[ what really happened after SvS redux ...]
Virgil : Patton what the fuck is that ?
Patton : * holding Janus in his arms * a snek .
Virgil : on the last problem of the exam I just drew a picture of a cat and left .
Patton : I named my bathtub Phillip because it needs to Phil-up with water like good god why is it taking so long .
Logan : is the drain closed ?
Patton : ... well now it's filling nvm .
Virgil : dude what's wrong with your face ?
Janus : nothing , I'm just shedding . * peals off a piece of shed skin *
Roman : EW!
Remus :oooh , Janny Janny Janny ! Let me see that !
Janus : Do. Not.Eat . It
Remus : I won't , what do you take me for ?
Janus: ...
Janus :,_* stretchy arms the shed over to Remus *
Remus : * inspects shed, holding it up to the light , directly over Roman's face*
Roman : bro, that's disgusting.
Remus :...
Remus :...
Remus :* drops shed *
Roman : * inhuman screeching *
Virgil : oh no my barbecue sauce .
Roman : I thought you hated barbecue sauce .
Virgil : ...
Virgil: oh no my barbecue sauce .
Virgil : [ to Remus ] you think Patton ... sweet adorable Patton ... is a vicious killer frog ?
Virgil :* walks into the room *
Virgil : I am not dealing with that today , goodbye .
Virgil : * turns around and leaves *
Logan : okay , that's enough ! No more talking about Virgil !
Roman : bit you told me to get it out of my system .
Logan :I had no idea how much you had in your system !
Patton : * finds out that him and Janus have the same name reveal date *
Janus : ... yes , that's totally how that works .
Virgil: can I die yet ?
Logan : No.
Virgil : but pain .
Logan : who the fuck else could I get emotionally attached to enough to actually plan and have a goddamn wedding and honeymoon with ?
Virgil : you're right , I guess you'll just have to put up with my pain with me . Since you did vow you'd be with me through anything and all .
Logan : Fine . * let's himself be used as Virgil's personal body pillow *
Logan , once he's asleep : this is the chaotic man I love . How the fuck did I pull this off for 13 years ?
Patton : I vote we-
Janus: no. Sorry , and no offense Patton , but the stakes here are too high to let someone with your limited intellectual processing capacity weigh in .
Patton : I was gonna agree with you ...
Janus: oh great . Well , that's two votes for my plan .
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