Remy : I've realized that I'm probably just perfect, and it's everybody else around me that's got issues.
Everyone: * insults Roman and disregards his opinion during a discussion *
Roman : * crying and cling to Remus *
Remus : * pointing to the others sides * eeny , meey , miny , moe , * Summons his morning star * Aaaaaaand you're first . * swings his morning star at Patton *
Virgil : you're ... shallow !
Deceit : shallow !?
Virgil: yeah!
Deceit : ... that is such a relief . I thought it's something serious. Like I was ugly .
Roman : I'm totally gonna sacrifice myself in the name of the resistance.
Remus: oh , and then I can hunt down your attackers and avenge your death !
Roman : Aww! That's sweet .
Thomas( to Remus in dwit) : where have you been my whole life ? And please go back there .
Virgil : what's the best way to kill someone?
Patton : kindness !
Logan : if we're being stealthy , then potassium cyanide . Otherwise anything from a knife to a bazooka works .
Remus : say it
Patton : No
Remus : say it
Patton : WHY
Remus : it's one syllable , Patton , starts with " s " ends with "x" . Say it
Patton : ... dog .
Remus : what
Patton: sorry I get dyslexic when I'm nervous
Remus: what
Deceit: *says something *
Virgil : bitch , shut up .
Remus : * raises morning star *
Virgil, suspiciously eyeing Deceit : why are you here ?
Deceit, tiredly : because I love you
Virgil , clearly startled : I -
Deceit , already pulling away to go back to his room : but I'm not foolish enough to think that means anything to you ...
Roman : I lost Virgil !
Patton : it's only been five minutes!
Roman : he's like 3 feet tall !
Virgil , yelling : I'm only 2 inches shorter than you , dumbass !
Roman : found him .
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