Patton : why do you watch so much murder stuff Jan ?
Janus : just in case you slip up .
Patton : * eyes start tearing up *
Roman : today I learned NASA's plan to dispose of corpses in space is to freeze them in the airlock and then violently shake the body with a robotic arm until it turns to space dust .
Remus : bad astronauts get put in the corpse wiggler
Logan : what the actual fuck ?
Emile , with his notepad : Logan do you think that your father is a bad person ?
Logan , squeezing a stress back with white knuckles: statistically? No . He is a nurse .
Logan , suddenly squeezing it tighter : But emotionally ?
Logan : I hope he burns in whatever after life that fucker believes in .
Logan : my love ?
Remus : yes ?
Virgil : yeah, babe ?
Janus : what , Lo ?
Logan : I have gain two extra boyfriends somehow .
Virgil : yeah , kind of a package deal sort of situation, sorry babe.
Logan : No,no ,I love it . Just look at them , they're so cute and smart in their own ways ! I'm happy to call them my boyfriends too !
Virgil : three nerds and a bean .
Logan : the anxious bean and his three chaotic nerds .
Patton : hey Janus , what do you want to drink ?
Janus : I only drink the blood of my friends <3
Janus : and the occasional milkshake .
Virgil : * in the kitchen eating ice cream *
Remus : Ooh ! Is that a new flavor!?
Yeah it's called " depression raspberry "
Remus : * licks Virgil's lips *
Remus : yeep ! I can taste the raspberry!
Virgil : * falls off chair *
Logan : * kisses Janus *
Janus : * happy giggly snake noises *
Logan : Are you alright
Janus : yeah , just in love .
Logan : oh good , I am too .
Janus : * looks at Remus *
Janus : I hate everything except for you .
Remus : * smiles * love you to , Jan .
Janus : how did you find your meal ?
Patton : oh it was nice , thanks !
Janus : that's not what I meant and you fucking know it
Patton : Remus told me where you hid it , you psychopath.
Virgil : Dad , I um ... I'm dating Logan .
Patton : oh you kiddos are so cute together ! I'm so proud you found someone to love !
Patton , to Logan : * cheerily * you break his heart , I break you .
Logan : I'm afraid.
Janus : is that what I smell ..?
Janus : is this tolerance ?
Virgil : you don't have to be all smug about it .
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