Little! Remus
Cg! Janus
It had been a quiet afternoon, mostly. Remus sat on the ground, creating loud car-like noises with his lips vibrating against one another. He moved the cars along before suddenly hitting two of them together and laughing loudly, clanking the metals against one another harshly.
"Boom!" He squealed, tossing the cars apart, pretending there was an explosion.
Glancing up from his book, Janus raised an eyebrow, smirking in amusement at the actions of the other. The others didn't quite understand Remus's...Remus. They didn't understand him. They didn't understand that he couldn't help the thoughts that were created, nor did they understand that sometimes he didn't want to deal with himself either. So, he regressed and left Janus to deal with him.
And Janus was happy too. Even if he is, well, Remus.
"Having fun Gremlin?" Janus asks, bookmarking his page, setting it aside. Checking the time, he figured it was time for lunch and stood, walking over to the other who glanced up from his game with a large grin. A chewed-up—nearly broken pacifier dangled from his teenage mutant ninja turtle shirt. He's wearing brown overalls with a diaper underneath as today he was feeling smaller than usual, around two to be exact. He has mix-matched socks, one is ankle high and the other knee-high. One is purple with green polka dots and the other is red and orange stripes. He has a few bandages around his body from falling over. He runs a lot, his endless amount of energy leaving Janus surprised he had been sitting for so long.
"Uh-huh! Da cars go boom!" He squeals happily, kicking his feet against the ground, flapping his hands as he spoke about his game. Janus nearly cooed but settled for a soft chuckle instead. He ruffled his hair and nodded.
"I see, I see. Well, I hate to cut the game short but I need to cook lunch, and then it's nap time. That means it's time to clean your toys up." Janus explains, glancing around the living room at the mess.
Remus' smile immediately dropped and he frowned, shaking his head. "No," He whines, bouncing a little. "M'pwaying!"
"I know gremlin," Janus assures, keeping his tone soft and sultry. "But it's time to clean your toys."
"No!" Remus screeches, slamming his fists into the ground. "I don't want to no!"
Janus didn't seem fazed, nor even the slightest bit upset. He just nodded. "I know," He says, lowering himself onto the ground.
"Don't wanna don't wanna!" Screams Remus as his eyes fills with tears. "No, no, no!"
"I understand Remus, but you're going to clean your toys," Janus repeats calmly, crossing his legs while Remus threw himself back, screaming.
"No! I don't want to!" He sobbed, kicking his feet violently. Janus hummed and rested back onto his hands, allowing Remus to get out all his big emotions.
"I know you don't."
"You're mean!" He sobs, his face is flushed red in anger, and many other negative emotions that burned at his body, only driving him to feel further confused one what he was feeling. At first, he had felt disappointed, then it shifted into anger and sadness. Now, he couldn't differentiate any of them. All of his emotions blobbed together.
He kicked his feet, intentionally trying to kick Janus, but cried harder as he gently, yet firmly grabbed his leg, holding it as he wiggled out and screamed bloody murder.
"We don't kick Remus." Janus reminds casually as if Remus wasn't currently flopping around like a fish.
"Fuck you! You're mean!" He cried, pressing his hands over his ears.
"That's not a very nice word is it?" Janus asks, having to hold both of his legs as he refused to cease his attempts to harm him. Remus screeched and cried loudly, beginning to bang his head against the ground. Sweeping in, Janus was quick to turn Remus over and press his gloved hand under his head to prevent injury. He usually chose to step back and let Remus get his feelings out, but recently his meltdowns have resulted in injuring himself and sometimes even Janus, hence the reason he decided to stick close but still give him room to let it out.
"Shh, Remus, it's okay," Janus murmurs as his movements slow, his body growing exhausted. He buried his face in his arms and wailed. Carefully, Janus lifted the man and sat him on his lap, taking his tired state as an advantage, and rubbed at his back, humming a soft tune as he got his last sobs and hiccups out. Having little fight left in hum, Remus slumped in his hold.
"There, there," Janus murmurs, lightly shooing his thumb from his mouth before he could break the skin and slipped his pacifier inside his mouth instead. With a sniffle, Remus buried his face into his chest and whimpered, clutching at his capelet, wiping his nose on it, earning a grimace from the wearer.
"Yes, yes, use me as a tissue," He grumbles, smirking as it got a small giggle out of him. "Oh? Is being a menace amusing?" Janus asks, deciding to just take it off. He held it to his nose and allowed him to blow more snot into it before it was set aside. No use trying to keep it clean after it had been dirtied. It needed a wash anyway, luckily laundry day was scheduled for tomorrow.
He lightly stroked at his hair, smiling as he nuzzled closer, harshly chewing on the pacifier before the plastic half finally gave in as Remus tugged off the rubber addition, leaving Janus to sigh and hold out his hand.
"Give it here, I'll grab you a teether," He tells him, wrinkling his nose as Remus spat out the chewed material onto his hand, a puddle of salvia going with it. He dropped it onto his capelet and wiped it on a clean area. He started at the clothing items in disappointment. "It seems my capelet has turned into a napkin."
Remus giggled in response.
With a playful roll of his eyes, Janus lifted Remus as he stood, grabbing the defiled with him. "Would you like to talk about why you were so upset?" Janus asks softly, carrying him on his hip. It was difficult at first—the other is taller, but being imaginary has its perks.
Remus immediately pinched his face up and shook his head, clinging to Janus as he watched him toss his clothing into the laundry basket on the way to his room. "Nuh."
"I think we should," Janus insists.
Remus pouts knowing there was no avoiding this. He felt a bit better after they entered his bedroom and he was sat at an Oscar the grouch-themed plastic table. It's covered in paint, crayons, markers, a few crumbs here and there, and many stickers. He usually has snack time on it, and it's where he colors and such. As he was seated, Janus handed him a teether and sat in the other chair at the table. Sometimes he and Roman have play dates, so even though four chairs are present, usually at maximum, two are used at once.
"Let's talk Goblin," Janus begins, smirking as Remus smiled at the nickname. "What's bothering you?"
"Don' wanna cwean my toys, M'wanna pway," Remus explains with a pout, swinging his feet loosely, wrapping his arms around himself.
"I know you do," Janus assures. "And I understand you're upset, I wouldn't want to clean up your toys either, but when Jannie says it's time to clean up your toys, what time is it?"
Remus offered a cheeky smile. "Pway time."
"Cute. Try again."
Huffing, Remus jutted out his bottom lip, Janus smirked at the sight. "Cwean up time..." Remus murmurs defeated.
"That's right, so, let's go back to the living room and clean your toys. Then I'll cook lunch. Maybe after your nap, you can have a few crickets to snack on." Janus offers, standing from the chair. He lifts a grinning Remus, who squeals at the very suggestion of eating bugs.
"Bwacon and c'eese ones?!"
Janus rolled his eyes playfully. "Yes, yes, bacon and cheese flavored crickets dear."
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