Remus : * hugs behind deceit *
Deceit: * squeaks and giggles *
Remus: you are the most precious, amazing, beautiful creature I've ever met and I love you .
Deceit: aw .
Remus : I found you a mouse .
Deceit: Ew.
Roman : * yeets food at Remus * Don't Kill Me !
Remus : * screeches and pounces on Roman *
Roman : * high pitches screaming *
Logan : I request for you to not be a bitch .
Roman : request denied
Remus : deceit has these insanely strong opinions on everything go on , ask him a thing on one shouldn't have an opinion on .
Virgil : what's the worst multiple of 4 ?
Deceit: 12 , obviously . Dumbass .
Logan : if you're going to be an idiot , at least put safety googles on . Practice safe stupidity.
Deceit: hey , I was wondering if you could help me out .
Remus : say no more . Here's a bunch of explosives .
Deceit: nope . Different thing .
Logan : hey Roman , can I talk to you for a second?
Roman : yeah , what's up ? Let me guess , you and Patton are having problems; you want me to teach you how to kiss ?
Logan : what? No , stop that . I know how to kiss , I've read books .
Patton : * pulls Roman & Logan together * you guys would be perfect together !
Roman : Excuse me ?
Patton : you're both pretty stubborn ...
Roman & Logan : I am not !
Patton : see , you always agree with each other !
Roman : no we don't !
Patton : I am definitely seeing a couple here!
Roman : * kisses deceit after they win a discussion * I love you so much.
Deceit: * crying from actually being kissed for the first time *
Roman : you okay ?! I'm sorry !
Deceit: no ! I've just never been kissed before.
Roman : I can fix that !
Roman : you're so beautiful when you have your wings out , my dark angel .
Virgil : * flaps his wings hard and blushes whilst screeching and burying himself in his hoodie *
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