video time! chapter 1
Thomas was in his living room set up the camera for a sander sides video then a few seconds later he starts to record the video and starts the intro hey everybody Thomas says as Roman and Patton then Logan and finely Virgil popped up after he called there names Patton was the first one to speak "oh are you making a sander sides video" he says cheerfully. Virgil was next to speak"really Thomas I was listening to my music," he said very mad. Roman replied to Virgil "blah blah blah mister storm cloud" Virgil then replied "oh okay mister not so charming Princey" Virgil said madder. Patton began to cry "no kiddos don't fight you're making me sad" Logan then spoke up and said "yep stop fighting you are acting childish" Virgil then said, "IT'S NOT MY FALT THAT NOT SO CHARMING PRINCEY STARTED IT".Roman then said out of anger "IT'SNOT MY FAULT THAT YOU ARE A USELESS EMO THAT NOBODY NEEDS AND NOBODY CARES ABOUT" Patton and Logan and Thomas and Virgil were in shock. Virgil then started to tear up and said "o-oh okay i-if that is w-what you all t-think of me..." he then sank down to his room. Roman then realized what he said and Patton got mad "ROMAN WHY DID YOU SAY THAT WE DON'T HATE HIM NOW HE IS CRYING CUZ OF YOU".Roman then said, "i-i...i did not mean it I was just angry..."
{with Virgil}
Virgil then started to think"NOBODY COULD LOVE ME...n-not even Roman" he then soon after thinking that and some other things he grabs a blade out of the end table he then took off his jacket revealing all the cuts up his arm the cuts go up to his shoulders and puts the blade to his skin and cuts himself 15 times. he then puts his jacket back on and puts his headphones on and listens to music and soon after he starts to fall asleep.
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