Random Stuff
Virgil, while having an exitensial crisis: Hey do you ever wonder what's really at the bottom of the ocean?
Patton: I don't kn-
*Microsoft error noises*
(Logan has crashed)
Patton: I'd ground you if you weren't having an exitensial crisis
*Someone is calling Logan*
Virgil: *looks at the screen* Who TF is daddy?
Logan, while staring directly at Virgil: Hello Patton.
Virgil: *grossed out gagging noises*
Logan: *Watching a Game Theory Fnaf:Help Wanted Video*
Patton: *runs in and jumps on the kitchen table*
Logan: *closes laptop* Where's the spi- Creepy Crawly Death Dealer?
Patton: Roman's Room, We both ran in different directions so I don't know what happened to him
Logan: One moment *walks into Roman's room* Oh, It's Virgil's tarantula. (Can't remember their name)
Logan: *picks up the spider carefully* VIRGIL!
Virgil: What?
Logan: Come get your spider! It crawled into Roman's room!
Virgil: *opens door* Just set them down
Logan: *sets the spider down*
(The tarantula crawls to Virgil's room frantically)
Logan: Bye. *walks downstairs*
Logan: Taken care of
Patton: Yay!!!
Logan: Patton are you stuck?
Patton:........ Yes.
Remus: *walks downstairs* WTF?!
*Logan is clinging to Patton*
Patton: We ran out of Coffee. Remy looks worse
*Remus turns and Looks at Deceit and Remy*
*Remy is full on Koala clinging to Deceit and Virgil is face down on the ground*
Remus: And I thought I was the weird one
Patton: Yeah, want a pancake? *throws a pancake behind him*
Remus: *catches the pancake* I'm going to my room coffee cultists
Roman, bursting into the room: I GOT STARBUCKS!
Remy: *grabs the coffee and zips back over to Deceit*
Deceit: Hehe, you and your Starbucks
Remy: What? You Jelly~?
Deceit: *fake gasp* Not around innocent ears!
Patton: *leans head to the side like a puppy* ????
Logan: I don't know but give me my coffee Roman, I've suffered without it too long
Deceit: I need help
Remy: Which snake did you lose this time
Deceit: I didn't lose a snake
Remy: Well then what did you lose?
Deceit: Remus, I tied him to a tree and I came back 4 hours later to see he chewed through it
Remy: The Tree?
Deceit: Both
Remy: ........ Do we have to?
Deceit: Yes, he might bother the others, plus I want to tackle him like a snake
Remy: That will be fun, let's go find him
Deceit: *curled up in the corner of the couch sleep talking*
Deceit, in a sweet tone: Come on Remus, you can jump, It's only 69 stories
Remy: *sips coffee*
Roman: Of course 69
Patton: Why?
Logan: Don't. You. Dare. Tell. Him. *death glare*
Me: Well that was the end of that madness.
Goodbye My Geeks, Peeps and Non Binary Meeps~!♡♡♡♡
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