I was spending the day with my mom today and it was a little awkward at the start of it, but I could tell that she was getting used to me. "So you and Louis, is there a date?" "We've only been engaged for a few days mom. We are just enjoying being engaged for right now. Nothing has been planned and we aren't going to start anytime soon. I'm trying to get his family to understand and get used to this right now actually." "It isn't going to be easy baby. It took me years to come to the conclusion that your happiness means a lot more than some sexuality." "I know, but I have something planned for today though..." "Oh?" "Yeah, look up," I tell her.
She does and she sees a tattoo shop. "Getting more piercings?" "No. I'm cleaning myself up. I'm removing all of this ink, bit there will still be some that I'll get done on me. I'm getting my piercings removed and I'll be getting my natural hair back." "Isn't that last part a natural thing?" "Yup, but I've grown my hair long enough for a nice cut." "Are you sure that you want to do this?" "Yes...I want to start over too. Not with just the relationships with my family, but with myself. This is a good start to do it." "What about Louis?" "He brought up the idea last night. He is doing it next week, but I want to surprise him with mine. Ed knows me well too, so he'll surely get this done pretty well." She nods and we both walked into the shop.
Louis calls me while I was now getting ice cream with my mom and I picked it up on the second ring. "How's it going with your day out with your mother?" "It's been nice." "That's nice. Hey, would it be rude if I wanted to stop by to talk you two?" He asks and I shook my head, forgetting that he can't see me. "No, it'll be nice. We're at the ice cream place that you live going to," I inform him. "Alright. I'll be there in a couple of minutes," he says and we say goodbye to one another before he hangs up. "What was that about?" "I don't know. He just said that he wanted to talk to us, so he's going to stop by." "Alright..." "It's still our day mom," I remind her. "I know...but your not buying my ice cream now." "I'll get both of you ice cream. How's that?" "Wonderful!"
"Harry Edward fucking Styles, is that you?!" I spun and I saw Louis getting off of his motor. I smiled as he speeds up to me. "Um... surprise?" I assumed and he checks me out, boring his lip right after. "You are even more sexy looking. How is that possible?!" He asked before he kissed me. It was sudden, but it made me chuckle. "I wanted to clean myself too baby, but before we snog, my mom's right here," I state and look at my mom who was looking a the two of us.
"Right, sorry. I wanted to talk about the house in the U.S.?" He asks and I nodded. "I just wanted to be sure that you were okay with this?" He asked my mom and she nodded this time. "As long as I'm getting visits every now and again, then I'm alright with it." "Was that all baby?" "No...I just stopped by an adoption center..." "Please don't tell me that you adopted a child?" "No, but I saw this puppy and it just looked so freaking cute. I just had to get it. Look at it Harry," he says, pulling out his phone and he showed me a picture of the puppy.
"Well...you aren't wrong about him being cute..." I admit. "But are you sure that both Clifford and Rosie are going to like this one?" "Totally, but if not then we are going to have to protect it like as if it's a baby. The breed has a really cute name too. It's a cockapoo." "That sounds dirty." "Oh hush Harold, you knew what I meant!" Louis smacked my shoulder and I laughed. "I'll just have to look at the puppy face-to-face then," I shrugged and Louis nodded. "Maybe this can be a good test." "Test?" "Yeah. When we try for a child, then we have to be prepared." "Is this your way of telling me that I'm going to be putting diapers on the puppy?" "No, but a lot of people say that if you treat a puppy the right way, then you should be okay with a baby." "I don't think that we'll need something like that," I said honestly. "I know that you're going to be a good dad and I'll be the best dad that I ever can be."
"But...I wanted to be sure of that..." Louis said and he looks down. Damnit..."Alright, we can do it. Next time, just tell me that you're having baby fever," I tell him and he looks up. "It's not that!" "Tell the puppy that you bought without asking me that." "But he's cute!" "I know that he is, but I would like to be informed of another being or animal joining our household before it actually happens. We now have another mouth to feed. We are putting a lot of money into this house and we are putting a lot of money into our wedding plans for when it begins. We are also paying for tickets for us to fly out to the U.S. I really wish that you would've told me that you wanted a puppy before you bought it. I would've made some kind of compromise with you so that we will have the puppy anyways," I spoke and I rubbed my face. "Um...let's just get some ice cream. I don't think this conversation is good to have in the public eye," my mother said, grabbing my wrist. We walked into the shop and I ordered for both my mum and fiancé. Louis wasn't talking at all while we were eating our ice cream.
When we were done, my mom wanted to hang out with a friend of hers, so I hugged her goodbye and she hugged Louis farewell before she left in her SUV. I walked to my motor and Louis got on his. He followed me home and when we got there, I walked to the door and unlocked it. I stepped through and looked around the place and I just see the new animal sleeping on the recliner.
"Okay, now we can talk. Why didn't you tell me that you wanted a puppy?" I asked. "I don't know...I just thought that you would be okay with it if I get one..." "Louis, I love you and all, but you have to face another reality. A) Your ring was not cheap. It cost me 16,389.31 euros. B) We already have a cat and dog to spend money on. C) We are in the process of buying a house out of this continent, and we are trying to sell this one. D) We have to actually fly out there. I need to find another job in order to get all of this done. We aren't celebrities Louis. We don't have a crap ton of money, so we need to talk to each other before we decide to buy something big. Especially if it's another pet."
"I'm sorry..." He looks like as if he was about to cry, so I hugged him. "It's fine love. I'll figure something out. We'll keep the puppy, but I'm going to need some better profits for this house..." "Okay...can I help?" "I guess we can hold a garage sale. Sell some of our paintings, and I guess my motorcycle-" "No! You keep that. I'll sell mine." "Are you sure?" "Yes. I made the mistake of not telling you about the puppy before I bought it, so I'll make it up to you and give us a little more money."
"It's not like that ba-" "But I'll make it be like that." He tells me as he points at my chest. I smiled and kissed his forehead, "Whatever you say baby."
We rested on the couch together for a little while and that small amount of time turned into hours of just cuddling and watching TV shows. We didn't do anything at all really. There were times where I had to get up and take care of the puppy and the other pets, but I always returned to Louis. Eventually, Louis got tired of me getting up so many times, so he clung onto me tightly with a pout on his face. "Baby, you bought a puppy, I still need to take care of it." "But you keep messing with our cuddle time!" "I know darling, but there's still a puppy in the other room that needs my attention too." "Lover comes first!" "I know and I promise to get back to you as soon as I can. I'm just going to go check on the boy," I said and pry his hands from my body.
I walked to the kitchen and I saw the puppy playing with Clifford. "I can see that the two of you are pretty happy," I said with a fond smile. "Don't go so hard on the boy Cliff. Play nice," I warn and Clifford gave me a bark in return. I glance to the dining set that we had and Rosie was in one of the chairs. "Just chilling I see?" I asked, lowering myself to be at my cars eye level. "Meow.." She replies and closes her eyes. "Alright, I'll take that as a sign to leave you alone. I'm going to make dinner for Louis and I so let's just all be good for at least an hour. Sounds good?" I asked and I got a couple of barks back. "Good," I said and walked to the pantry to get everything that I needed out.
"Hey, you never came back like you promised!" Louis exclaimed, walking into the kitchen. "I'm sorry honey. I just forgot to make to figure dinner, so I was just cooking. I was going to get back eventually." "It's been 30 minutes. Which means that you lost 30 minutes of cuddle time with me," he whines and I smiled. "I'll get that time back, I promise." "I don't know Harold. When cuddle time is wasted, it's hard to get it back," he says as he goes up on his tippy toes and to his heel.
"I'll make it up to you, I promise. Now sit and let me prepare you a plate of food," I tell him and he complied. I grabbed a plate from a cupboard, begining to make a plate for Louis.
"And there we go. A nice plate for my cute soon-to-be husband," I said. "So cheesy," Louis said, taking the first bite. "So good!" He moans with his mouth slightly full. "Chew, Swallow, and then Speak. How hard is it to follow that rule of etiquette?" "Well I'm sorry that your meals are always so freaking amazing," Louis said after he swallowed his first bite of food. "Thanks babe."
I made my own plate and I sat next to Louis. The two of us watched out pets play together. There was even a point when Rosie started to play with the dogs, which is so rare. She never plays with other animals, but I guess the two dogs have some kind of bond with her so now she's just a little different with them.
"I wonder how they'll be like when there's a kid," Louis says and I look at him. Why does he always being up a kid in almost every conversation that we have? I thought we kind of told each other that kid talk is more for when we are married. I just shrugged and gave Louis my opinion. "I can see each of them protecting the little one. Rosie had babies of her own before. She was sad when she knew that I had to get rid of them." "You killed them?!" "What?! No! I gave them away to friends that wanted a let cat and I sold it to strangers. Anyways, Rosie is the protector type." "And so is Cliff. He even protects me sometimes," Louis said before he chuckled a little.
"Well that is for the future to tell us," I said and placed a hand on Louis. He sighs and only nods to my statement.
I don't know what's going on, but I hope that he tells me soon...
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