Roman : I will actually stab you if you say 'butts' one more time .
Remus : * thinks for a minute *
Remus : snake tiddies .
Roman : * pauses * that's decidedly worse than butts
Roman : * stabs him *
Remus : Woohoo !
Janus : leave me out of your sibling fights , Remus ! I'd rather no be stabbed to !
Patton : How you doing Kiddo??
Virgil : I'm alright . But I have a headache that comes and goes
* Janus walks in *
Virgil : Oh look . There it is .
Remus : I'm gonna go masturbate some strawberries.
Logan : Don't you mean maccrate ?
Remus : ...
Logan :...
Logan : your hands .
Patton : what's wrong with my hands ?
Logan : they look heavy .
Logan , taking Patton's hands : let me hold them for you .
Patton , tearing up : oh .
Logan : I just want to hear those three little words .
Remus : I love you ?
Logan : try again .
Remus , sighing : I will behave .
Roman : How's the most beautiful person in the world doing ?
Virgil : I don't know , how -
Janus , from across the room : I'm doing great , thanks .
Janus : oh , complain , complain ! You know , when life gives you lemons -
Roman : I wish I had the ability to make boys really nervous .
Remus : holding a really sharp knife to their necks usually does the trick for me .
Virgil : as a boy , I can confirm that this makes me really nervous .
Roman : I hate it when people ask " what's the stupidest thing you've ever done ?"
Janus : awfully bold of you to assume I've reached peak dumbass .
Remus : so I got kicked out of the video because apparently, I'm a " liability" and "reckless" , and "Remus" . The last one's just my name but you should hear the tone they say it in .
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