I know that he meant it in a sweet way when he was saying so much randomly, but it did hurt. I need a breather from all of that, and it makes me feel stupid when I don't even know why I'm taking it so far. Maybe it is because of my history with my family and everything. I was outside for the most part, but when Louis walked out and saw me, I walked in to say hi to my teacher. I saw her baby and she knew that I wasn't in the mood to talk about what happened, so we just talked about her baby. I had the chance to hold her and I greeted myself as Uncle Hazzy.
When it was time for me to go, Gigi said her goodbye and Zayn wasn't there shockingly. I said bye to the baby before I walked out and went home. I planned on talking to Louis when I got there and I was going to apologize for being a bit childish. The baby made me relax a lot more than I thought. However, when I got home, his motorcycle want there. I immediately text him to ask where he was, but I didn't get a respond back. I then proceeded to call him, but he didn't answer. His voicemail was heard, and I made sure to leave a message.
"Hey baby! It's me, Hazza. I know that we left off badly earlier, and I wanted to apologize for how I treated things. You were just trying to be sweet and I knew that, but I still decide to be a fucking dramatic bitch and push you away...I'm so sorry. You didn't deserve that. I'm still just slightly fucked up in the head. I thought that it was all gone when we got together, but that just made me realize that not all screws are going to be fixed automatically, but I want them too. Please call back, I want to talk. Love you. Um...I really don't know how to end these things...I don't want to say bye, because I never want to say bye to you. Um...see you soon? Yeah, that's good enough. See you soon Flower," I said before hanging up.
I looked down the street and I saw no motorcycle coming, so he was not coming home anytime soon. It made me deflate and just drag myself inside. I just had to be a drama queen, I asked for this basically...
I walked to the fridge and I opened it. I decided to just eat the left overs from last night. It wasn't a lot, so I put a little reminder to make Louis a nice meal. I know that he can't cook in the kitchen, and I wanted to do something sweet for him. Also, he's most likely going to be hungry when he gets home. When it came to what to make, I just decided to make some tacos. I make sure to also make a shake for when he gets home. I didn't want to make it now in case it melts before he gets here.
When I was done, I walked to our living room and I sat down with a heavy sigh. I turned on the TV and it was left on a Criminal show, so I just settled with watching that. I kept track of time as I was watching some show, but at some point I grew really tired. I laid on my side and I got myself comfortable. I closed my eyes and I fell asleep with Criminal Minds playing on the TV.
I woke up to sweet kisses being left on my cheek and when the pair of lips met mine, I kissed back. I blinked myself awake and I opened my eyes to see Louis kissing me. Louis! I pulled away and Louis opened his eyes. "Morning love. Got your message last night," he tells me as he steps around the couch and sat next to me. "Yeah. I am so sorry about yesterday." "Why? I am the one who said the wrong shit?" "No, I was just being childish. You aren't at fault," I said as I looked down. "Baby?" I looked at him and he leans over to kiss me briefly. "I am at fault. I didn't know how to tell you what the great things that you do to me, but now I do," he says and I tilted my head.
He grabbed his laptop from the coffee table in front of us and he unlocks it. He opened the CD player from the side and I see him pick up a CD from behind us and he puts it in his laptop. He leaned into me and I looked at his laptop. "I just want you to listen okay?" I nodded my head. "This is how I can tell you how much I love you the best way possible," he said before he pressed play.
Oh my god...I thought as I was listening to my baby's voice sing... It made my heart swell up and it formed tears into my eyes. The song came to an end and Louis closed his laptop and he looks at me. "You...you made this? For...for me?" I asked and Louis smiled before he nodded. He was in tears too. "I know that made us toxic or anything, but I know that I said all of the wrong things. I was just trying so hard to tell you that you've changed me in many ways that it sometimes scares me, but whenever I just look at you, I just know that I'm going to be okay and that everything is okay."
"I...I love you so much," I said. "I love you too Hazza. We are in this world together whether we realize that or not. All we have is each other. I want to save you and fix you entirely, and I know that you want the same with me. We are going to be okay again, Harry. For real this time. Let's not walk away when we feel upset or when we face something from our past. Because like you've told me before," he grabs my hand and we were balling at this point.
"No matter what I'm doing, I'll always be there for you. I'll hold your hand as many times as you want, and we will push through all obstacles head-on, and we will still be standing tall." "Forever?" "Forever and Always," he says and that's when I kissed him. The kiss was smooth like frosting on a cake and it was soft like a pillow. It wasn't going to get heated, because we are not having that kind of moment right now.
Right now is a moment of promises and love.
"So you wouldn't mind staying up with me past 2 a.m. if I needed a shoulder to cry on?" "Only if you promise to make me tea first thing in the morning." "When have I ever forget to make you tea?" "This morning you did." "Hey! Not fair! I was waiting for you to come home. I made you tacos and everything. I even planned on making you a shake."
"Ooh! Nevermind about the tea then! I want that," Louis said and we both laughed. "We are going to be okay, right Hazza?" "As long as we have each other, we will Lou. We will. Now let's get up and get ready for work. I don't think they appreciated us calling off these past few days." "1. I didn't feel like going. 2. Parents. 3. Having a lovely moment with my boyfriend, so they can suck my sick." "No they can't."
"Oh hush and kiss me."
"My pleasure~"
"Alright everyone has a partner, correct?" I asked our class and they all nodded. "Good. Now, we want you guys to do an art piece that you first notice about your partner. I'll show you an example of that right now," Louis said and I watched go behind his desk and he pulled out one of his art pieces.
"Now of course I did this one based off of what I first noticed about my boyfriend. There are details thrown into the eyes and around it just so that you can get the main picture of it all. Now everyone knows that Harry has green eyes, but I included this shade," he points at the darker shade of green. "Because that's the main color that I see when he's neutral. Either he doesn't have a specific emotion or he's angry, sad, or excited about something that I can't say. I included this other shade because that's how bright his eyes gets when he's really excited over something that's not inappropriate, or he genuinely happy about something."
A student raised their hands and I picked them to speak. "Is that the first art piece that you made that was related to him?" She asks and Louis shook his head. "Mr. Tomlinson and I both made an art piece about each other before we became a couple. I made one when we first met though. We'll show that after you do this though," I answered and she nods.
"If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask. If you need help or advice, then don't hesitate to call is over. We'll be at our desks if you do need us," Louis then said before I set them off on their work.
I walked to my desk and I sat down in my chair. "You wanna do something after class? Go on another date maybe?" I look up and saw Louis leaning on my desk. "It has been a while since we've been on one. I think the last one that we've been in one would be when we became a couple." "Huh...I didn't think that it was that long..." "Yeah, I thought that I would've spoiled you a lot more, bit I guess now is the perfect time to do it." "You already spoil me though. See?" He showed me his necklace that was under his shirt. "But that's small compared to what I want to get you," I said and he rolled his eyes.
"Hazza, this?" He points at the charm before he opens it. "Means a lot to me. More than you know. That's why I say that literally anything that you give to me is magical to me. Because it is that constant reminder that you love me more than I think. Now where are you taking me sunshine?" He asks as he winked at me. I chuckled before I put the idea into some actual thought. "A date night out in the forest sounds nice, doesn't it?" I asked.
"Depends on what you're actually asking of me. Are you planning on killing me Mr. Styles?" He asks and I chuckled. "Do you really think that I have the actual heart to kill you? Anything for that matter?" I asked before I tilted my head. He leaned in close, and we had our noses pressing together for about a minute before Louis pulled back with a sigh. "Your right Mr. Styles. You have the heart of an angel," he says and I laughed before I just held his hand.
"Mr. Styles? I need some help?" I heard a student call and I look to see that it was from a blonde boy with green eyes. I nodded and released Louis's hand before I walked dover to the student. I looked over his shoulder and I asked, "What is it that you're drawing?" He sighed before he pointed to his partner's mouth. I looked at his partner and saw the girl smiling pretty wide while she was painting.
"Okay, you do have it all down. What I would do is add a bit more detail to this area right here," I said before I guided him for what I think should happen to his painting. He nodded and when he saw where I was getting at, he told me he got it and I walked back to my desk. I got on my computer and I was still on the search for the perfect promise ring that I was definitely going to give to Louis tonight.
"A or B babe?" I asked and Louis looked at me from his desk to the left of me. (He can't see what I'm looking at btw.) "Um...A?" He guessed with a shrug. "Why?" "No reason. Just trying to pick my newest piercing." I lied, but he fell for that. I clicked on the ring and I bought it.
I can't wait to give this to my love.
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