It was 6th period and I was in art class. It was a free day and we were allowed to paint what we wanted to paint today. She had a canvas in the corner of the room, and when I walked over to see what it was, I saw a pretty deep sketch. "Mrs. Malik?" I called and she looked over at me. "Who's is this?" I asked and she sighed. "A student was sketching through the class period and he is going to come in after school to finish up on the painting," is all that she said and I nodded.
The sketch looked really good, but I can't think of that now. I needed to do my pre sketch too.I walked to my canvas and sat down. Since she told me that we could listen to music, I took it my phone and bluetooth earphones and started to connect that two. I went to my Pandora and clicked on my Sub Urban radio. I smiled when the song 'Freak' came on first. It is my favorite song by him. I swayed in my seat to the music and I looked at my blank canvas and pressed my pencil softly against it.
I knew what I wanted to draw, so I started to plan it out. The teacher was spending a lot of time sitting, but that is because of the baby th as t she is carrying. It does take a lot of energy out of women and it does make women more tired, so I'm not saying anything bad about her at all. She did occasionally walked around to check with her students. Which is a good thing because I knew that some of them were not painting. It was not hard to figure that out. One guy was texting his girlfriend I bet. Because he was smiling too much.
I saw her talking to her students and I saw her pointing a few things our at them. "Everything is going well for you, right Mr. Tomlinson?" She asked as she was standing in the middle of the classroom and looked at me with another soft smile. I nodded and was too busy drawing out what exactly I was going to be painting.
When the song was over, I smiled again as NF came on right after. My second favorite artist. I was also smiling because this is how art makes me feel. Art makes me calm down at any point in time. It will always make me feel a lot better. There is a reason as to why I always stay afterschool to do the thing that I love.
I wrote my name in cursive my name before I forget so that Mrs. Malik could put it in the corner and that other kid who was coming after school wouldn't take my canvas. When I was done with my name, I started to do my shade with another pencil of mine. I stuck my tongue a little bit as I was deep into concentration for my work. I was working with the hair before I sse something was coming at me. A guy with long blonde hair. I looked at him with a blank and neutral face. He was nervous, but that's a normal reaction honestly.
"Hey du-" "Dont call me dude," I said, cutting him off. "Sorry...um I need color pencils for my pre sketch, and I forgot to bring it today. Do you mind if I can borrow yours?" He asked and I looked at him and gave him a warning look. "You better give it back to me when you are finished," I warned and he nodded his head fast.
"Of course man," he told me and I picked up my backpack and zipped it open. I was not going to question as to why he would use color pencils for a pre sketch, but it's his art, so I can't judge him because of that. I took out a case that I normally have my colored pencils in and I handed it to him. He thanked me, turned, and walked b as ck to his chair.
I sighed, knowing that the other people in this classroom was going to start to ask me for things more often. They knew not to be scared of me in here anyways. Because I am always so decent in mood while we are in here. They knew that this room makes me a tad bit happy. So most of the time I will more than likely talk to you if you start a conversation with me or ask me about something or for something.
It will only be for a little amount of time though. Because once the bell rings, it will change back to what it was before. I will become emotionless and people will avoid me once again. Anyways, back to my sketch.
I was in the middle of the sketch when the fire alarm went off. I cursed under my breath because I really wanted to finish the sketch before the class period ended. "Alright guys, let's go. We can get back to painting when it's all over," Mrs. Malik told us as we were standing up and walking out of the classroom and eventually out of the school.
We walked out of the doors and Mrs. Malik walked us to the spot of where we were supposed to be and while people were talking to one another and while my teacher talked to other teachers, I pulled out my phone and unlocked it. I went to my sticky note app and started to type the things that I needed to do so that I could get the sketch to be close to being finished. I may not have it completed, but I will be close at least.
Then I felt something. I felt a pair of eyes on me. Even though it was normal for eyes to be on me every damn day, I knew that there went people that were just so willingly looking st me. I looked up from my phone and put it up. I looked to my fight and saw the Styles guy staring at me. He was looking pretty lost at me and I did feel some kind of way about that.
I took in the sight of his green eyes looking at me, but I didn't stare at him. I just nodded at him. He stared at me a little longer before I saw him shrug it off and look ahead. Strange...why was he staring at me like that? Was there something on me? I looked down at my body and felt my hair before touching my face. No...there was nothing to stare at me for. I decided to just drop it and soon, the fire alarm finally stopped and we were allowed to re-enter the school.
We walked b as ck to art class and I just knew that there was just a small amount of class time left, so there wasn't going to be a lot for me to touch on before the class ended. As I walked to my canvas, I sat in front of it and just did a few more shading parts before the 10 minutes were up and Mrs. Malik was saying her goodbyes to us.
"See you afterschool Mr. Tomlinson," she told me and gave me a small hug and I did hug her back before we pulled away from one another and I walked out if her classroom. Time to get to my last class if the day...Chemistry. I walked down the hall and I walked up the stairs to get to the second floor and I walked all of the way down the hall and I turned in another and walked down a few classrooms before I was met with my Chemistry teacher. She nodded at me and I nodded back at her. There were some teachers that didn't care about me, but there were others that just don't care at all.
All they cared about was going their lesson and getting paid. There was nothing else that they would care for. This one was not only for me though. This was to all of her students. All that she would do was the lesson and go back to her desk. Unless she was being watched by one of our assistant principals. That would be the only case where she would explain things to her students and actually help students out if they were stuck. She was reported multiple times, but she was still here and working at this school.
Something just tells me that she was fucking with the principal, because last time that I checked, I knew that there could only be a limited amount of reports before the teacher would be fired or downgraded to a lower level of employment. She was the only teacher that got away with this. You could just look at her and get that sneaky vibe from her.
I walked to my desk in the back and I sat in it. I took out the journal that was needed for this class and I opened it up. I wrote the header that was on the board. Since she told us to do so on the board. I started to work on my warm-up before the teacher walked in as the bell rang. I sighed and finished up on the work. "You guys know what you need to do before we start the lesson," she told us.
Well that was really helpful. Seriously. What if there was a student that was having trouble to figure out the problem. Like sure, I didn't have any issues with it, but what about the other students. You know what? Just forget it. I just looked around the room as I thought about a couple of things.
Both referring to the Styles guy. Yeah, the hot one. I have only just now realized as to how close we have gotten in first period. How much we told to one another. There was a point where I just thought that he was being the way that he was because he wanted to get attention from people. However, after hearing interesting things from him, I have learned so much about him. He learned so much about me too. Yeah, we don't know EVERYTHING about each other, but we told so much about each other, it was just so crazy.
I have never talked with someone so long before. I feel as though the two of us could be great friends though. "Now today's lesson I'd to learn about..." she said, but I had her voice fade out from my head because I was still so busy thinking about that Harry man. Yeah, he is an intriguing guy. Even though we only had small talk, the silence that we shared this morning was rather comfortable. Normally, people would just ignore my presence completely. However he didn't...we talked at every five minutes. Until he rested his head and fell asleep of course.
We just gained some mutual respect for each other and I knew it. We were acquaintances for now. Like eventually, I do believe that we could become friends and that alone makes me excited for some reason. Maybe it's just because of the case of where my like is at right now. Like this could be the time where I could finally have an actual friend that isn't a dog or a teacher.
I still jotted notes, but still thought about the fact that I could have a friend by the end of this week and just because of that I was smiling so big. I think if you were to see me, then you would've thought me as some creep that needed to be in a straight jacket. Leave me alone though. I could have my very first friend! I looked up and saw the weirded out looks and creeped out looks from the students that were around me.
I shrunk a little and my smile faded. I looked down and I soon felt the eyes leaving me. When I looked up, there were no one that was staring at me. I guess I just don't deserve to be the slightest if happy. I guess it's weird and freaky to see me smiling.
Does it look that bad that people have to stare at me?
I can't wait to get back to my happy place...
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