I woke up the next day with the feeling of smooth kisses being left all over my neck. I shifted my head a few times, getting myself comfortable again and I just tried to get back to sleep. However, Louis decided that I can't, because he then started to kiss me all over my face. I groaned and chuckled when he kissed my lips multiple times. "Morning darling," I said with a soft smile. I looked at him and I saw him with absolute love in his pretty blue eyes. He was looking at me like as if I was some great gift that was finally given to him.
"I see that you're happy already?" I wondered with a soft and small smile. "Happy isn't the word that I would use for what you did last night." "Oh?" "Yeah, because I will be doing this every morning now," he says and sat up. He reached a small distance before I saw him with his promise ring. I smiled bigger as I saw him put the ring on.
It looked like as if he www putting on an engagement ring, but a little less perfect than that. Which reminds me that I need to look for engagement rings for the future. Of course I wasn't going to buy one now, but I think around our 1 year anniversary will probably be a good time for me to look for one. Just look. Nothing else. "I never got a gift this great before. All of the gifts that I've received I've bought for myself." "Which doesn't make it a gift lovely."
"I know, but I can call this one a gift. It's so bloody perfect Hazza," he says before he leaned down and we kissed for the first time this morning. He had one arm hold him up, but I cupped the left side of his face with one hand as we kissed. The kiss was slow and passionate. It wasn't at all deep. We didn't want it to get to that point. Because it was all about us loving each other at this very moment. Louis did get on my lap, but that is actually his normal position for whenever we kiss or make out.
"I'm so freaking in love with you," he says as we break for air. I take the hand that has his promise ring on it and I kissed it, and I knew that what I just did made him very happy because he joined my lips again for another soft and passionate kiss. I wasn't even capable of saying 'I love you too' to him. That's how fast he was. "I love you too baby," I said as he broke for air. "But I would like to get the morning started if you'll let me?" I then asked and he took a moment to think about it.
"Nah...I want to stay in with you today. Have you all to myself," he says and pecked my lips. "I didn't say that you couldn't. I just would like to brush my teeth, eat, shower, all of that," I retired and he sighed. "Fine...I'll wait." "You don't want to eat?" "...I'll come with you," he says and I chuckled again. We went through our normal morning routines together and even though he kept trying to drag me back to the bed, he knew that I was hungry. With a sigh of defeat, he followed me out of the room and down the stairs.
"Last night was so freaking amazing Hazza!" He brought up as I was making breakfast for the two of us. "Well I'm glad that you enjoyed it." "That's a total understatement! I mean, look at this!" He chirped as he flashed his ring to me. "It wasn't an engagement babe," I said with a smile laughed. "Oh my god! I so can't wait for that day! You are definitely not going to leave the bed that morning if that happens," he stated. "Oh? I thought daddy is always in charge?" "Oh, come on! I want to power bottom. Definitely when you propose!" He pouts and I just laughed. "I guess we are just going to have to wait in that, right?" I asked and he sighs. "Now you got engagement in my head," he tells me and I shook my head.
"I would love to propose baby boy, but not right now. We haven't even reached a year yet." "But we're almost there!" "True, but don't you think that means that we are moving a bit too fast?" "Love doesn't have times. You see celebrities out there getting engaged when they've only been together for only months. Yet, they're still standing." "Yeah, but we don't have the lives that they do. Our mental states aren't quite there yet anyways," I tell him and focused on the food on the stove. "I've been getting better. I have barely broke down or anything like that." "Yeah, but we both have the tendency to just paint something that has something to do with our past. I would like to kill that before I think about getting engaged." "How soon will that happen though?"
"Give me a couple of more months and ask me again," I tell him and he sighs again. "Well I'm going to be sitting here, thinking about being your fiancé and soon your husband if you need me," he tells me and I turned my head to see him put his head down. I smiled and I just continued cooking. Don't get things twisted, I can truthfully see me proposing to Louis soon. I mean, that is what live does to you. It has you making decisions that you never thought about making.
I hummed to myself a song that I gave been trying to put together for Louis. I have gotten most of the lyrics together, but I really need a second person's opinion. Maybe I can get some people who are in the industry in on it. I just really hope that this songs makes my baby really happy.
"And breakfast is served," I said as I placed a plate in front of Louis. He put his head up and yawned. "We're you actually sleeping?" He nods and I cooed. I gave him a fork and a knife (just in case he needed it). He thanked me and started to eat.
"It looks and tastes delicious Hazz," he says after he swallowed his first bite. "Thanks baby," I said and got up to pour the two of us some juice. "Are you sure that you have no criticism for me?" "Well considering that to can't cook for shit, then I'm going to have to say no," he reminds me and continued to eat. I just laugh and eat my food. We talked about what we were going to do for our day-in. He wanted to cuddle and watch movies all day. Which sounds absolutely lovely.
"Now before that happens, we need our little treats on the side. In going to popcorn right now," I say and I got up. I walked to one of the three pantries that we had in this kitchen and I took out a box of popcorn. I then took out a bag from the box and followed the instructions. "Ooh! I'll get the candy!" Louis announced, hopping up to get to the third pantry. I saw him take out a good 4 boxes of candy from the pantry and I smiled. "Of course. Sweets for my sweet." "That was corny, but sweet, so you pass," he laughed.
We grabbed plastic cups and a big 2 liter of root beer soda. We then walked into the living room and I sat down on the couch. "We'll take turns picking movies as we go on, so you go first," I point out and he nods, walking to our little display case that held all of our movies inside. "Hmm... I'm in the mood to watch this," he says and showed me the CD. Hunger Games. "Action, love it. Go ahead and put it in," I said and he did exactly that. I hear the microwave go off and I get up to retrieve the popcorn.
I come back with a big bowl and I sat back in my seat while Louis presses play. He gets up and makes his way to me. He takes a seat in my lap with his body sideways so that to could still see the screen. Louis was the first to take a few bits of the popcorn and there were times where I would just look at with absolute love and adoration. "Ooh!" He exclaimed as Jennifer Lawrence kicked a guy in the face. "Damn...she can more than likely kick my ass if she wanted to." "Well, even though I really love her in this movie, I will hit a bitch if they even think about laying a single hand on you."
"No you wouldn't." "Oh yes the fuck I would. No one is allowed to hurt my Hazzy unless he hurts himself by accident." "Hey!" "What? You know how many times the you have fell off of your motor while trying to get off of it?" "I e gotten better!" "Yeah, but it's still happening now. It's quite funny too." "Well I'm glad that you're finding my pain amusing," I said with a pout as I looked at the TV screen. "Oh Harry...I'm sorry if I offended you," he tells me and I sighed. "It's whatever." I take a small handful and I put some popcorn into my mouth.
"Are you actually upset?" "No? I'm a clumsy person. I think I told you that at the start of our relationship actually," I remind him and he nods. "That you did. I even remember you falling while you were getting off of your bike when we went on our very first date," he reminds me and I groaned. "Oh don't remind me of that. That was freaking embarrassing. I was just trying to look impressive towards you and I fucked that up." "But you did impress me with that romantic and unique first date." "Really?"
"Of course HazzaBear. That was the greatest thing that I have ever been included in and your like my first boyfriend. The fact that I haven't fucked anything up is shocking." "You aren't going to fuck anything up." "But what about that time when I said the wrong shit?" "It wasn't your fault. My head was fucked up, that's all. You made it up anyways. With that amazing song that you made just for me is still on repeat whenever I'm driving somewhere." "That addicted to it, eh?" "Well...every other song I would listen to yours. I still want to have a bit of variety love," I state and he just rolled my eyes. "I was going to call you really sweet...meanie," he retorted.
"Oh...sorry. Do you want the to sit away from you?" "No, because then you would just be a flat out bully..." He spoke and bubbled closer to me. I smiled and I wrapped one strong arm around his small waist, making him giggle and nuzzle his head into my neck.
We enjoyed the rest of the movie together and we would have very small conversations with one another, but it wouldn't be long ones since we did like this movie. I ate a few Hershey kisses and Louis want to be so cute via feeding me a few more. "Sweet candy for my sweetie. How was that?" He asks and I laughed. "Still corny, but you made it cute." "Is that better, or..." "Of course that's better than what I said." "No, it's evenly as good as yours." "Are we going to be that couple that doesn't take a compliment? Like the ones that are all like, 'Your cuter' 'No your cute'?" "God I hope not. I love you, but not to the point of being annoying as shit," he says and I laughed.
"I don't find them that annoying..." "There was a couple that did that yesterday during our date and you were glaring at them." "Because they were being so loud about it..." "Which makes them annoying. Therefore you find them that annoying," he points out and I shrugged. ",I gu-" "There's no wrong in admitting it. I find them annoying as hell too. All I want to do is shout 'Neither of you are fucking cute, so shut up', but I'm a little nice..."
"You're very nice to other people baby, but thank you for letting me know what you don't like. I will remember to be er pull that kind of thing on you." "Good!"
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