lost warrior-Isabella
Logan sits near the fire reading the dictionary, enjoying every word that he could find. Patton curious as he rushes to Logan and hugs him, "LOGAN!!" Patton smiles, Patton knows that it was fine to do that since Patton knew about Logan's secret. While looking around Patton spots Deceit wearing armour and holding a sword, Patton starts to run scared and afraid, to his room. "LOGAN!!! DECIET'S BACK" Roman yells, Logan jumps up rushes to his room and gets his gear ready. He walks out to find Virgil trying to fight deceit. "Virge! Don't try!" Logan yells, Virgil stares at logan confused, he looks towards Virgil waiting for a response. Virgil nods and wishes Logan luck as Roman and Remus are talking about who is the cuter couple, Prinxiety or Logicality. Logan quickly remembers that his goal is to make sure everyone is safe, even deceit. Suddenly Logan rushes behind the couch and grabs Deceits favourite toy that he knows about. "Deceit... I've got her..." Logan teases, Deceit stands still shocked, "YOU BETTER GIVE THAT BACK!" Deceit yells, Logan rushes as fast as he can to deceits room putting the toy down rushing out and locking the door. He pants as he falls to the floor exhausted. "Logan??? Why are you lying on the floor?" Patton asks. Logan shock jumps up confused. "Wha... what are you doing here?" Logan stutters. "I was going to get Deceit a drink..." Patton says. Of course, Patton would do that, he's the friendliest father figure you could get. Logan wipes his face and stands up pretending nothing happened. "Why were you lying there?" Roman asks. Logan sighs as he walks away with Patton holding his hand together. "Do you think we'll ever know?" Roman asks Virgil. Virgil shakes his head.
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