Roman, on the phone : hey babe , I recording a song right now and I am singing about girls , but when it ends I say I'm going to propose to you, is that alright with you ? ...it is ?! THANKS BABE !
Roman : PfffT! Your name is Janus ?!
Janus: says the name Roman , who named himself after being Thomas' Romantic side ...
Roman :...
Roman : Hey! I mean I know , but Hey!!
Roman : I'm sad .
Remus : I have hot cocoa
Roman : can I have some ?
Remus : Bitch , go make your own .
Roman : * sulks but goes to make his own to find Remus has left him a mug full of hot cocoa on the counter *
Roman : YOU ARE THE BEST Little Brother !
Remus : " go hang a salami ." Backward is " I'm a lasagna hog ." And that pleases me .
Janus : how did either of these sentences occur naturally for you to discover this ?
Logan : I like to pretend I'm emotionless but I have at least 200 mood swings a day .
Patton : I have a pet frog .
Janus , with literal stars in his eyes : can ... can I hold ?
Patton : what ?
Janus , even more desperately: can I hold ?! Please !!
Roman : specs , I lost my up sexy !
Logan : what's up sexy ?
Roman : not much , how about you ?
Janus : some people are like slinkies .
Thomas : ???
Janus : they aren't really good for anything but they bring a smile to my face when I push them down a flight of stairs .
Thomas : No.
Remus : I'm making cupcakes ! Taste the batter , Lo!
Logan , tasting the batter : put wine in them , I need more wine . Just dump as much as you possibly can without ruining the batter .
Remus : I love your ideas .
Patton , closing his eyes : say some... romantic.
Janus : you have something in your teeth . Want help...getting it out ?
Patton : * slowly opens eyes * Janus - what the f-
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