Roman : so , Virgil , deceit doesn't like you?
Virgil : nah, we slept in the same house for two days and then he said he regretted ever netting me so-
Roman : * hysterical crying *
Patton : what's wrong ?
Roman : Virgil took my fucking m&m's !
Virgil , in the distance: and his wallet!
Patton : I'll get you as many m&m's as you want !
Remus : unless this is some kind of weird lesbian porn subscription thing I'm unaware of called em & em .
Roman : no it's the food .
Remus : okay .
Patton : we need a new birthday chart!
Logan : we banned birthday charts ever since Thomas wrote maple instead of march on the wall in permanent marker .
Thomas : that was one time !
Remus : deceit doesn't love me anymore !
Roman , dead serious : he never loved you.
Deceit: haha , I'm straight lol .
Roman : don't even joke about that .
Remus : * unholy screeches *
Logan , trying to be cool : it really do be like that sometimes.
[ dogs barking loudly in the distance]
Deceit: Alexa , how long do dogs live for?
Roman: oh my god-
Logan : * goes on a nervous rant about physics because he's up really high and he's really afraid of heights *
Virgil: * drawing lines on a piece of paper *
Roman : what are you doing ?
Virgil : I'm tallying each time he says the word " physics ". So far , it's up to twenty - nine , but I'm shooting for fifty .
Remus : so , Virgil and I are starting a thing where we summon demons and spirits and stuff and we were wondering if you were interested?
Logan :...
Logan : for science?
Remus , nodding : for science.
Logan : sign me the fuck up .
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