I waited after work hours for Harry to stop by for his meal. Niall was still here and he made sure that he had a good view of me so that he can see who this Harry guy was. Sure he never told me why he was sticking around, but I just knew what he was trying to do. I looked out the window as I tapped on the table. "Do you think your teacher gave you the right number?" Niall aske dand I just hummed.
Mrs. Malik would never hold back from doing this. She saw how quick we were becoming friends, so it would be r as ther rude if she gave me the wrong number. I looked at the table, but I did it once a headlight struck into the restaurant. I looked out and saw one headlight still on for a bit before it was switched off and a silhouette of some guy getting off of the bike and taking his helmet off.
"He's here," I said and stood up. There was a 10 second span before Harry was inside if the restaurant. He looked around before he saw me. "You sent me a message about a meal?" He asked. "Well hello to you again too." "Sorry...had a long and annoying day at my job," he said and stepped up to me.
"I get it, but yeah. Your family was here and they were asking me some things that just made me want to spit in their food instead." "They asked you to spit in my food?" "Yeah, and put it in a doggy bag. I talked with Niall though, and I was able to get you a properly made meal. I paid for it myself."
"Louis, you didn't have to do such a thing." "Well you weren't there when it happened, so you couldn't pay for it, so what was I supposed to do?" I asked and he sighed. "You know it's common for them, right? Whenever they go to eat, they ask the people to get the doggy bag for me and to spit in the meal. Half of the time, the worker would tell them to leave or just ignore the requests, bit when they do it, I just buy myself food," he said and sat at the table that his food on it.
"The same thing happens to me." He chuckled, "We are just living in the same world ,huh?" He asked, and I chuckled before nodding my head and took a seat in front if him. "Surprised that you showed up though?" "What did you think was going to happen? I wasn't going to just go home. I made a friend today and I would rather be around him than be with people who wishes that I was never born."
"I guess that's fair." "Yeah, if I went home right now, then they would've made me leave anyways. They always drive me to a point where I just couldn't take it any longer. I have a place to go too." "Oh? I always go to this cliff that is by this forest around..." "Everett Drive?" He asked. I looked at him, smiled, and nodded my head. "I guess that's your place too yeah?" "Yeah..."
"Do you ever feel like jumping it?" "Not anymore I don't," he said and I looked to see him picking up a fry. "And who would be this being who changed your mind?" I aksed and he shrugged. "You know, my sister made me feel alright again. Her and I have this connection that happened so fast. I have never opened up so much than I did with her," he said. "Sarcastic I see?" I asked and he laughed a little.
"I guess I know how you feel. Having a friend for the first time can really make a difference for most people. Especially when the person gets how you feel." "Which is always great to know. Fry?" He asked and I shrugged before taking a fry and I popped it into my mouth. "By the way, who's that?" He asked and pointed at Niall, who was just watching our conversation unfold from a distance.
"His name is Niall. The guy that I told you about earlier. My boss and goid friend," I answered and that was Niall's cue to step in and greet himself. He walked to the table thst we were sitting at and he extended his arm out to Harry. Harry looked at Niall before taking his hand. "Myname is Niall Horan," he said, introducing himself. "Hello Niall, my name is Harry Styles," he replied and I watched the two talk for a bit before Niall turned to face me.
"You are in charge of closing up. I need to head home," he told me and I nodded my head. "Go on, I'll make sure that everything is put away and locked. You need to go back to trying to get that baby in your wife," I said and he smiled. "Thanks mate, see you tomorrow," he said before he walked away and gathered his things. "He's a nice guy," Harry said and I hummed. "He is another person that I could go to if I am going through something." "That's understandable. If I didn't have Mrs. Malik to call, then it would be my boss. Liam." "Funny that we always run from adults, just to only run to other adults," I joked and he did find it funny.
"Well I guess that we have each other now," he guessed before picking up one of the pieces of chicken and took a bite. I smiled bigger, and this is not only the first time that I've ever smiled with someone else, but this is the first time I've ever smiled so big. "Yeah, we have each other," I said in agreement. Harry looked at me and I saw his smile. "Normally I would tell you about my daily routine of whenever I'm free, but I guess that isnt really needed."
"How come?" "Because if you tell me that you are going through something, then I would immediately tell you a meeting spot and we will get there, and we would just talk if you want that to be the case." "That does sound pretty nice. You know you can always tell me if you are having a tough time too, you know that right?" "Yeah, I know," he said and this moment seems almost perfect. I have a friend, and this friend is always going to be in my corner whenever I need something or if I just want to talk.
We talked for about 5 minutes before Niall officially left and we were alone. "Well, you already have my number, so I'll just save your number into my phone," he told me and took his phone out. I watched him be on his phone for a bit before there was a flash. I blinked a few times and Harry chuckled. "Needed a picture," he said and he showed me his phone. I looked at the photo and shook my head.
"I'll just send you a picture of myself," I told him and took my own phone out. He waited for a bit before there was a sound coming from his phone. He looked at it and I knew that it was from me. He was on ther befor a bit before he put it down. He then looked around and sighed. "What's wrong?" I asked. "This so feels like a date. I know that's not the case, but I guess that it wouldn't be upsetting if it was," he said and I blushed.
"First day being friends and you are already thinking about dating?" I questioned and he chuckled. "Too fast, I know. I just never made such a fast connection with someone and it just feels so pleasant," he told me. Who was I to say that I don't know what he was talking about. I never thought that this was going to happen either. If you told me yesterday that I was going to make a friend for the first time, then I would've glared at you and walked away.
We talked for about an hour about anything and everything. It was insane as to how much we've told one another. Most of these things I wouldn't tell Mrs. Malik. Not even my own boss would know of the things that I've told Harry. Him and I laughed, and there were a few tears, but not a lot.
After the long discussion, we were standing outside and the restaurant was closed and locked up. "Well this was actually a nice time. Thank you Louis," he told me and I smiled. "It's no issue Harry. I'll see you tomorrow?" "More than likely," he said and the two of hugged. Actually hugged. I've never hugged someone in a long time. It felt nice though. His body felt so warm too. Which made me feel a little sad when we pulled apart, but I needed to head home.
I drove home and when I was in the driveway, I turned the motorcycle off. I got off and walked to the side of the house. The ladder to my bedroom was up and I climbed up. I opened the window and went through. I closed it right behind me and I placed my bag and helmet tight next to my desk. I started to get ready for bed. I showered, brushed my teeth, threw on a pair of boxers and pajama pants, and took out my earrings. I never felt comfortable with them on while I was sleeping. Yeah. Their holes, but it just felt weird to me.
I walked to my bed and I took the covers off a bit before I slid in and I put my phone on it's charger. I laid therr, waiting for sleep to take over, but if course it didn't. I groaned and reached over and grabbed my phone. Should I? Is he sleeping right now? Would I be being rude? I questioned in my head as I was already typing Harry's number in.
I stared at the number for a minute before the number was calling me. Harry was flashing on my phone and I sighed with relief before I answered the call. I guess he wasn't sleeping just yet. "Missing me already Hazza?" I asked. "Maybe. I just couldn't sleep like usual." "Well lucky for you...I couldn't sleep either. I think it's because of me sleeping in first class though."
"Well I just fell off of my back, so the little pain in my leg may have contributed to me staying up." "Oh god, when did that happen?" "When I got home. I was getting off of my beg, but my leg was not listening to me and I just fell when I attempted to swing my leg off of the thing." I laughed at what he said. "Your the clumsy type then?" "Very much so. If I was going to climb up the stairs, then you would probably see me trip or something." I laughed a bit more and sighed, "Does this mean that I'm going yo have to hold your hand whenever we have to climb or cross things?"
"Hey! I'm still capable of crossing the road. Going up the stairs...just be ready to catch me or call the nurse." "Noted." "Wanna draw?" He asked and I thought about it. "Sure, I'm always up for a draw or two," I said and reached under my bed and grabbed a notebook that I had underneath it. I pulled out my nightstand drawer and took out my packet of colored pencils. "I want to challenge you..." "What?" "Like I want to tell you to sketch something based on a topic."
"That sounds fun actually. What's the topic Mr. Styles?" "Draw something or someone that you have your mind revolving around a lot lately," he told me. "Do we have to draw their face if it's a person? Can it be like...a part of them? Like their eyes?" "Sure, that's alright," he told me. I hummed and started to draw.
We talked while we were drawing and around two hours of talking, I was getting tired. I didn't stop until I was finished with the sketch.
With a yawn coming from Harry's end, he said, "We will show each other the sketches in the morning." "Alright, see you tomorrow Hazza." "See you then Lou. Goodnight." "Night."
What an actual good day that I had...
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