Roman : oh my god ! It's a compliment. You're cute , you should accept it .
Virgil : I won't be cute when I take your kneecaps .
Virgil : Dude-
Janus : I just had my tongue in your mouth five minutes ago . Don't you dare call me 'dude'.
Patton : I'm waiting for Logan to get here before heading to the car .
Roman : * Dramatically opening the door * I wait for no man ! * flourishes out*
Virgil : getting murdered in the woods wouldn't even be my least favorite thing about camping .
Virgil : It's so hot .
Remus : yeah sorry , it's because of me .
Roman : yeah , because you're a demon .
Janus : No, it's because of global warming.
Logan : my boyfriend needs to be graceful, sophisticated, and coordinated.
Remus : hey lo- * crashes into a table , falls and drags everything off the table with him *
Logan : ...
Logan : I want that one .
Virgil : let me handle this . I have a score to settle .
Janus : alright .
Patton : ...
Janus : I mean , revenge is never the answer .
Patton : * nods and turns away *
Janus , whispering to Virgil : kick some ass Storm .
Patton : never apologize for your faint dog getting over excited. If I get taken down by 100 pounds of mass fluff than that's how I go .
Roman : why do you rock back and forth so much ?
Virgil : I don't know , it's comforting and if I don't it gets like , harder to deal with all the noise and shit .
Roman : y'know what , not gonna say I get it but I will say it makes your hair floof more and that's cute .
Virgil : you shut your whore mouth .
Remus : I think 8 is the hottest number . Like , look how thicc it is , two c's .
Roman : it is taking all my will power to not slap you right now .
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