Roman : we will now be using code names !
Roman : you will address me as eagle 1
Roman :Remy's is codename ' been there done that '
Roman: Logan's is ' currently doing that '
Roman: Patton's is ' it happened once in a dream '
Roman: Virgil's is ' I'd be lying if I said I hadn't thought about it !'
Roman: Deceit's is ' if I had to pick a dark side '
Roman: and Remus' is eagle 2
Remus : oh thank fucking god -!
[ final round , it's Virgil' turn . They are one point away from winning ]
Dee: it's okay , you can do that * carefully starts giving him head scratches *
Virgil : aw... thank tha, that feels good .
Dee : yeah I up that with my dog when there are fireworks
Virgil : I like it
Dee : if course you do , good boy ! You can do it .
Roman : * hugs Remus *
Remus : I think I'm dying .
Roman : why ?
Remus : my chest feels all tingly. What's that feeling ?
Roman : have-have you ever been hugged ?
Remus : no ?
Roman : * hugging him tighter and crying * I will hug you forever!
Patton : hey , Virgil .
Virgil : yeah ?
Patton : I don't need my glasses to see that you're perfect in every way .
Virgil : * becomes a flusters mess *
Patton : thanks , cutie pie
Virgil : ugh
Patton : sorry , I'll think of a better one than cutie pie . You're my angel ... dust . Sorry that's a drug .
Roman : I've always had a hard time choosing presents for Virgil . What do you get a man who already has everything?
Roman : and by everything I mean me .
Logan : I'm baking , but it's a surprise for Patton so do not say a word about it .
Roman : wait - why can't I say cookies ?
Patton : * appears out of nowhere * cookies ?
Logan : * sigh *
Remus : I'm jumping off the roof .
Logan : don't jump off the roof .
Roman : I'll give you $100 to do a flip .
Deceit: no!
Virgil : do the flip !
Patton : noooooooo!
Remus : doin' the flip !
Remus : so , like ... you're gender fluid .
Deceit: yes ?
Remus : and I'm agender
Deceit:... is this new information to you ?
Remus : and we're together
Deceit: as far as I'm aware
Remus : so , does that make us straight?
Remus :...
deceit: why would you say such a thing ?
Remus : you've heard of an elf on a shelf , now get ready for ...
Remus : * places s pot on top of romans head * a thot in a pot
Roman : ....
Roman : * stands up * get ready for bitch in a ditch because that's where they're gonna find your body you little fu-
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