Harry and I have been putting a lot of work, taking care of this puppy. Don't look at me the wrong way either! I just wanted to be sure that when we do start baby making, we will be baby ready. I read things to Harry about babies and Harry would just constantly ask me if I was having baby fever, but I don't think that this was the case.
I just want to be sure that I want to have a baby in me that he'll take care of to the best of his ability. I do have faith in him and I really do believe that he'll be an excellent father, but this just makes me 100% sure.
"Baby, I don't know how this puppy was able to do it so well, but I don't think that we should keep it." I look at Harry, and he was holding the puppy in his arms. "And why's that?" "I'm getting attached to it already and it has been only a month. I think Rosie is getting more and more jealous, and I don't want to upset her...but this dog is so cute."
"So...you want to get rid of it because Rosie is getting upset?" "...I feel like you're going to connect this with our future babies..." "So if your mother suddenly grew upset because you're giving our baby even more attention than her, you'll put our baby up for adoption?" "Louis, that connection is rather irrelevant..." "And how so?"
"We don't need a puppy to prove to ourselves that we will be great parents. Do you think Mrs. Malik got a puppy before she got pregnant with Mr. Malik's baby? No, wanna know why? Because she knew that she wanted to have kids with the man that she's married to. When she saw Zayn, she told me that after a little bit of dating, she knew that she wanted to raise kids with that man. She didn't have to put him through some test. If you want kids that looks like me and is a lot similar to me. Similar to us, then we don't have to do this." "But-"
"I had a baby talk with my mom. She told me that if you are with a man that you want your kids to be like, then that's your soulmate or true love. If you still want me to do this stupid test to prove that I can be a good father, then you can just tell me that you don't want kids with me. I can take it. I'm strong enough to take that hit." "It's not like that Harry. I just want to be sure-" "That's the thing Lou. You should already be sure. There shouldn't be any doubt, and it's not like as if we're having a baby right now."
Yeah...it's not like that all....
"Now, are you sure that you want to have kids with me?" I'm already on that route Harold..."Yes..." "Are you sure? Because I don't want you think that you have to be with me for pity reasons." "It's not pity Hazza. I love you, I really do. I just thought that this could be a good exercise for our future together." "And I can fully understand that, but I don't like feeling doubted on..." "And I'm sorry for making you feel that way. I knew that I wanted to have kids with you Hazza. The day that you asked me to be your boyfriend actually. I never told you, but I did want you to be the father of my future kids."
"Really?" "Yeah, and how you are with my younger siblings just proves so much to me. The way that you talk to Doris and Earnest, I just adore that. You opened my mind even more about wanting kids. You treat those two like as if they're royalty and it's the cutest sight that I will probably ever see."
"What do you mean Lou? We are going to have little ones of our own someday, so you'll be able to witness something like that 24/7," Harry says and I sighed. I can't tell him that this is going to happen to us a lot sooner than he thought that it would.
I've been hiding this pregnancy for a whole month now, but I just know that something like this has to be revealed at some point. Because soon I will be showing and Harry will be pretty confused as to what is going on.
But I can't tell him that now, because he might run...I don't want something like that to happen. Especially when I have always wanted to have a family with him. "Is everything okay Lou? You can tell me if something is bothering you?" Harry says and that brings me out of my worrisome thoughts. "Um, yeah. I'm okay. You don't have to continue on with this silly test. You've proven yourself to me a while ago," I said an she smiled before he went back to cuddling with the puppy. "I said that you can stop Harry." "I know, but I wasn't lying when I said that he's freaking irresistible."
"I want cubbies though..." I whined, a little bit of my hormones kicking in. "Alright, come here," he tells me, putting the puppy off to the side. Okay, so he knows how to balance my needs with the puppy's. When we have this kid, then he's more than likely going to balance both the baby's and my needs.
I cuddled into Harry's side and he held me close to him by the waist. "What would you like to sell first at their garage sale tomorrow?" "I think I'm ready to sell my motorcycle first. I know that I can get another one in my future." But I can't exactly ride it while I'm carrying our baby. "Are you sure? I can still sell mine if you want me to?" "No, it's fine. It's my fault that were having one anyways," I said feeling bad again. "Don't think of it like that baby. Find this as a new way for us to get more money in our pockets." "Alright."
"Good, with this being our final month being in this house, we should enjoy it while it lasts." "How will we do that?" "Um...date night ins?" "Oh! I love those! Hey Hazza, can I request something from you?" "Of course, what's up?" "Can you make last nights dessert again?" "Hmm? You mean my cookie skillet?" "Yeah, that! I'm craving that so badly," I whined and rubbed my stomach. "Okay, I'll make it for you," he says as he gets up. "Thank you Harry," I tell him nicely as I watch him walk away from me.
"Alright, I'm done!" I heard Harry call and I jump up. I rush to the kitchen. I saw him bring the skillet onto the island. "I want to share with you." "Why? You usually want one for yourself?" "You only made this once?" "Yeah, bu-" "Grab a spoon Harold. Two actually," He huffs, walking to the silverware drawer. He takes two out of it and walked to me. He sits with me and the two of us started eating it together.
"So...when we have our first kid, what is their name?" I asked. "I don't really know. I think...if it's a girl, then it will be after our mum's, but if it's a boy, then it will be something rather unique." "What is the first thing that you'll say once they're able to talk?" "Love always wins, or treat people with kindness. I'll be sure to show what that means too," he said before he chuckled. "You are just too cute," I tell him and I kissed his sexy face. I can tell that when I start feeling horny again, I'll just be all over his sweet and hot body. "Louis, you're making out with my cheek again," Harry laughs.
"Well maybe I find your cheek sweet like this cookie," I spoke with sass and he just laughs some more. "Don't go all cookie monster on me baby," he begged and I just flipped him off. We take another bite of the Cooke and I just melt.
"Oh my god...never take this away. I swear that if you make this every night, then you are going to have a really happy fiancé," I tell Harry and he grins big. "If you react this way with a cookie, then think about what I can do with a brownie." "Oh my god! Make that next time!" I demanded and he laughs. "I'll think about it," he teases and I pout.
"Oh, you know that I'm going to make it anyways baby, so don't pout," He says. "Can you make that tonight?" "If you want me to, then I'll gladly do it for you." "Thank you Hazza." I kissed his cheek and he chuckles, "Don't bite my cheek now,",:he tells me and I laughed. "And if I do?" "Then that would be some type of abuse," he think out loud. "But I would like to have both of my cheeks thank you." "Well it isn't my fault that your cheeks are very tasty looking." "....I don't know if I should thank you for the compliment, or check up on your head and see if your going nuts." "Well option 1 sounds a lot better than option 2." "Alright, then thank you for the compliment."
When we were done with the cookie, I went to the art room and I just thought about what I will be painting today. This painting is going to be the first painting that I'll be giving to our soon-to-be born baby. I'm just going to have to hide it so that Harry doesn't sell it.
I don't know the gender of the baby, so I'm just going to settle with a gender neutral painting. I know that when I tell Harry about my pregnancy and once we know about the gender, there's going to be a lot more painting for the child that is more for them.
I stepped back and I smiled at it. I placed a hand on my stomach and said, "Look at this lovely. This is for you." I picked it up and I went to one of the rooms that holds all of my paintings. Harry has a room for himself, and we promised to ask each other before we take a piece of art out of our personal rooms. I hung the painting up and I continued to look at it. "When you get here, momma and dada is going to make so much more art for you," I tell my belly.
I smiled at the little note that I made for our child. I loved you from the very start. You stole my breath, embraced my heart. Our life together has just begun. You’re part of me, my little one. -Momma♥️
I walked out of the room and I closed the door behind me. I walked out of the art room and I walked to my bedroom that I shared with Harry. I laid in the baked and I just stared at the ceiling. I know that I'm going to have to tell him about this baby. This secret is meant to be shared. Keeping it from him is making me feel even more bad about myself and I already know that it'll effect our baby in some way.
I just don't want him to run from me....But how will I know that he'll run if I don't tell him what's happening to me. What if he stays. Yeah, but we both know that it's a small probability. Why do you have to enter my thoughts now? I'm pregnant, you prick! If you cause damages to my child, then I'll- What? What can you possibly do to me? Kill yourself? You know that'll only make Harry do the same. I wasn't even going to say that...now hush!
"Louis...are you okay?" Harry asks and enters the room. "Yeah, why?" "Because your just sitting in here instead of hanging out with me and our pets," he says and moved in to lay with me. I instantly cuddled into him and I laid my head on his chest. He places a hand on my hip and he pulls me a little closer. I smiled when he did that and I placed a hand on his chest. "So you just wanted me to hang with you honestly?" "I mean, well it's time for cuddle time," he says and I laughed. "I have cuddle times now?" I also him and he nods. "There is cuddle time, kissing time, nap time, snack time, and when you're in the mood for it again, there's sex time." "Sex time?" "Yup. Sex time lovely," he says.
I can't wait for sex time to happen again...
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