[ Virgil playing Minecraft with sick Patton cuddle up against his side while both are not talking ]
Virgil : I enjoy hearing the Minecraft rain .
Patton : * cuddles closer to Virgil's chest slowly falling asleep * same
Virgil: this is nice .
Patton : yea it is - * falls asleep *
Virgil : always works .
Patton what's wrong ?
Roman : everything . Except for the way I dress , obviously.
Virgil : * coughs *
Virgil : ...
[ 2 hours later ]
Logan , rubbing his forehead : Virgil why are you digging a grave ?
Roman : it's do or die baby !
Virgil : can I choose die ?
Roman : ... Virgil , we've talked about this .
Remus : * jumps from the roof and lands on his feet *
Remus : I'm gay !
Deceit : * dying of laughing as he struggles not to shake the camera *
Roman : champagne! * handing it to Dee *
Dee : , after a short silence: yeah , * handing it back *
Roman , realizing : no , you are too old to be scared to open a bottle of champagne!
Deceit: I'm not scared .
Roman : then open it !
Dee , looking at it for a couple of seconds: please open it . * handing it to Roman *
Roman : you are unbelievable Dee .
Deceit , who is a gender and experiencing dysphoria : babe , take my physical from away , I don't want it anymore .
Remus , who is gender fluid: gotcha , gorgeous. * kisses their cheek and snuggles up to their partner *
Patton : you always see the worst in people .
Virgil : yeah , because people are the worst .
Remus : * wearing contacts so he's not stumbling around like a lost deer *
Roman : * stumbling into a wall , falls down , walks right into someone else without seeing them *
Remus : it's like watching my bother being stupid in ultra HD .
Deceit : yeah , but now we need to convince him to wear glasses or contacts too .
Remus : hah! Good joke . He'll fight you to the death with that one .
Deceit : v did you eat my Oreos ?
Virgil , holding the entire box of Oreos : ... not yet ...
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