Roman : why hasn't anyone killed you yet ?
Janus : Dumb luck . In that I'm lucky you're all so dumb .
Patton : Janus , I'm so happy I could kiss you !!!
Janus : uh... thanks !
* later *
Janus , lying face down on Remus's bed : I can't believe I thanked him , Remus . Thanked him . He wanted to kiss me and I said " thanks ". Why ? Because I'm a huge moron .
Remus , patting Janus on the back : hey , don't beat yourself up over it . Things like that happen . Remember when Logan said he loved me ?
Janus : didn't you say "neat~?"
Remus : I said "neat".
Remus : what are you doing ??
Logan , sitting on Remus' chest : science says human contact is good for the soul .
Remus , raising an eyebrow: I thought that you didn't have a soul darkness ?
Logan , softly : for you , Remus ...
Remus now blushing and trying to hide his face in his own shirt : oh-
Virgil : Big mood .
Logan : and what does this internet slang mean ? I need to made another flash card .
Virgil : uh , it means like , ' me too' , I guess ...
Logan : thank you , Virgil .
* 1 week later *
Patton : I'm worried about this decision it doesn't feel right ...
Logan : big mood , Patton , big mood .
Roman : Virgil what did you do -
Virgil : since it's impossible to know which part of my life is the middle , I've decided to have an ongoing crisis.
Remus and Virgil : * do something stupid *
Janus : I hate you both .
Remus : don't lie , you love us .
Janus : ... maybe .
Logan , with Janus hugging him : Are you okay ?
Janus : I need attention and cuddles . Please give me attention and cuddles .
Logan : * hugs him to his side so he can keep doing what's he's doing *
My precious husband, you will get all the attention and love .
Logan : here you are , one tasty health drink . Virgil : do me a favor , will you ? Throw that down the toilet. Cut out the middle man .
Virgil : on a scale 1 to 11 being that you're fine and 12 being that you're so dead that there's nothing left how dead are you ?
Virgil to Janus : FUCK your head and the neck it rode in on !
Remus : what if there was like , bible fan fiction ?
Logan : once again , the Divine comedy , Dante's Inferno , Purgatorio , and Paradiso ; and Paradise Lost are bible fan fictions .
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