Patton X Virgil Part 2
[Requested Story]
[Spoilers To Newest Episode!]
Virgil's POV
Virgil sighed as Patton tried to comfort him from the other side of the door. It wasn't fair. Virgil stood up from his bed as he shed a small tear. He wiped it off his cheek and went to the door to open it for his dear crush, Patton. "Virgil?" Patton basically asked as he stood up and turned to him. "I know you know I was one of them." Virgil said as he looked down. Patton backed up in shock, "Is that what's this is about?" Patton asked as he narrowed his (thicc) eyebrows.
"Not exactly, I guess... I told Thomas that I was one of them." Virgil vented in tears. They poured out his red eyes. "H-how did he take it?" Patton asked though sort of knew the answer deep down. "Based on the yell you probably heard in the Mind Palace, not so good. He took a step back and... And he just looked at me with fear. It was like he didn't accept me anymore, it was like all those learning videos we all made together with love meant nothing, Patton! Nothing..." Virgil said as he started to repeat in desperation.
"Virgil... We don't have to talk about it if you dont want to." Patton reassured Virgil with a soft smile. "Yeah I- I don't want to." He said simply as he sat back onto his bed.
"Well lets not think about Thomas. But... Lets talk about, me?" Patton said as he crawled behind Virgil with a sweet smile. "Huh?" Virgil asked as he tired to look behind himself. Though Patton wrapped his legs around him and started to play with his dark purple hair. "I-I--.." Virgil began to speak as he quietly moaned.
Patton then brought his hands underneath Virgil's jacket and shirt onto his chest, rubbing his fingertips onto the anxious boy's nipples. Virgil softly moaned a bit more as his eyebrows narrowed. "Is this alright?.." Patton made sure his boyfriend was okay. "Y-yeah just didn't expect this right now-.." Virgil heavily breathed as he moaned more and a tent started to form in his pants.
"Alright baby boy~" Patton whispered into Virgil's ear. Anxiety's tired eyes almost rolled back as Patton quicking sat onto Virgil's lap, grinding hardly and roughly onto his member. Virgil groaned loudly, "agH-- daddy,, mHmm I want you... I need you daddy.." Virgil said softly, mostly into Patton's ear. Patton threw off his cardigan and blue shirt as he then zipped off his jeans. Virgil slowly took of his patted jacket then his black t-shirt and then his baggy pants. Though they both kicked off their pretty clean socks. Patton sat onto the bed and Virgil sat on his knees, his mouth very close to Patton's member.
Patton smiled as he forcefully grabbed Virgil's purple hair. Virgil began to suck simply onto Patton's member. "Ah- hh.." They both moaned in unison. "aH RoMan--" Logan moaned loudly next door as that room was Logan's. Patton and Virgil connected eyes as they chuckled.
Virgil basically chuckled onto Patton's member though, the vibrations ran up to Patton as he felt much pleasure. Patton moaned a lot more as it made him feel such pleasure and joy about his boyfriend, Virgil. Virgil then smirked flirty a bit as he began to roughly suck and slid his tongue over and onto Patton's slit. "VIrgiL- ahH, ple-ase I'm gonna--" Patton moaned into words as Virgil slowly stopped. They both breathed happily as Patton didn't cum.
Patton then pulled up Virgil onto the bed with him. "You have any condoms?" Patton asked as Virgil is almost always prepared. Virgil hung his head over the bed to grab a condom under his bed and handes it to Patton to get closer to him. "Oh you naughty little boy." Patton sighed with a flirt and wink. He ripped off Virgil boxers as Virgil went into a crawling position onto the bed. Patton hopped behind Virgil as his member was near, he opened the condom and wrapped it onto his member. Virgil moaned at the thought of Patton's big member in him.
Patton got lube onto the condom and shoved his member in Virgil's ass. "aGHhH-hHhMMmmn!.. D-ahH oh goSh thaTs sO gooD dAddy!!~~.." Virgil moaned loudly as pleasure came over his body. Patton smiled so much as he loved Virgil's beautiful body and position he was in. "Ah bAby!" Patton yelled a bit loudly as he kept pushing in all in then out a bit. In and out, quickly as Virgil cried. "A-a a a... Time for something.. More~~" Patton moaned a bit as he grabbed a remote vibrator. Virgil's eyes wided with tears as he choked on some sobs with pleasure and a crooked smile. Patton shoved the vibrator in Virgil mouth, widely. Patton turned it on, all the way as Virgil chocked on the vibrator.
Patton kept shoving in and out as they were both close to cuming. "mH-- aHhh.. Da-ddY caN I cum pLease..." Virgil kept moaning and moaning drooling onto the vibrator. "Yes baby boy~.." Patton moaned out softly with such a loving smile as he shoved into his prostate. Virgil came onto the sheets as Patton came inside the condom.
"I will always love you, baby..~"
889 words
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