Logan : Virgil , can you come over here for a second?
Virgil : yeah , what's up ?
Logan : * boops his nose * boop .
Virgil : * wildly blushing * wha-what why, huh?
Logan : oh , it was for scientific purposes. Don't worry about it .
Logan : * writes 'nose boop' on list of ways to make Virgil blush *
Deceit:alright everybody , we're going to plan 2 . Remus , do you have the blueprints ? Yes ? Good. Orange , you're now on demo . Lo, you're on spray - paint duty, how many backpacks can a human safely wear ? Doesn't matter , we have six and your wearing them , for the decoys , we only have have a limited amount of time , so -
Logan : wait , wait , wait , " plan 2" ? Don't you mean " plan B"?
Deceit: but that would imply I only have twenty - six plains .
Logan : ...
Logan : fair enough .
Remus : Logan , truth or dare ?
Logan : truth
Remus : do you have a thing for age play ?
Logan : ... next question -
Patton : shoot I'm locked out - I must have forgot my keys - um-
Patton : * knocked*
Roman : who's there ?
Patton : Patton .
Roman : * rolls his eyes * Patton who?
Patton : no -it's just me I'm locked out .
Roman : that was a terrible joke padre .
Virgil : * snacked Roman over the head and opened the door *
Patton : why is there a snake in my sock drawer ?!
Deceit: she needed a warm spot to lay her eggs .
Remus : alright Roman , you look great . Stop worrying .
Roman : the tooth is missing ! I look !! Like a pirate !!
Remus : yeah , so what ?
Roman : what if someone says something!?
Remus , excited : deck them !
Roman : wha-
Remus : it's such a brotherly bonding thing to do ! You'll both be missing a tooth ! * laughing hysterically *
Roman : Remus what the f-
Remus, smiling happily : PARTNER LOOK!
Roman : * yeets a whole loaf of bread at Remus *
Remus : * unhinges his jaw to swallow it whole *
Roman : ...
Roman : * high pitched screaming in panic *
Logan : do you want to mock people , or do you want to actually do something useful ?
Deceit: I want to mock people .
Deceit: there's no way that you of all people can surprise me anymore .
Logan ;...
Logan : scientists made seedless things so that we'd keep going back to the grocery store to buy produce instead of growing it ourselves
Deceit: FUCK YOU
Remus : is this gonna be one of those cool parties where things go out of control and we murder someone and then we all have to take a blood oath to never reveal our secret ?
Roman : um...no?
Remus : then I might have to leave early .
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