Alright...I can do this. I need to tell him now before I start showing. I can't keep this a secret anymore...I thought to myself as I was watching Harry cook from the living room of our new home. I was at the last month of my first trimester and all that Harry would see is a little pudge. He never said anything about it, and I'm very happy about that.
I walked to Harry and he must've heard me walking, because he turned with a smile on his face. It dropped though. It dropped because I was crying due to my nervous ass self. "What's wrong baby?" He asks, approaching me face and he cupped my face in his soft and huge hands.
I sniffled before I just decided to show him my phone. He glanced at it, but he didn't notice what was on the screen before he took that double take. "What's this about?" He asked, grabbing my phone and looking at it. "Due date...April 26, 2011...you are the...mother, Louis!" He exclaimed and I jumped. "Sorry! Oh my god!" He continues to shout before his arms were around me. "And you decided to hide this from me for so long...why?" He asked as he was tightly hugging me.
"I just felt awful...I thought that I was making things go too fast for you. I didn't want to make you do something that you didn't want to do again..." "You didn't force me baby. I proposed to you because I wanted to. Not because of you wanting me to. I make my own decisions Louis, and right now, I'm freaking ecstatic about this one!" He cheers and lifts me.
I yelped, but giggled. "Oh god, don't hide something like this from me again," he tells me as he looked at my phone again. "It's so small and cute. I so want it to be a boy, but I don't care for either really! He or she can open and close their fists now! If we go to our appointment and if I see our baby suck, I might faint." "No you won't, you would be unconscious due to the lack of blood." "I was joking Louis...'?" "I know."
"This is so freaking awesome...I knew that you throwing up almost every morning wasn't just nothing...yup, you've been really horny a lot lately." "Hey!" "Do we have maternity clothes?" "No?" "Then we are going to buy some today! They said that it would be best to do that now. Oh my god, it's as big as a kiwi!" "What's with you and kiwi?" "It happens to be a really good fruit and it goes well with my smoothies." "Very messed up smoothies..." "They're healthy and their delicious," he said and looks at my phone again.
"Yup, you need to do this a lot more," he says and points at what part he was reading. "You need to stop hiding things like this from me. If it effects us, whether it's good or bad, I need to know about it. We are going to get married Louis. I know that you're scared of what might happen, but you won't know how I feel about it if you don't just simply tell me.
I'm happy about this and I'm so ready to start a wonderful family with you. Don't ever think think otherwise. I'm going to be with you no matter what we're facing." "Would you be mad if I aborted it?" "Well for one, you weren't going to do that. You love kids just as much as I do, and you simply just don't have the heart to do that. Secondly, I would probably cry for a while if you did that." "Well, are you sure that you want to be a dad right now?" "Of course darling," he says and he kisses the top of my head.
He then lifts his shirt (that I was wearing), and he saw it. "So it's not just a pudge?" He asks and I shake my head. He places his hands on my bump and he looks up at me. "I can't wait for it to start kicking. Ooh! I need to start looking at schools!" He exclaimed, releasing the shirt bad he went on his phone. "Um... Harry?" "Yes love?" "The stove..." He looks up from his phone and he curses.
"Shit!" He quickly takes the pot off of the stove and sighs. "I was going to make a really nice breakfast too...." "Actually, and I have waffles with ice cream and regular syrup on top. Ooh, and I also get fruity peon top two?" "Craving?" I just nod and he hums. "Whatever my pregnant lover craves, I will give!" He declares and I smiled lovingly at him as he rushed around the kitchen to get me what I want.
*Buzz Buzz*
I pulled out my phone and I see that Lottie texted me. Lotts: How did it go? I'm assuming that you finally told him? Which just made me smile and go to my social. I made a sweet post about my baby's daddy. The fact that I can now say baby daddy is so great. I think if I said that out loud, then Harry would definitely blush and see what I need. Okay... definitely doing that now.
Louis_Tomlimson: I couldn't have asked for a better father for my children. You amaze me every single day with all of your love. This baby isn't even here and you're already being the best father ever! Love you so much Hazz❤️ @harrystyles
Lotts: Well I'm glad that everything went well! We told you that he wasn't going to leave your side. There was nothing that you could say that would make him leave you.
Me: How about 'I'm breaking up with you?'
Lotts: Like as if you have the balls to do that to him or to yourself.
Me: True!
Oh that reminds me... I got up and I walked out of the kitchen. I walked to our bedroom and I opened my nightstand drawer. I opened it and I pulled out a grey box. I smiled at it and rushed out of the room and back to Harry. He was on his phone, waiting on the waffles I'm assuming. I walked up to him and he looked up from his device to see me go down on one knee. "What's going on?" He asks with a smile. "Well I didn't want to be the only one wearing an engagement ring. I have to tell others that your mine permanently too." He chuckles.
"I think of you in the morning
before the sun rises,
when in the still of the darkness
my heart feels your presence.
Your love, your tenderness,
your slow rhythmic breathing as you sleep,
and I am at peace.
I think of you when the first rays of sunlight
spill like a waterfall between the blinds
and settle in my eyes.
I reach my hand, my foot, any body part will do,
to touch you and breathe you in.
It feeds my heart, my soul, my spirit,
and I am at peace.
I think of you at noon when the sun is at its highest,
when the heat warms my skin
and causes my eyes to close with sheer pleasure.
Thoughts of you surround me, envelop me, overpower me.
Images of you swirl around like a funnel cloud,
sucking into its grasp all that it touches,
and I am at peace.
I think of you when the sun is setting
and its final rays of light begin to fade.
I can hear your voice, deep, soft, and slow in my head--
words of beauty, joy, friendship, and everlasting love.
My heart begins to sing a love song so sweet and so gentle.
I cannot wait to share my day with you and yours with me.
And I am at peace.
I think of you when the sun has set and the stillness of the moon
is displaying one of its many wondrous phases.
Thoughts of your smile, your laugh, and your eyes
create a feeling that is impossible to express with just words.
The need to touch you, to feel you, to drink you in
is almost too much to hold inside.
Anticipation of you is the greatest gift.
I am at peace. Is what I always feel whenever it comes to you Harry, so with this ring, I want it to be printed into my heart forever that you're my eternity. Will you, Mr. Harry Edward Styles, make me the happiest pregnant man to ever exist, and marry me?"
"You'll still take my last name, right?" I laughed and nodded. "Yes, I'll still become a Styles." "Then yes I will," he says and we both chuckled as I slipped on the ring. He helps me up and we kissed once we were close.
"Hey...my ring matches yours," he points out and I look at his." "Huh...it does." "Remind me to buy you a band. You're still engaged sur. Pregnant or not," he says and pokes my chest. I smile and kiss him again. "Sorry, I just live hearing that word now that it means something. What's the game plan now though?" I asked. "Hmm...let's just enjoy being on the path to becoming first time parents for now and let's just enjoy being engaged as well. We can still go slow with this. The whole wedding plan will wait once the baby is like 2 at least." "I think I can make that work," I agreed.
"Yeah, because right now...it's all about the baby. Making sure that it's healthy and everything of that matter. Then when it's here, the focus is going to be on them 110% of the time. Then when you think that it's the right time to finally get married, then we'll start the whole wedding banning process."
"But you aren't feeling rushed at all?" I asked. "Are you joking? If we were together for only a week and if you told me then that you were expecting, then I will most definitely be as ecstatic as I am right now." "Really?" "I love kids Louis. I want so many of them in my future I can't picture myself not being a dad. It's just impossible for me."
"So if I didn't want kids, then..." "Then I really can't stay in that relationship. It'll be toxic in a different way and I can't change that part of me for even you." "Wow..." "I'm sorry, but that'll definitely be a burden in my heart if I did that to myself." "Well I wouldn't want that for you either, so..." I wrapped my arms around his neck and he had his hands on my slight bump.
"Are you ready to raise a family with me Mr. Styles?" "More ready than I'll ever be," he tells me and he kisses me again. "I really like my ring by the way. It suits me very well," he jokes and I rolled my eyes at him. "You are so weird..." "You love me though! This baby proves that." "No it doesn't. You could've been a one night stand." "Fine...you marrying me proves it." "The ring could've just looked too beautiful for me to say no to it." "You're hurting my feelings now..." I laugh and I hug him. "It's all jokes Harold. You know me," I reassure him.
"Okay, prove it." "Alright, ask me to marry you." He takes a few deep breaths before he went for it. "Mr. Louis William Tomlinson, will you make me the most luckiest man alive and marry me?" A big smile appeared on my face as I said, "Fuck yeah I will." I kiss him and he chuckled. "See, there was no ring involved with any of that," I point out to him and he nods. "See, I knew that you loved me." "Love, not loved. Never use past tense when it comes to my love about you."
"Copy that beautiful," he compliments. I pecked his lips again and walked back to my seat. He curses once he realizes that the waffles are burnt. "You can just make more. I'm not going anywhere," I tell him and he nods. He then makes another batch, but he didn't distract himself this time. He didn't walk away from that spot if the kitchen until there was a plate in front of me.
I shared the plate with him, but he avoided the ice cream, syrup, and fruity pebbles. Which I was happy for. I'm happy about a lot of things. I'm happy that he now has a ring on HOS finger. I'm happy to be on the route to give birth to our first child.
And I'm just so happy that it all went perfectly...
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