2 part 2
So some people requested this, and I thought, why the hell not?
Top: Remus
Bottom: Virgil
Trigger warning: cheating
Kinks: Overstimulation, pet play, humiliation, spanking, orgasm denial, exhibitionism
The first bit is not at all smut so if you dont care about story line then skip I dont mind.
Also it doesnt perfectly fit the last one but it fits pretty well. Just assume that everything deceit was saying about joining was a joke and it's all sorted.
Virgil POV
I woke up, and I felt right at home. Then I realised. Fuck, I was in Remus's bed. I had to get back to see Roman right now. Hopefully he wasnt up yet. I quickly moved myself out of Remus's arms. He started to wake up as I got out. "Heya baby." I say softly, as to not startle him. "I'm gonna have to go back now. But I'll be back soon I promise. I'll get this sorted." He mumbles some sort of responce. "I love you too baby." I say, and then put back on all my clothes and head back to Roman's room.
I'm almost at Roman's room, when I hear something. Oh. This is interesting. I could hear some very.. interesting sounds. Sounded like, skin slapping? And... moans? Well. This was going to change things.
I opened Roman's door. And I saw him there, riding Deceits dick like there was no tommorow. "Well this is something." I say, as I took off my hoodie and hug it on the back of Roman's chair.
Roman fully screamed. Like fully screamed and tried to get off Deceit's dick. "Look man it's fine. You 2 finish off if you like and we can talk about this after? Okay? Okay. I'll be in my room." I grab my hoodie and head to my room.
It wasnt like, I'm angry and sad I'm gonna leave. It was just I was gonna give them a chance to finish fucking before we had the whole I guess we are fucking other people talk.
About 10 minutes later, Roman knocks on my door. "Heya ro." I say. As we both sit down on my bed. God this was gonna be awkward. "So... you're sleeping with Dee?" I ask. In the least aggressive tone I can.
"Yeah... I'm sorry. I just... he came to me, about a month ago. And he needed help, he was crying and I wanted to help him. He was crying and he... he kissed me. We met a few days later and we... started to sleep together." He says. He was staring at his lap and I could tell he had tears in his eyes.
"Hey, look I'm not mad." I say, holding his hand. "I havent been the most honest eather. You see... I'm really not vanilla." He looks at me in a slight bit of confusion. "A vanilla is a not kinky person. And you are one. But I'm... not. One time I went back to the dark side for advice. And... well..." I had to say it. I had to do this. "I've been fucking your brother." I say. Looking him directly in the eye.
He let's out a soft chuckle. "Sorry! Sorry I know it's not the time. Its just the face you made as you did that. You looked really constipated." He said. Starting to laugh a little more. I start to laugh a little myself. And soon we are crying with laughter.
I look him in the eye. "This was never gonna work properly was it?" I say as I wipe away the last few tears of laughter. Roman shakes his head and I cant think of a single thing more to say. "Friends?" He asks, extending out a hand. He looks genuinely nervous about it. "Friends." I say as I shake his hand. "Now, go tell Dee about what's happened so he knows I wont murder him." I say with a laugh as Roman heads out.
*all that cute fluffy shit is done. This is the start of the smut . Thank God*
When Roman was gone, I summoned Remus. He must have been still asleep because he was still asleep, naked and hard when he showed up. It was weird when you were summoned when you were asleep. Because you immediately woke up. It felt really weird. His eyes snapped open as he became aware of his surroundings. He immediately shoved his hands over his dick, but when he realised it was only me here, he let go. "Heya baby." He said. Sitting down next to me. He didnt bother trying to cover anything or trying to hide his morning wood.
"Heya." I said, before turning his face to mine and kissing him. It was a softer kiss than usual, but still not soft. He slowly teased my bottom lip with his tounge and I opened my mouth, letting it enter. I soon pull away with a smile. "I did it." I tell him. "And you will never guess what!" I then explain to him about how I walked in to Roman riding Deceit's dick. We laughed about it a little. And then I slide onto his lap.
"Hey baby. Careful about where you are sitting." He said. "No. I dont think I will be careful." I say, smirking. I was in a very teasing mood. Because I could be as loud as I wanted and noone could say a word. Because I had heard all of them before, and I was finally with someone who made me be loud.
"Now now. Dont you want me to do my plan?" He says with a smirk. Now I'm intrigued. I always love Remus's secret plans. They were always fun and involved alot of pleasure. Usually a bit of pain too. But they were pretty much the same thing at this point. "Well what do I have to do to get this plan in action?" I ask, wiggling my ass softly.
"You keep being a brat and you will never get it." He says, but I can tell that me being a brat is exactly what he wants. He has this look in his eye. Or maybe he doesnt, and I just want to be a brat. So I rock my hips again. "Hmmm, I dont know. Being a brat sure sounds fun." I say, biting my lip softly. I just loved to tease.
"Baby. Watch what you are doing. You might get something different to what you want if you keep being bratty." He says. But I wasnt done yet. I leaned right close to Remus's ear and whispered. "But what if that is the exact thing I want?" And then softly bit on his ear lobe.
Once I unattach myself from his earlobe, he looks at me, and then changes the conversation all together. "You know your little friends? I wonder what they would think if they saw you acting bratty like this? If they saw what a slut you really are?"
The thought of that, it sent ideas spiralling through my head. How each side would react to seeing me like that. "Well, Roman would probably be very embarrassed, Deceit would joking ask to join again. And Patton, well he would just start hoping to God that Logan does something like that with him." I say. But I dont see why that's relevant. "Are you gonna fuck me into this bed yet? I can just call your brother back if you wont." I say, I obviously wouldnt. He didnt pleasure me in the slightest. But Ree didnt know that.
Before he said anything, he lunged at my neck. I moaned loudly. My neck was really sensitive. He was sucking it and licking it. And a few minutes later my neck was absolutely covered in hickies. "You belong to me." He says, slightly out of breath. "And I am going to show all your little friends that you do." He says. My breath hitches at the idea. "Now get on the floor." He says, suddenly using his dominant voice. I gasp softly, and then slide off his lap.
I look up at my master, wondering what he will decide to do next. I whine softly. I was almost fully hard now. But I wanted to give my master pleasure. He looked down at me. "Such a cute little mutt." He says, holding my face in his hand. His hand then slipped down to my throat, and he grasped it. "But also. Such a bad mutt. Such a slutty little pup." I gasped as I tried to get enough air.
He soon let go, and as he did he summoned his clothes and put them on. Just a pair of black jeans and a green tank top. I then looked down and realised he changed my clothes too. A little purple and black tutu skirt, which meant when I was crawling along the floor, everyone would be able to see my panties. I also had a black top on, that had in green sparkly text "Daddy's". The shirt barely covered anything, it went only just below my nipples. I then felt a collar around my neck, my usual black spikey one. And it was attached to a leash, which was ofcause held by daddy. I also had my usual puppy ears on, and my puppy tail plugged into my ass.
"Come on pup." He said, before starting to pull at my leash to take me out of the door. Into the living room. Where everyone was. I could hear them, all sat there chatting. Probably about the relationship changes. But I did what my master told me to do and followed him out of the door.
As soon as we got into the living room, there was a silence that fell across them. I couldnt tell if it was because I was crawling across the floor in a tutu with a boner, or because of who had my leash.
Logan was the first one to break that silence. "Hello Remus. Cute pup you got there." Daddy sat on the sofa as I sat at his feet. "Thank you Logan." My master responded. "But hes been being a bit of a bad puppy today." He says, looking at me and shaking his head. "Well with my pup, I always go for discipline, make sure they know their place." It was then that I first looked up and sat Patton also sat at Logan's feet. Woah. I knew they were into some stuff but I didnt know they went as far as me. In public as well. I had to leave my room more. I really wanted to go over and play with Patton. But I knew I could get into serious trouble for that. I had already been bad.
Logan and Remus continued to talk. As they did I looked around a little more. Deceit and Roman were watching the telly, not paying much attention. After snuggling maybe a little too close together, the odd comment, they left for Roman's room together.
I then moved my eyes to Patton. He didnt have a leash on. He must have been good. And he was just happily sat at his masters feet. I wanted to go play with him. But knew that I would get in more trouble. I moved my leg slightly, and then I realised how hard I was. "Stop moving pup." Remus said. And I couldnt move. I was hard as anything and it was rubbing against my tutu. And now I wasnt aloud to move.
I sat still like that for about 5 minutes. But then I became desperate. I had made a puddle of precum under where I was sat. It was hard not to say anything or do anything about it. But when I was my master's puppy in public, i couldnt say anything. Unless it was an emergency.
I became desperate for more friction, and started slowly starting to move my hips backwards and forwards, rubbing my hard cock on my tutu. I knew this was a bad idea and that I would get caught. But I had to. I so desperately needed to. And daddy was busy talking. So he shouldnt notice.
I was starting to get closer, and the next part was the part I didnt think though. I could hold in my noises well, but I couldnt control my cum. And now I was fucked. Because I could feeling it coming closer and closer and... I came. All over the carpet. I breathed heavily as I came down from my high. And then I looked over at Patton. He saw. I would just have to hope that he wouldnt tell Logan.
Just as I thought that, he turned to Logan and barked softly at him. "Yes pup?" He asked. And then some how, with only barks and head movements, Patton told the whole room that I really needed my problem solving. He didnt realise I came. He thought he was doing me a favour. But now, when daddy took me back to our room, everyone would see the puddle I left.
"Thank you Patton." Remus said as he stood up. "Come on pup, let's get your problem sorted." He started to pull on my leash, and I had to follow. He hadnt noticed. Hopefully Logan or Patton didnt tell daddy. Or I would be in for it.
"Hold on a sec Remus." I heard Logan say. "I think your puppy left something." Remus turned around and saw the puddle that I had left. Oh God. I was fucked.
"What's that?" Remus asks, turning to me. I whined out as a responce. "You know the rules mutt. Clean it up." But before I could do anything, Logan said. "Well why dont they both clean it up. Patton is always hungry for cum arent you? Even if it's not daddys." Patton nodded his head alot after that, and walked over to help clean it up. I walked back over to where I was sat, and started to lick the carpet clean of all my cum. "And dont think that will be your only punishment mutt." He says. As I continue to lick up the mess with Patton.
"Dont they look perfect?" Daddy said to Logan. And Logan made a noise of agreement back. "Say Logan. One time, why dont we try something together? With the pups, maybe with us too? Fun experiment you know?" Daddy suggested to Logan. "That would be a great idea. We can sort out the details once you have punished your mutt." Logan responded.
Soon me and Patton had cleaned up all the cum. Once we were done we each looked to our daddys and they called over their puppies. I then followed Remus back to my room. I knew that I was in for it when we got back.
As soon as we got in, Remus grabbed my collar and pulled me up. Then he pinned me against the wall. Before I could do anything, he was kissing me. And I immediately kissing back, letting his tounge sweep all around my mouth. I was starting to moan into his mouth, and a second later, his thing was inbetween my legs. "Yeah grind on my leg slut." And I did, I was grinding down on his thigh and kissing him and I couldnt stop moaning.
"God, what you did was so fucking hot." He says as he started kissing my neck. I was moaning loudly now, nothing to stop them getting out. "You thought I didnt see you, softly grinding on the floor. It took all of my control not to fuck you right there on the sofa." The idea of that was flooding my head. I moaned louder at the idea. "Yeah you like the idea of that slut?" Remus said, he stopped sucking on my neck, he put a hand eather side of my head and kept moving his thigh between my legs. "You want daddy to fuck you infront of everyone? Well I can give you the next best thing right now." He said, before leaning close to my ear to whisper, "I'll make you scream so loud that they can all hear." I moaned loudly at that. "Please daddy! Please fuck me!" I practically screamed out. "Not yet. I want to ser you cum all over my thigh." I was getting closer and closer. My thighs were starting to shake from overstimulation.
"Daddy daddy please please can I cum!" I beg. I was so close. "Cum for me baby." He whispers in my ear. And I cum loudly with a moan. Not quite screaming point yet.
The second after I came he grabbed me and thew me onto the bed. Before I could say anything, my tail and tutu were summoned away. I spread my legs wide. I desperately needed him now. I was desperate for his cock, even if I was already starting to be overstimulated.
Remus did something very not him next, he didnt rush over and thrust into me. He started palming me though my panties. I moaned loudly. "I want to see just how long you can cum for. How does that sound? Let's see if we can get to... 4 times. Sound fun?" Our maximum so far was 3, this was going to hurt. "Please daddy." I moan out.
Daddy moved his hand faster on my panties, before taking them off and starting to jack me off. God it was amazing. "Look at this. This tiny little cock. I can fit it all in my hand, so tiny." My master says. God, I loved it when he made fun of my cock. I moaned out louder. His hand then stopped moving. "Fuck my hand baby." He says. And I do. Weakly thrusting up my hips, trying to get the pleasure that I desperately needed.
"Master, I'm getting closer." I moan out, continuting to thrust my hips up. "Please please daddy! Can I cum please daddy!" I almost screamed out. He wasnt responding. I desperately needed to cum, but daddy hadnt said I could. I desperately tried to hold it in. "Daddy please I dont want to cum without permission, please!" I desperately moan out.
I tried to still my hips, in a desperate attempt to stop the pleasure. But as soon as I did Daddy started to jack me off. Hard. I was soon gasping out, grasping at the bed sheets. "Daddy daddy please please I'm gonna... I'm gonna..." I managed to moan put before my cock exploded with cum. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry daddy." I say, beating heavily. I knew I would be in trouble for that. Because I was never aloud to cum without permition.
"Oh baby. That was a shame wasnt it?" He said softly. "If you had managed to hold it, I wouldnt have to do this." At that he flipped me over and smacked my ass hard. I moaned out as he did. He was always so harsh when spanking, it was fucking amazing.
He spanked my ass again. It was in exactly the same spot I moaned out loudly as he did. "Please daddy. Fuck me please." I moan out softly, before he spanks my ass again, which makes me almost scream.
He then flips me back over, and I dont know what hes doing. I felt him pull out the tail and hoped to high heaven that he was finally going to fuck me. That was till I feel his tongue at my entrance. He was eating my ass. I whined out at the feeling, this was amazing too. "More more more please!" I moan out. My legs were shaking so badly, but I desperately craved more. More pleasure. More pain. Just more of my master.
His tongue was soon fully in my ass, and before I knew it, he had hit my prostate. I whined out as soon as he did, wriggling around in pleasure. My cock started to creep it's way back up, it was so painfully perfect.
But before I knew it, once again I was begging to cum. "Daddy! Daddy please please I gotta cum I'm gonna cum!" I moan out. At that he slipped his tounge out of me, I whined put at that. But I knew what would come next would be even better.
In less than a second, his dick was lined up with my ass and he was already pressing into me. The stretch was always amazing. My back arched as he went into me, God this felt so good. He didnt show any signs of slowing. And I hoped he didnt. The stretch of his cock is something that I had craved desperately for so long. Even if we only fucked yesterday.
Before Daddy could even get 5 thrusts in, he had found my prostate. I started to scream out in pleasure, the pain and pleasure of it all was just too much.
My cock was already hard as anything. "Please daddy please fill me up! Fill me with your cum and let me cum all over you! Please!" I begged out. I didnt know if any cum would even be able to come out of me at this point, I just wanted that release of pleasure.
I could tell Remus was getting closer, his thrusts were getting slower by the second. I gave my ass a tight squeeze to help him get closer. "Please can I cum daddy!" I moan out, I was so desperately close!
He nods, and what little cum I have left in me soon spurts out. I scream loudly as I cover myself and daddy in the sticky mess. I arch my back as I cum, small tears forming in my eyes from the pleasure and pain of it all.
Less than a second later, Remus cums deep inside of me, filling me up so fully. He moans out loudly as he does, and then falls on the bed beside me.
Fuck, I was gonna get fuck so much better now everyone knows about Remus and me.
Heya! Sorry this took forever, I have been going through a bit of a rough patch but I'm gonna try to post ad often as I possibly can now, which is hopefully more than the usual of once a month...
I hope you enjoyed, please let me know if I need to add any trigger warnings or change any spellings.
Love you all
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