Patton: alrighty ! Time to spin the wheel on how I am feeling today !
Patton, spins the wheel : Ah bummer ! It landed in ' hating myself for always feeling sad and empty inside'.
Logan , extremely concerned: Patton these are all depressing choices, are you okay ???
Virgil: I'd rather kill deceit than watch Patton cry .
Patton, vaguely upset : hey guys , I sorta had a bad day-
Virgil , loading a gun : motherfucker better be prepared to take his last breath .
Logan : I'm gonna to give you a heck of a lecture! Crouch down - I mean SIT DOWN !! Get below my line of vision damnit !
Logan : lemme know if you find anything good in there .
Patton : Kay .
Patton: something good is in here .
Logan : what is it ?
Patton : me .
Logan :...
Patton: haha .
[ thanksgiving dinner ]
Patton : what are you thankful for , Virgil ?
Virgil : dead turkeys and fast metabolism.
Deceit : I'm gonna drag you through hell .
Patton : does That mean we get to hold hands ??
Remus : shapeshifting is the best super power because oh can have any hair cut anytime you want , you can turn into a hotter version of yourself, you can turn into a dragon , you can turn into a robot , you can turn into a shambling mound of abs tract shapes and sulk outside your estranged father's house at night while chanting ominously about his sins .
Roman : this took a weird turn , but I'm still on board .
Remus : why would I fuck a demon ? Simple , status.
Remus : imagine you and a gang of other losers standing at the gates of hell , they're all crying , scared to death of getting a pitch fork up the ass and you just walk up into the arms of your sugar demon .
Virgil : - pation
Virgil : deceit! The building is on fire !
Deceit, face buried in a pillow : how big is the fire ?...
Virgil : big .
Deceit, getting up : ok...
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