Remus : teeth are the only bones that are socially acceptable to show people . I smile at you and that's being polite, but when I unpeel my rib cage it's " horrifying" and I " need to see a doctor ".
Roman : what's the first thing you notice when someone tries to approach you?
Deceit, inspecting his fingernails: the audacity.
Patton : here's your coffee Virgil !
Virgil : is it poisoned ?
Patton : ... I don't.... know ?
Virgil : did you take the coffee from the blue or red box ?
Patton : blue ?
Virgil: * chugs down coffee *
Patton : wait which ! Which one is poisoned ?!
Roman : * singing home wrecker by marina in the shower very loudly *
Virgil , pounding on the door : I need to pee , hurry the fuck up !
Roman :.........
Roman: * resumes singing *
Remus : I've been involved in a number of cults , both as a leader and a follower . You have more fun as a follower but make money as a leader .
Roman . What the FUCK .
Deceit : * falls asleep on the couch *
Deceit: * hums and snuggles up into a ball *
Logan : oh. Oh that's cute . He's conserving body heat . Look how cute the snek is being !
Remus : I know , right ?
Remus : * nips Roman's nose *
Roman : * bites Remus ' fingers *
Deceit & Logan : * deep sighs *
Virgil's cat , voodo : * sits on Virgil's chest while he's sleeping and meows loudly *
Virgil spider, verity : * hisses a her boy to get up and feed them *
Virgil : * grumbles at them *
Virgil's bat, valley : * screeches in his ear for food *
Virgil: I'm awake , you little hellions ! I'll feed you just let me wake up ! Demons all of you .
Virgil: * on the sofa and hear Dee start laughing to himself in the kitchen *
Virgil : turns out he's just learned that 88 couples have came out of quarantine in China and immediately filed for divorce.
Deceit : I consider myself a man of great courage , but that thing ?
Deceit: * points at remus *
Deceit: it scares me .
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