Wisdom Teeth Pt. 3
(3rd person)
Deceit had to be full on dragged by both Remus and Logan. Deceit really hated dentists, the tools they used weirded him out.
When they got home, Deceit immediately ran to Remy and latched onto his arm. Remy jumped slightly and Deceit asked, "What's wrong Rem Rem?".
Remy blushed even more at this point as Logan took a picture of the scene before him. Deceit was very obvlivious to this and asked Remy, "Rem-Rem? Are you ok? You look flushed?".
Remy muttered out a quiet, "I'm fine" and sipped his coffee. Roman walked in on this fiasco to see a blushing Remy, Logan taking pictures, Remus saying his ship is sailing and Deceit hugging Remy.
At that moment, Roman walked into the room and saw the adorable scene in front of him. Roman then promptly walked out of the room because he forgot why he walked into there in the first place.
"Oh hush my dear" Deceit started to sing as 'Bad Liar' by Imagine Dragons came on. He then sang the rest of the song, not missing a single word or note.
Remy and the others were astonished at Deceit's abiltiy to sing. Deceit continued to sing any song the sides put on.
"Hey Little Girl, Your falling apart"
"I have loved you for a thousand years, I'll love you for a thousand more~"
"Youngblood! Say you want me, say you want me, OUT OF YOUR LIFE!"
They decided to have a break, well, Logan went to do some work but the rest of them had a snack.
When they sat on the couch, Deceit remembered a funny memory when they were younger. "Remember when you lost an Uno match to me when I was blindfolded, Remus?". Remus then promptly turned red, embarrassed such a memory was brought up and hid it by faking offence.
Remy got up to throw away his napkin and mindlessly kissed Deceit's cheek, causing the snake-like trait to melt into a puddle of blushing snek.
(Time Skip brought to you by Crossmare)
Remus had to watch Deceit and he regretted every second. Deceit would NOT stop ranting about something Remy did. If it wasn't his hair, it was his clothes or what he said to him a week ago.
Remus happily gave Deceit back to Remy after his shower. Remy found that Deceit often talked about him, even when he was in the room. Deceit would tell the truth with little to no hesitance.
(Time Skip)
Everyone was asleep, except Deceit. He had nightmares in the middle of the night. He walked to Remy's room and quickly fell asleep and had a pleasant dream.
(In the morning)
Remy woke up to see Deceit cuddled up next to him. He gently shook the snake like trait and when he didn't wake up, Remy stood up. Deceit whined, missing the heat Remy gave off.
Deceit looked up at Remy and blushed furiously but Remy picked him up and went downstairs, the others 'Aww'ing as Deceit blushed even darker.
(Goodbye my Geeks, Peeps and Non Binary Meeps~!)
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