I drove up to Louis's house and I waited out there for a bit before I out my phone to text him, telling him that I'm here.
Lou💙: Be right out💙!
I chuckled at the text and I put my phone back in my pocket. I looked at the front door and I saw eyes looking at me. There were 4 pairs and I was getting kind of freaked out, so I just looked back at the road. When I heard a door opening, I took off my helmet to see Louis walking towards me with a smile on his face.
"Boyfriend!" He greeted and I smiled at him. I got off of my bike and took him by the hips. He wrapped his arms around my middle before we both leaned in and pressed a soft and loving kiss onto one another's lips. "I missed you," he said when we pulled apart. "Same baby," I spoke and wondered through his shiny and blue eyes. "Well what is my boyfriend doing here on a Wednesday?" He asked and I chuckled.
"Well a certain teacher told me that you wanted me as your partner for the "Plan your future" project. Unless there's another Harry Styles that I'm not aware of?" I asked teasingly. "Hmm...no. I think you're the only Harry Styles that I know." I grinned and pecked his forehead. "Well, where do you want to start?" I asked and he smiled. "Maybe find a website that like designs apartment rooms and start from there?"
It is almost the end of the school year. Yup, Louis and I have been together for about 4 months and we are graduating in 2 weeks. We both got accepted into Royal College of Art, and we have chosen to live in their on-campus apartments and we are rooming together. Now we have this project where we plan our next step in our lives. We are allowed to change the apartment to our liking. We just need to pay them a fee.
Before you say anything, I have enough money. $50,489.59 in fact. I've saved my money as much as I could and I think that I've done pretty well. I'm keeping my jobs, and what that does for me is that my job at the art museum has this thing where they give me money that I have given to my school. Louis is also doing pretty well financially. He told me a couple of days ago that he had $48,691.90 in his account.
Anyways..."Where would like to do this?" I asked. Our families knows about our relationship and yes, I did meet his family and he met mine. They still find it odd and uncomfortable that the two of us are in a relationship together. Maybe because of them not wanting us to find happiness ever.
"My room! I cleaned it up just yesterday. We can do the project in there," he tells me. "Well, show me the way baby," I told him and lended him my hand. He happily took it and we walked back into his house. I could see their eyes, but I wasn't focused on that anymore. I was only focusing on my lover.
He walked me to his room and when I walked through, he closed his door right behind me. He then walked to his nightstand and picked up his laptop. He placed it on the bed and he got himself comfortable before he patted the space right next to him. I walked over and laid down tight next to him. I opened one arm and that made him move under me.
"Okay, so let's see what we can do. Let's look up what we want our bedroom to look like first." He nodded and we started to look for the bedroom ideas. I was scrolling through and on occasion, I would plant a kiss in Louis's hair and he would turn to kiss me. Yeah, I know...for two people who looked like they are in some kind of mafia, we are being rather adorable right now.
"Ooh! I like that one!" Louis pointed and I saw what he was speaking about. "Alright, we are just going to have to predict what the price is and keep track of that," I said and saved the photo of our bedroom.
Louis nodded and he types a little note onto his phone. "What's next?" I asked. "Kissy time!" He chirped and I cooed as he turned and cupped my face. I leaned down and pressed my lips against his for the 10th time today. I find kissing my boyfriend as a really fun activity to do.
The kissing soon lead to making out, but his sister interrupted us before we could go any further. I looked and saw her wearing something pretty revealing, and she made eye contact with me and me alone.
"Hey Harry~" "Hmm?" I asked and looked at Louis's laptop. Louis was looking and saw how uninterested I seemed, and I honestly was. "What ate you doing?" "Looking for a nice apartment kitchen. You know...the apartment that your brother and I have been planning on living together in." "Is that all?"
"No. Have to look at many more rooms, then I'm taking Louis out to go to an festival that's nearby." "Really?" "Yes. Now can you please leave. We are really busy." "But I heard that you can coo-" "And I heard of this great source called YouTube. You can learn how to cook from there. Louis is the only one that I'll be giving lessons to."
It was silent for a bit and I turned to look at her. "Mind closing the door on your way out? Thank you if you do," I then said and she huffed before she walked out of the room,closing the door behind her on her way out. "I'm sorry if you didn't want me to be rude to her..." I told Louis and looked down at him.
"Shit...that was sexy as fuck." "Wha-" he crashed his lips with mine and just like that, we continued our makeout session from earlier. I smiled and I deepened the kiss. He wrapped his arms around my neck, and I used one hand to cup his right cheek. I was using the other to keep myself up so that I wasn't smothering him. "We really..." kiss. "Need to..." kiss. "Get back to..." kiss. "This project..." kiss. "We will in a bit," he said as he turned the two of us over so that he was on top.
"After I feel your big and juicy cock in me," he whispered into my ear. "You sure this is safe Louis? Your family is still here and I dont want to get you into more trouble." "We've fucked before with them still here, haven't we?" "Yeah we have, but then I saw you with a black eye and scrapes the very next day. I don't want to see you like that again."
He looked at the door before he looked back at me. "When we get to this school and to our apartment, then we can have as much s ees x as s we want. I just don't like seeing scars on you when I know that I'm the reason why you got them." "That made you sound like an abuser Harry." "Oh hush, you knew what I meant. I love you and everything, bu-" "You what?" He asked, cutting me off. Oh crap...that totally slipped without me knowing. I was planning on telling him, but not when I'm refusing to have sex with him...
I guess I might as well confess it. "I love you." I looked for a reaction once I repeated my words to him. He slowly reached up and caressed my cheeks. He then moved in and placed his lips on my cheek softly before touching my mouth with his. "I love you too," he said and just like that, we kissed. It grew more and more passionate by the second and when he whispered, "Please Harry...please make love to me." I couldn't resist it any longer.
I'll probably just stay the night here, I thought as I took my baby's shirt off.
After making love, we changed back into our clothes and just relaxed together and went back to looking for room ideas for our apartment. "I'm sorry if you get hurt again..." I said and he shrugged. "I don't care Harry. Like I said, I still put up a fight before I leave or they kick me out. Besides, I'm not going to hold back from making or love or having intimate intercourse with my boyfriend. I'm not going to hold back from being happy and having sex with a guy that I love."
"Lou-" "Harry, last time that I've checked, it's you and me vs the world and I'm not going to loose this time. I love you and I'm not going to hide or resist myself from showing it because the people who were supposed to be my family wanted to be dicks. It's not a new thing for me to get abused. Like you, my life is fucked up too. However, ever since we met, it got a lot better."
I looked at him and he turned to make eye contact with me. "We could have sex at your house even if your family is there and I know you. You wouldn't resist because they were home. That happened before Harry, and what did you say to me about it?"
"The pain is worth it..." "Exactly. Besides, two weeks left before we graduate and move into an apartment together." He smiled and I smiled right back at him. I pecked his lips before we looked at the laptop again. "This one is simple enough." "Yeah, you're going to be in there for the most part," he told me and I rolled my eyes. "I'm going to teach you how to cook one of these days."
"Well that day is definitely not anytime soon." He told me as he saved the photo and looked up the price for it and typed it into his phone.
"Okay, and we can now look for a bathroom and living room, then we will be all set." I told him. He nodded and moved even closer to me. "Now for the dining room, we can remove those chairs, but I want to keep that bench." "We can most certainly do that," I said and saved the photo. "The floors will be kept as what?" "The apartment building said that we can add things, but we can't change the wall, floors, and the lights." "Understandable."
"We can hang things though," I told him and he nodded. We looked for two bathrooms. Louis was typing all that we need for the rooms. Then we moved onto the living room.
"We can move the mirror onto a wall, but the painting can be replaced with a tv."
We planned it all and when we were done, we got out of his bed and I brought him to the arcade like I promised him. He was limping a little, but he was not really complaining about it since he got really used to it. What? It wasn't the first time that we've sex, like what Louis said.
"Tell me if you want me to come by to pick you up, alright?" I asked when we were back at his house. "Of course. See you tomorrow Hazza," he told me and he kissed my cheek and headed back to his front door. I waved and he smiled before waving back.
I sighed and just revved up my bike and I drove off of his curb and headed back home. I didnt live all that far from him, and when I arrived at my place, my mother was on the doorstep. I sighed and just pulled up on the driveway. I heard footsteps and I looked up and through the helmet, I saw her glaring at me.
"Now where the hell were you?" "Why ask when you know exactly where I have been," I told her as I got off of my back. "You were with that fag, we-" "My boyfriend, yes. Now are you going to hit me or what?" "What makes you think that you can ta-" "You know what mom? Or whatever you are. There is just a point where I just don't care anymore. I have a lover now, and I'm happy. No matter how many times you hurt me, I'm still going to be happy at the end of the day."
She glared at me and I just rolled my eyes and walked into the house and went to my room.
I can't wait to get away from this place...
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