Their Not Coming
(TW: Language, Unsympathetic!Roman,
(3rd Person)
"I've done nothing wrong, All I did was point out something" Logan said. He was arguing with Roman about him 'Breaking A Ton Of Rules' as Roman said.
Patton was scared, he didn't know who to trust. Logan was his best friend but Roman never lied and Virgil took his side. Patton reluctantly took Roman's side and joined in arguing against Logan.
It made Logan freeze, realizing he had no one to rely on he sunk out. Roman growling and Virgil taking deep breaths. Patton was calming them down and his mind completely forgot about Logan.
Logan was then sulking in his room when Remus appeared in his room. Remus then knocked him out, not expecting it to work but it did. He carefully picked up Logan and carried him to an extra room.
Once there, Remus locked the logical side in the room and went to Deceit. "So I got Logan, what do you want me to do when he wakes up?" Remus asks Deceit.
"Just have fun, no dirty things, but talk to him and maybe let him know of our 'plan' if that's even what we could call it" Deceit yawned and went to bed.
Remus walked back to the room to see Logan sitting on the bed, staring at the door. The logical side's expression didn't change even when Remus walked in and sat down.
Remus quickly started up a conversation, "How were the others? Are they fine?" It wasn't in a worried tone more like an annoying tone.
"What do you want, Remus?" Logan deadpanned, whatever emotion in his tone was faked. "Can't we just cause trouble?" Remus smiled.
"You can but what's the point if you take me" It wasn't a question, nor was it expected to come from Logan.
(Remus's POV)
I feel my expression fall, Logan whispered something but I couldn't hear what he said. It seemed like something along the lines of him being a screw up.
Logan's voice slightly softens, "They'll never come for me Remus, you should've taken Patton. He's far better".
I hear Deceit walk in behind me, he has a sort of weird aura around him. Logan glances at Deceit and flashes him a look that says, "Explain please".
"We are just going to cause a little bit of trouble, y'know it's fun seeing you guys so frustrated" Deceit chuckled.
Logan's apathetic expression stayed with a hint of [420] 'Do you realize who you are talking to?'. Deceit had in his arms a fluffy blanket and basically buried Logan in it.
Logan lifted the blanket to uncover his face and asked, "Why?". Deceit stuck out his tongue and replied, "To confuse you". Logan sighed and succumbed to the fluff.
I start to laugh as Deceit walks out, me stumbling behind him. I can hear Logan get up, grab something and sit back down.
When we got to the living room Deceit sighed and said, "I wonder when he'll realize that the door is unlocked,". And I started to laugh uncontrollably and fell to the floor.
*Time Skip 2 days*
Weird, they haven't come to get Logie-I mean Logan- from us yet. They should've yesterday! Maybe Thomas is having a lazy weekend and they don't realize, he did work hard-Hehe hard- this weekend.
Dee has not gotten the least bit worried yet! He seems to have forgotten or something, it's weird.
I checked in on Logan this morning and he didn't look that great. I mean, health wise. His shirt is visibly too big even though it's the same size he always wears, his cheekbones are more profined, and his arms look boney.
He started to wear jackets to hide it, smaller sizes too to mess with our minds a bit. He also has not realised his door is unlocked.
*Time Skip 3 more days*
Ok, it's getting weirder. Logan's not sleeping and we've set up a nanny cam in his room this morning to see what he's doing.
Dee is actually showing a but of worry, It almost been a full week by now! Thomas is for sure needing Logan for a crisis or a minor problem to be solved by his logic.
Me? I've been trying to get Logan to eat or sleep. He hasn't eaten anything since before we kidnapped him! We don't know what he does with his extra time.
*Time Skip 5 more days*
Logan found out his door was unlocked, we saw on the nanny cam. He also writes in a book a lot, and he found the door between our side and the light side but he stayed.
That's it! I'm getting Deceit and we are going to confront the other sides. I don't care how much Dee says no.
"Dee. We are going to confront the Lights and stand up for Logan. Get on your shoes" I stated coldly and went to get Logan.
I found him awake as always, and I picked him up and walked out the door and we all teleported to the Light's side.
They were all in the living room and had brought Thomas. This will be fun.
(3rd Person POV)
Remus's eyes went pure black. The had black ooze dripping out of them and smoke curling away from them.
"Logi isn't eating? I wasn't aware and I didn't know he was gone, he normally locks himself in his room and he eats the food I give him" Patton says.
Remus smiled towards him and motioned for Patton to get behind him and he continued to yell at Roman, especially after Patton said Roman would not let him give Logan food.
Deceit then pushed his way from behind Remus, and he spoke is a seemingly calm voice, "So it was you, Roman? Who made precious Logan depressed, anorexic a ND not to mention get insomnia from you abusing him?".
Roman slowly nodded and Deceit grabbed him by the collar and wacked him into the wall. He hugged the scared Virgil in the corner as Logan approached the creative side on the ground.
"So it was all a game? A sick game to try and kill me off?" He paused as Roman weakly evilly chuckled. Logan's eyes went dark purple and dull and raised his arm and dark purple magic collected around it, forming a fist.
"What kinda Seven Deadly Sins shit is this?!" Virgil yell-whispered. Then, Logan picked up Roman and set him on the couch, then smacked him, claiming it hurts more emotionally.
The rest of the sides ended up cuddling in the living room watching The Seven Deadly Sins.
(Can you tell I'm minorly obsessed with the show?)
(Anyways, PEACE OUT!)
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