Nightmares [Logicality]
Ship: Logicality (who would've guessed)
AU: Mindpalace
TW: nightmares. hence the title
and sad Logan
[Logan POV]
After scribbling down one last note, I could feel my eyes grow heavy once again. It was 12:21 am, and I know I need a persistent sleep schedule to feel refreshed and ready, but I just needed to jot down some things before going to bed.
I yawned and put my pencil down before turning off the light. I didn't even bother moving to my bed from my desk. I was that tired.
And just like that, I was in darkness.
The others were standing around me, but their form wasn't exactly solid. It was as if they were nonexistent balls of lights - hallucinations, maybe. They started so swirl around me. The sight itself was astonishing, but something left and eerie feeling in my stomach.
They got closer and closer, so close I couldn't breathe. The common sense solution here would to be to walk away, but I couldn't. I mean, I probably could, but my body wouldn't even attempt to move.
The purple and yellow lights plugged themselves into my ear, and suddenly I couldn't hear anything anymore. Pitch silence. I could try to pull them out, but I couldn't. It were as if my body was superglued in place. Moving my body was completely out of the question.
I tried to scream, so maybe someone could hear me, but the green light covered my mouth. I'm not sure if I made a sound or not - I couldn't hear.
The red and blue lights continued swirling, but their speed kept on accelerating until I couldn't chase them with my eyes anymore. It was a blur of purple.
I tried to close my eyes to stop my head from pounding. The red light flew out of it's orbit and plunged itself into my eyes, sending a piercing pain throughout them. Both of them somehow. Which doesn't really make sense, since there was one light and two eyes.
The blue light stopped, and just hovered in front of me for a moment. Was anything happening? I'm not sure. I could hear, and my vision was blurred.
The light went around me once before before diving into my heart and killing me-
I woke up with a jolt, bumping my head on the back of my desk chair, noisily. My breathing was heavy, or, was I even breathing at all?
My head hurt, and for a second or two, I could hear nothing but my own heartbeat.
Which was still beating. I was still alive.
Looking at it objectively, I was fine. My body's state seemed fine and I should've been able to go back to sleep.
Something was pecking at me, though. An eerie feeling. Odd, since I couldn't even remember the dream I had just had.
Before I knew what I was doing or where I was going, I stood up and my legs walked me to Patton's room.
Halfway down the hallway, though, I see him emerge from his room and I stop dead. If I was quiet about it, I could stand here until he leaves and then go back to my room.
He looked in my direction. "Logan? Is that you?"
A tried to force a calm smile, "Uh... salutations?"
He walked up to me and put his hands on my shoulders. I tensed up at the contact.
"What are you doing up so late?"
I stuttered for a moment before saying, "I could say the same for you."
Patton hesitated before grabbed my hand and sitting against the wall of the hallway. I joined him.
"I heard a loud noise." He said in a childish voice. He sounded embarrassed, "They scare me."
I couldn't help but smile at him.
"I was just going to get a drink of water..." He continued, "Usually water helps. I'd probably check on you guys, too, to make sure the noise wasn't any of you falling off your bed."
I couldn't help myself from asking, "What, have any of us actually fallen off our beds?"
He smiled at me, "You."
I felt my face heat up. I don't remember ever waking up on the floor. That could only mean one thing, really.
After a long pause, he says, "And Roman."
I tried to get the awkward image of Patton tucking me back into my bed out of my head. I couldn't, though. The more I thought about it, the more I wished I was conscious for their happenings. To feel Patton's arms around me... probably extremely comforting and warm-
"Your turn." Patton said quietly. "Why are you up?"
"I-" I stopped, trying to figure out if I should tell Patton about the nightmare. I couldn't even remember it well, so what would I say if he asked me to describe it? He would think I was crazy to have a dream about my friends as balls of light, right?
Patton put his hand on my knee. More physical contact I'm not used to, great. "You don't have to tell me, Logan. Whatever it was, it's over and you're safe."
I breathed out, still thinking about what I was going to say next. Maybe I didn't have to say anything. Maybe he would understand.
"Aw Logan..." He said, bringing his finger to my cheek and wiping off a tear. I was crying?
I looked away, ashamed that I let myself break down like this around someone. Around Patton, of all people.
The thing about Patton, though, is that he is probably the best person to cry around. He's supportive and understanding and warm and-
So it doesn't really make much sense that I'm scared to cry around him.
"N-nightmares." I finally chocked out. I was shocked to hear that my voice sounded raspy. I could feel the tears running down my cheeks now. Weird, since I could hardly remember what the nightmare was or why it scared me.
"You wanna talk about it?" Patton asked, not moving his hand from my knee.
"I- don't remember much." I admitted.
Patton moved his hand to grab mine, rubbing circles on my palm. It was soothing. "Just say what you remember. Talking about it always makes it better. Heck, you may even realize that your nightmare was irrational."
Oh it was.
I took a deep breath in and glanced at mine and Patton's hands. "There were lights. I think you were one-"
Patton chuckled, "I was a light? How enlightening."
Usually I would snap at him for using a pun, but in this situation it was calming and lightened my mood.
"A blue one, yes. I couldn't see well or move for some reason... Virgil and Deceit... deafened me..."
"Were they lights too?" Patton asked softly. I nodded.
"The green one... I think I ate it, maybe? No, no, that's not right-"
Patton laughed quietly. "It's fine, don't bother saying what you don't remember for sure. We gotta make sure we have the facts straight, right?" He laughed again.
"Of course. Well... I don't remember much more. You like shot into my heart and that's when I woke up..."
Patton looked at me with a amused, yet soft, look on his face. His cheeks were a little tinted.
He didn't say anything.
He didn't have to.
To my disappointment, he stopped rubbing my palm and removed his hand from mine. After a second of hesitation, he repositioned himself and wrapped his entire body around me, suffocating me with warmth.
Being suffocated with warmth is much more comforting than being suffocated with light.
I closed my eyes at the embrace, and couldn't stop myself from wrapping my arms around Patton.
My eyes didn't open again until the next morning.
I woke in bed, with the covers tucked in.
Published 3/29/20
Word Count 1316
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