hence the reason it should be alright this time. Besides, Logan will love it!
And the viewer had said he's a big boy, so he can use glitter and paint.
After a bit of struggling to find the key to the arts and crafts cabinet with items like paint, X-acto knives, adult scissors-rather than safety scissors-and glitter, Roman gathers an assortment of colors and glitters before tumbling out of their playroom and ends up plopping the bottles onto the floor of his bedroom once he arrived, dropping a few things of paint on the way.
Quickly, he grabbed his camera and checked a note he had written to his little self before switching it on and showing the mess of items. "Hi!" He chirps. "You guys should know but I forget a lot so in case you forget a lot too, I am da Prince Roman! We gots a dare today and-ands I'm gonna make Papa's shirt beautiful!" He rambles, setting the camera down so it was aimed towards his crafting table in his bedroom. He realized he was still missing a key ingredient to his project and tapped his chin as he began thinking of a way to swipe one of Logan's shirts.
With a grin, he grabbed the camera and placed a finger to his lips before tiptoeing down the hall. He had forgotten that Logan wasn't home quite yet, as he worked as a Chemistry teacher at the local high school. Gripping the knob to his door, he carefully twisted it before pushing it in, peering in, half expecting him to be inside, even if he wasn't home.
They have a strict rule. No one goes into Logan's room without permission. He's very particular about his personal area, if tiny things are moved or simply misplaced, he will notice.
But Roman was doing a surprise, so he figured this could be the exception.
Quickly, he rushed into the room like a ninja, grabbed one of Logan's many white collared shirts, and sprinted out and down the hall, back to his own room, shutting the door behind him with a large grin.
"Papa's gonna wove it!" Roman exclaims to himself, setting the camera up once more. "I should put a wainbow on the front! With cwouds!" He gasps out, clapping his hands.
Tossing the shirt on the table, he quickly grabbed at the colors and glitters he needed, practically vibrating in place as excitement plagued his bloodstream. As he worked, he babbled mindlessly to the camera, speaking on mostly Sofia the first and on how happy his papa would be when he saw it.
...maybe not when he saw the mess of the glitter and paint, but he was hoping they'd let it slide.
As hours went by, he grinned at the finished-but wet-product and stood, squeaking as glitter fell as he did. With a quick glance in the mirror, he laughed at his reflection, his grin only growing as he heard his Papa's car pulling in. "Kay Imma go get him! Stay here's!" He tells the camera before avidly exiting his bedroom, kicking a few bottles of paint he had dropped earlier out of the way as he made his way downstairs.
"Papa! Papa!" Squeals Roman as he enters the living room. Immediately all eyes go to him and he watches as the three conversing caregivers at the moment-Logan, Patton, and Janus-stare at him with wide eyes and lowered jaws at the sight of him. "Papa I have a surprise for you! Come on! Come on!" Roman insists, bouncing up and down. He impatiently ran up and grabbed Logan's hand, giggling as he tugged him along. The three caregivers shot each other the same look and reluctantly followed, noticing the scattered bottles of paint in the hallway and attempted to mentally prepare themselves.
It didn't work.
As Roman pushed open his door, Janus audibly winced at the puddles of paint on the floor mixed in with unhealthy amounts of glitter. Patton sighed, knowing the mess would be a terribly long process to clean Roman and his room, but Logan wasn't worried about either of those situations at the moment. He was too focused on the fact that his shirt was on Roman's mess of a table.
"Tada!" Roman cheers, holding up a beautifully-well, as beautiful as a mentally two-year-old could get-painted rainbow.
"Is that my shirt?" Logan asks, frowning. Roman notices his expression and feels his shoulders drop and his bottom lip juts out.
"You don't like it?"
With a subtle jab to the ribs, Logan sighs softly. "No, no I appreciate the pop of color and overall creativity that went into the piece, thank you, Roman."
Roman beams, setting the shirt down before he dropped it.
"However," Logan continues. "You have some explaining to do-"
"Well, that's all guys!" Roman squeaks at the camera, waving his colorful hand. "I hope you liked it! It was lots of fun!" He cheers.
With an abrupt click, the camera was off.
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