Playing in the rain!- Prinxiety
Made by Mumsy!
Story plot by me but the actual story is made by my friend/rp mother!
Virgil gawked at the window, looking at the pouring rain. He started to open the door like an excited child when Roman spoke.
"Your seriously going out there?" The prince asked.
"Since when do you care? Besides I have a great immune system I NEVER get sick" The emo argued.
"Fine whatever" Roman rolled his eyes chuckling. Just like that virge sprinted out into the rain looking up st the sky with a bright smile on his face. Ro checked his phone.
Gainesville, Florida Weather
"VIRGIL GET YOUR SKINNY ASS BACK IN HERE" Roman opened the door to tell at him.
Virgil let out an audible groan, "WHY DO YOU SUDDENLY GIVE A FUCK ABOUT ME?!" Virge crossed his arms.
"Just a couple more minutes! Jesus Christ! Since when did you become Patton?!" Vi asked.
"Cuz maybe I care about their well being of others!" Ro exclaimed.
"Again I never get sick!" Virgil commented.
~10 minutes later~
"Well look who finally decided to come back" Roman smirked.
"S-s-sh-sh-s-shut u-u-up" Vi shivered wobbling inside. The prince noticed he was having trouble standing since he was cold and numb so he caught him.
"Why can't you stand?" Roman asked
"I-i-i-it was c-c-colder then I thought it was.."
Virgil shivered, his legs shook like jello, it was mainly because of cold but the fact that we was in Romans arms wasn't helping.
"I-i-i can b-barley feel m-my legs.." The younger held on to Roman shaking.
"God your really cold and wet" Ro felt his forehead. He led him to his bed room and told him to dry off and shower. Virgil nodded and went his room to do that, he took off his shirt and pants leaving him in undies since he hated boxers. The prince remembered he didn't have a towel and without thinking Roman opened his door to give it to him.
"Hm?.. AH! ROMAN WTF!?" Virgil yelled
"I DIDN'T MEMEATO I WAS GETTING YOU A TOWEL" Roman tried to defend himself. Virgil looked at himself and the small article of the feminine clothing he was wearing. He blushed and panicked.
Virgil screeched at the top if his lungs, throwing a pillow at him.
Roman in a flustered state slammed the door so Virgil was left alone.
"I FUCKING HATE YOU" He screeched through the door.
"VIRGIL I DON'T REALLY CARE THAT YOU WEAR THINGS LIKE THAT" The prince tried to make him feel better.
"DO YOU KNOW HOW TO KNOCK?!" The emo screeched.
"DON'T MAKE THE FUCKING JOKE." Virgil said sternly.
"I WASN'T GONNA!" Ro threw his hands up.
"JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!" Vi screamed, tears starting to come from the shame he felt.
He threw on a baggy black sweater that went over one shoulder and some dark purple sweat pants. The shorter left his room and slapped Roman across the face hard.
"Ow ok.. I deserve that" He held his cheek as Virgil walked past.
"I'm gonna shower, fucker. If you come in while I am ill rip ur dick off." Virgil grabbed a new towel because the other he used was wet from the rain.
"Jesus Christ.. Ok" Roman said casually covering his groin. Vi slammed him self in the bathroom and took a nice, long, hot shower. By this time the prince was on the couch looking at his phone minding his own business. Then verge eventually came out fully clothed and say on the opposite side. He sneezed this cute little kitten sneeze soon after.
"Aawwwe" Ro teased him
"Shut up."
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