Janus : guys , what are you doing !?
Remus , Logan ,& Virgil : * look up from the fire they're about to create *
Janus : never mind . I don't want to be incriminated , I have a job as a lawyer to keep .
Remus : I've just invented cake
Logan , on the phone with Janus : are you safe ?
Janus : depends , do you qualify being on a date with remus that will almost certainly end in a bed together safe ?
Logan : I mean ... it's safe enough for your specific brand of chaos so have fun .
Janus : Logan , can you hug me ?
Logan : um ... okay ?
Logan : * awkwardly hugs Janus *
Logan : does this help ?
Janus : I'm both cold and touch starved . You could have let go already and it would have helped .
Logan : well now I'm just not letting go .
Janus : Marry me ?
Logan : sure .
Remus : am I the only one drinking these twinkies ?
Logan : you mean eating ?
Remus : * grabbing milk and the blender * I know what I said .
Logan : * picks up Janus *
Logan : * deposits Janus in front of Remus *
Logan : I believe this lost child is yours .
Remus : thanks .
Janus : I'm not that short !
Virgil : I had cereal, now I have my brain thinking I'm going to die again .
Virgil : impending doom at I right .
Patton : .... do you need a hug ? -
Roman : why are we here ?
Janus : because we're not dead yet .
Roman : I meant why were in a parking lot but thanks for that little piece of existential crisis.
Janus : you're welcome
Virgil : are you sure you know what you're doing ?
Remus : yeah , sure , hush .
Virgil : that does not make me more confident that you know what you're doing .
Remus : I've done this before !
Virgil : Remus this is a driving a car ! For the love of any pitiful god , tell me you're joking .
Remus : Nope .
Logan ; exasperated: guys the boat's gonna be near the river , not the mountains .
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