Virgil : and how exactly will you stop me ?
Roman : I'll call Patton .
Virgil : ...
Virgil : god damnit .
Deceit @ the sides : I'm one of you now . Different and prettier and better , but ..... one of you .
Roman : what do you get when you cross a joke with a rhetorical question.
Patton: what ?
Roman :...
Roman : I waste my best material on you .
Virgil: * takes something off deceit's plate even though Virgil very clearly has a full plate *
Deceit: * pushes plate away *
Virgil : what'd you do that for ?
Deceit: I'm not gonna eat if my food is gonna be touched even though you literally have food in front of you .
[ Remus & Deceit are arguing ]
Remus : well I wish you where never born !!
Deceit: oh yeah ? Well I wish I was never born too so your not fucking special Remus !
* Dee runs out crying *
Roman : ugh , way too go Remus ....
[ Roman shoves past Remus and runs off after Dee , while Remus stays on the ground ]
Patton, whispering : I don't like you .
Deceit, whispering back : I'll get over it .
Logan : you are supposed to bump your fist against mine .
Virgil : why?
Logan : I'm told it is a widely accepted gesture fro mutual success.
Roman : I love when you two impersonate normal people .
Remus : come dear ****** , our destiny awaits !
Deceit: okay ! I'm coming , I'm coming .
Remus : I see you've brought sustenance for our adventure !
Deceit: * holds bag up * nope ; this is garbage for the trash can .
Deceit: the older I get , the more I realize that age doesn't bring wisdom . It only brings weary . I'm not any smarter than I was a few years ago . Ives just grown too tired to juggle the lies and hide the fears . Self-awareness doesn't reveal my indiscretions ; exhaustion does.
Roman : so now that your a dark side ... what exactly is your gimmick? Like deceit I'd .... whatever he is with that hat , and Remus is .... himself . So what are you ?
Logan , precisely two seconds away from laying a smack down from the insult to his boys but still smiling creepily anyways : I'm a magician!
Roman : huh?
Logan , explaining it further with a terrifying smile : I can now make the stick up all of y'alls asses disappear !!
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