Logan : thank you , but your services will not be needed tonight , resealable tab on the Oreo's package .
Roman : do you know the molecular formula for sodium hydride ?
Logan : NaH.
Roman : I'll ask Dee then.
Logan : ....
Virgil : * slips deceit lollipops while he's regressed *
Virgil : shh, don't tell Patton.
Deceit: no tellin' pat.
Roman : Patton always gives Virgil flowers , why can't you do that too ?
Logan : ...
[ the next day ]
Logan , giving Virgil flowers : don't ask me , I'm also confused .
Roman : * climbs his way into Virgil's lap while Virgil's playing video games *
Virgil : you comfortable?
Roman : * quite nodding as he goes back to watching Disney on his phone with his bear plushie *
Virgil : okay , good . * keeps playing video games *
Virgil , whispering: there's cookies , energy drinks , chips , and jerky on the desk but you can't tell Patton I gave you junk food .
Logan : Bill Nye can science my guy .
Roman &Virgil: ...
Logan : science me ~
Remus : you played me like a fiddle !
Logan : fiddles are difficult to play . I played you like the cheap kazoo you are .
Deceit: * scrolling on phone while Remus hugs him *
Patton : I'm glad your comfortable and all .
Deceit: ...
Patton : But I really need to move hi-
Deceit, now holding Remus like a kid would hold a teddy : ☹️
Remus : 😁
Logan , under his breath : oh god why must they be adorable.
Patton : I'll give him back I promise.
Deceit&remus : * giving him puppy eyes *
Patton : oh god not the puppy eyes .
Deceit&remus : ...
Patton : I can't do this -
Dee&re: ....
Patton : Fine fine ! I'll move him later ....
Dee&re : 😁
Virgil : Logan .
Logan : yeah ?
Virgil : someone said you sound like an owl...
Logan : who?
Virgil :....
Logan : WHO?
Virgil: ....
Virgil : * is on the ground laughing *
Logan : WHO?
[ playing mancala ]
Roman : not to be condescending, but like , since you're so shit , I don't expect you to win , and I like , don't notice you being good .
Logan : gee, thanks .
Virgil from the other side of the room : hey , lo , not to be condescending or anything but you're so shit I think you're just going to be a huge failure.
Deceit: yeah, like , not to be condescending, but you fucking suck so much I'm not even paying attention to what you're doing because you're guaranteed to lose .
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