Roman : where is patton ? I've been searching for him but I can't find him anywhere
Virgil : wait I got this
Virgil: can someone hold my hand ?
Patton , appearing from nowhere : * gently holds Virgil's hand * I'm here .
Remus , getting on one knee : Patton , will you be quarantined with me ?
Patton : oh my bibbidi Bobbidi boo ! I will !!!
Logan , off to the side : what the -
Roman , 5 seconds after meeting deceit: gay thoughts are a bus and I am Regina George.
Remus , crawling into Logan's room via his window like a demented squirrel: so anyways- stop screaming. I heard you had a bad day , you wanna talk about it or watch a dissection documentary?
Logan , I'm nothing more than a nightgown and a candy can leggings holding a Pringle's can as self defense: I mean ... yeah sure .
Logan : I'm straight. I'm a tough and isolated scientist. I'm a super intellectual and my IQ is so high that -
Patton: hi
Logan : I'm useless and gay .
Deceit : I don't wanna be an adult .
Remus : I'll take care of you so you don't need to be an adult .
Deceit: deal .
Remus , picking him up and carrying him around : I'VE GOT A BABY !
Remus : why can't trees give off something useful like WiFi ?
Deceit: so just fuck oxygen I guess .
Logan : I hope you are not doing anything foolish .
Patton: I hope you are not hoping too hard .
Logan : * kisses Roman's cheek *
Roman : * starts crying and clinging to him *
Logan : are you okay , Roman ?
Roman : c-can you kiss me again ?
Logan : are you touch starved?
Roman : maybe ?
Logan : come here , I'll cuddle you .
Roman : I'll be in my bedroom listening to Lizzo and pretending I have self esteem.
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