Remus : it's optional
Logan : stop signs aren't optional Remus !
Deceit, singing : I'm gonna strangle somebody in this household ~
Remus , without missing a beat : leave Virgil alone .
Remus , trying to get a reaction out of Logan : what if we kissed !!
Logan , completely deadpan: yeah, and then ?
Remus , having expected Logan to just ignore him : and then ??
Logan , grabbing Remus by his sash and getting way too close for it to be "friendly " : yeah, like what comes after that ? Do you wanna go on a date ? A movie ? The French Revolution? A vertical tango, that involves a moist can of Lima beans ? What ??
Patton : so do you like being kept inside 24/7 ?
Middle school! Logan : well I mean I don't have to see all the idiots . That I normally see at school so that's nice .
Patton : are you sure you're 13 ?
Remus, regressed: COOKIE TIME ! I WANT COOKIES!
Virgil : yeah, yeah , working on it . I'm only good at cooking .
Roman , also regressed: cookieeeeees!
Virgil : kids, cookies take time . I literally just put them in .
Virgil , to deceit : I don't really hate you, it's just that if you were on fire , I'd roast marshmallows.
Deceit: Britney Spears' music is awful .
Roman : you really are a liar ! She's very talented are you and you have no taste .
Virgil : he said the moon is made of cheese yesterday and you didn't call him a liar .
Roman : well, who knows for sure ? Britney , though , is perfect , and that's a fact .
Logan : I don't think you know what a fact is .
Patton : what ??? Who's trying to kill you???
Deceit : there'sss no sssuch thing asss brown .
Patton : of course there is , silly! Some chocolates are brown , some puppies are brown -
Deceit: orange .
Logan : orange is nowhere near -
Deceit: there issss no wavelength for brown . When you see it , you're just looking at orange . But darker .
Logan : that-th-
Deceit: tell me , logic . When you ssseen the color brown on a basssic color wheel .
Logan : I-
Logan : ...
Logan : * walks off , screeching suddenly heard in the distance *
Virgil : who comes up with words for sounds .
Virgil : like who thought " this is what this letter sound form " wow a genius
Remus : ME
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