I stepped out of my toxic filled home and got on my motorcycle. Before you even ask, no my parents did not bye it for me. They told me that I had to get my own shit, so with me working two jobs; one at a tattoo parlor, and the other at a museum, I was able to get my own things. I work as the tattoo artist at my friend, Liam's tattoo parlor. Then there is the art museum down the street from my house. Been working at both places since I turned 15.
Anyways, it's time for me to get to school. I turned in the ignition and roared it a few times before I backed out of the driveway. I knee that my parents were going to come out and shout at me for doing such a thing, but at this point...I really don't care. I sped away before they even got out of the house. I didn't want to handle their shit today...I want to try and have a decent day for once in a while...
I drove with my music playing and I sighed at the slight traffic. Nevermind about th as t planned decent day...I thought as the cop allowed my lane to go. I nodded at him and I heard him shout, "Thank you for wearing your helmet!" I smiled a little and patted my helmet, letting him know that I heard him. Then placed the hand back on the steering wheel. Well that made things a little better, but only a little.
When I arrived at the school, I sighed at the view of the school coming up into my eyesight. I was behkng a car, but when I turned, I was able to go past it and went into the students parking lot. I looked for my space and when I saw it, I moved into it and stopped the ignition. I put my motorcycle on its break before I got off of the bike. I then took my helmet off and had it on my side.
I locked the motorcycle before walking to the school. Of course I was seeing eyes surrounding me per usual, but I just ignored them and walked through the school doors. I went straight to my locker so that I could put my helmet inside of it. "I heard that he fought 5 men last night and had them running." "I heard that he was about to overdose on weed in his room." "I heard that he's gay." "Does he have any friends?" I heard people murmur around me.
Welcome to my fucking life...I closed my locker and sighed before turning around to look at everyone else. They all looked away from me and walked away as fast as they could. I just took out my sketchbooks that Mrs. Malik gave to me last week and I put one of the sketchbooks into my backpack and I starred to walk to my first class. I was walking through the now empty halls, and when I saw my class coming into view, I saw my teacher standing outside of it.
He saw me coming and waved me over. "Hello Mr. Styles, how are you?" He asked, knowing that I was not going to respond. I just looked at him. "I have discussed with my team and we have realized the struggles that you have in my class. Especially with paying attention," he told me and I just sighed. "Which is why I will be moving you to Mrs. Teasdale's class. She is more lenient than I am. She is over there," he said and pointed at the class across from his.
I shrugged and walked across the hallway and knocked on the door. I waited for about a minute before the door opened and there was a boy standing in front of me. Not just some random boy actually. It was Louis Tomlinson. The one kid that so many people compare me to. He looked at me and the two of us just nodded before I walked in. "Ah Mr. Styles, happy to have you in my class. You may pick any seat that you want," the teacher told me.
I walked to the back of the class, my chains and boots sounding off with every step.
I placed my backpack on the desk before sitting in the chair. There was a bag right next to my desk, but I didn't think much of it. When the sound of feet walking towards me, I glanced at the person and it was Tomlinson, so I just looked back into my bag and pulled out my sketchbook. I have been working a couple of days on a piece of mine, and it's nearly finished, so when I'm done with this, then I'll work on another.
The bell rung, but that didn't stop me from drawing my sketch. I knew that Louis was sitting next to me, because a kid whined and said, "Mrs. Teasdale, Louis is in my seat." To which the teacher immediately responded with, "We aren't in Elementary school anymore, so please be mature. There are no assigned seats for my class, so just pick another seat."
"Freaks..." i heard the kid say as he walked by us. I looked at the back of his head and shook my head. He's so childish. I looked back at my piece and finished up on a few touches before smiling proudly at it. Art isike a coping mechanism for me, so this is what I would consider my 'happy-time'.
The Louis kid had his head down, so I highly doubt that he heard all that was being said just now. "Alright everyone, take your notes out from yesterday, we are going to be discussing a new topic that will be on the test this Friday," she said and she walked to my desk. "You may continue sketching, but do you mind participating in the review?" She asked and I looked at her before shrugging and started to put my sketchbook away. "Wake up Mr. Tomlinson," She said and patted the desk with her ring hand.
"I know that school is not the most favorited place, but we still need to provide the both of you an education. You will need to know English when your an artist. Learn about the history from historic artists and the origins of their artwork. English will help you understand their reasoning about their art a little more. Now please, pay attention," she said with politeness. She walked away before hearing anything in response.
I pulled out my English notebook and glanced out of the window that was right by my desk and I started to think about what I could draw next. "That was my seat by the way," I heard a voice say and I looked to my left and saw Louis looking at me. "You aren't going to act like him, are you?" I asked and pointed at the raven sitting in front of us. "No, I really don't care. Just letting you know why the kid went off like that. He always likes sitting next to me for some odd reason," he said and I hummed.
"Maybe he thought that he would be safe. He does look like the type to get thrown around a lot," I said, and looked down since I just mentioned the whole issue with my life. "Yeah I guess...not really the one to protect though. Like I don't get into the middle of a fight...I have enough of those at home." "Same," I said and he looked at me. "Do you normally win or loose?" He asked. I sighed and looked ahead.
"I always try to avoid it, but they always get to me at some point. The only cases where I win is if they kick me or throw me out for the night. If I loose, then I'll have bruises and cuts for show and tell. Thank god I have two jobs and a getaway place...or I would've- "Ended it?" I just nodded. "All of it," I added and he sighed before nodding his head. "What about you?" "Twinsies." Is all that he said and I knew what he meant by that.
I followed the teachers instructions, and both Louis and I had small discussions, but nothing that leads to anything important. We just talked about which day of the week is the worst. Mine being Sunday, and Louis was Friday. Sunday for me because of me having to spend a whole with my family with no break from them. My jobs don't have me working on Sunday, so that just leaves me to stay with them. Louis is Friday because he has to deal with his alcoholic father on Friday's.
My dad gets drunk on Monday's, but he's normally knocked out before I get home, so I don't have to deal with his ass. Then we talked about our pets. I told him about my cat, Cleo. He told me about his dog, Clifford. We told each other that we bought our pets ourselves. Then when the teacher allowed us to work as partners for the review was when we just stopped talking.
I don't know why we just stopped, but we did. I put my head down and he had earbuds in his ears. I still worked on the review. It was not that hard to do. When I was done, I just slid it away from me and yawned . I closed my eyes and started to dream. Have a nightmare actually.
It was filled with people all around me, yelling and shouting slurs at me. Calling me foul things and pushing me around. I had no escape. The place was like a really dark room. There was no one to help and I guess this relates to my real life so well.
I was crying and screaming for them to stop. I was trying to run away from them, but they grabbed me so hard and pulled me to the ground. I cried and sobbed as I was being kicked everywhere. There was no place on my body that was off limits. It was like a free for all and I hated it. I wanted to het out.
"Help! Help my please!" I shouted cried out even though I knew that I was not going to be heard. "So useless!" "I should have aborted you!" "What a waste of space!" "Freak!" "Lunatic!" The people in my dream shouted as they were beating me. I continued to beg and plead for them to stop, but they didn't listen to me of course. I went into fetus position as they continued to scream at me.
Meanwhile, I was crying my eyes out...wondering when the pain will come to an end. Wondering when I will be released from this nightmare called my life. Do I have to call it? Do I have to do the most greatest favor for everyone? What if I went away? I bet so many people will be okay with that, huh?
I asked myself these questions as they were still sh ok and hollering me such negative things. I thought that I was going to pull through, but i really don't know if I can.
I- "Mate! Wake up!" I jolted and turned fast to see Louis looking at me with worry
"You we're shaking and shouting in your sleep. Took a while, but I'm happy that I was able to wake you before you start screaming," he told me and I thanked him quietly. He just nodded and went back to his review.
For the remainder of the class period, I just listened to music and looked out of the big window. I thought about that dream and sighed because I have to meet one of those people soon. There are teachers who don't like me. Of course there are also students. They despise me quite frankly, and I heard their words when I walk past them.
This just makes me think of that one place where i can express myself. Where there is a teacher that sees the pain that I get through and just tries her best to make me a bit happy. Even though it has little effect, she is happy with whatever she is able to do. Mrs. Malik.
I need to get to my happy place...
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