Chapter Two
Sam & Cat & the Haunted Thundermans: Back to the Past
Chapter Two: Why Don't Our Powers Work?
Phoebe Thunderman POV
I slowly fluttered my eyes open as I slowly regained consciousness. I rolled over on my back and began to scan my surroundings. I sighed. I was in my mostly-blue room, laying down on my turquoise bed. I had just woken up from a really good, realistic dream. It felt as if I had just sent home from a tropical vacation, now forced to go back into reality. As time passed, my dream suddenly became a haze. I could remember it, but vaguely. I remember that there was a part where all of my friends and I were at this amusement park, laughing at each others' jokes and chatting away. It was now Tuesday, May 5th, and it has been months since I have seen my friends. I hope that they are doing alright. I haven't talked to them since we visited the Hathaway's and Preston's in New Orleans.
"What time is it?" I thought to myself.
I had no clock to look at, so I looked over at my phone instead, which was laying on top of my white dresser.
"Ughhhh...," I complained in my head, "I'm too tired to get up and get it! Wait, I have super powers! How could I be so forgetful? Wow, even smart people like me can be dumb sometimes!"
I took my left hand from out underneath of my blanket and stuck out my first to fingers and pointed them at my MePhone. I then raised my fingers higher into the air in an attempt to float my phone up into the air. For some odd reason, it remained idol. My phone did not budge. Out of reflexes, I tried it again. Still, my phone did not move. Starting to feel panicky, I quickly hopped up out of my bed and faced my nightstand. I blew on it, trying to freeze it with my freeze breath. Nothing but carbon dioxide escaped my mouth. I was starting to get really scared now. I blew on my nightstand again, this time trying to melt it with my heat breath. Again, nothing came out.
"What's going on?" I thought to myself, starting to panic, "Is this just another one of Max's dumb pranks? Did he put that anklet that prevents me from using my super powers on me?"
I looked down at my long, pink pajama pants and pulled the legs up, revealing my ankles. I felt my heart in my throat. No anklet. I let go of the legs of my pants, causing them to hide my ankles back up. I burst through my white bedroom and into the hallway.
"MOM, DAD, CARLY, MAX, NORA, BILLY!!!" I cried as I ran down the stairs and into the living room, "THERE'S SOMETHING WRONG WITH ME!!!"
Within a minute, all of my family members, except for Max who somehow managed to sleep through my shouting, were all gathered around me.
"OH MY GOSH, WHAT'S WRONG, PHOEBE!?!?" Mom asked me, her brown eyes filled with worry.
"Why did ya have to yell so loudly?" Nora questioned, seeming annoyed, "It's only 5:00 in the morning!"
"Nora! Be nice to your sister!" Dad scolded her, "She might be in danger! She said that there was something wrong with her."
"So, what's wrong with you, Phoebe?" Billy asked me, "Are you ok?"
"NO, I AM NOT OK!!!" I answered, still feeling scared.
An insulted look came across Billy's face. "Geez, Ms. Grumpy Pants! I just asked if you were ok!"
"Billy, you don't understand! MY SUPER POWERS AREN'T WORKING!!!"
Just so my family would believe me, I made an attempt to lift a book that was laying on top of the brown coffee table up into the air with my telekinesis powers. Like my previous tries, nothing happened.
"OH MY GOSH!!!" Carly cried, "Mom, Hank, what do we do!?!? Do we need to take her to a hospital!?!?"
Mom, Dad, Billy, and Nora all scowled at Carly and I.
"Are you two experiencing a little amnesia?" Mom asked, "Did you hit your head on something?"
Carly gave Mom a confused look. "Huh? What are you talking about?"
"Yeah, what are you talking about? Wait, if we had amnesia from bumping our heads on something, then how the heck would you expect us to answer you? We wouldn't be able to remember whether we bumped our heads are not!"
"True, but don't you two remember what happened?"
Carly and I both shook our heads.
"The Dark Twister, The Dark Hurricane, Max, and Nevel Papperman sucked them out of you and into themselves when they kidnapped you, remember?" Dad reminded us.
Carly and I both turned to look at one another. I was confused by what I was hearing, and by the look on Carly's face, I could tell that she was confused as well.
"So, I don't have my powers either?" Carly asked.
"No, remember?" Nora answered.
Carly shook her head.
"No, that's not true!" I rebutted, "Max prevented that from happening from betraying Twister, Hurricane, and Nevel by disabling the machine, remember?"
"Phoebe, what are you talking about?" Billy asked, "Max was one of the ones who helped suck your and Carly's powers out of you!"
"Which caused us to punish him by confiscating all of his evil stuff, replacing it with superhero stuff, and forcing him to watch superhero training videos twenty-four/seven!" Mom added.
"What!?!? I don't remember it happening that way!"
"Yeah, I don't remember it that way either!" Carly agreed worriedly, "I remember Max betraying them too!"
"Ok, whatever is going on here, our enemies must be behind it. This isn't normal. I had a feeling that when those ghosts finally left, they weren't done with us. I had a feeling that they had a better plan in mind and decided to change gears."
"Yeah, me too."
"Do you think that Max remembers everything like the way that we do or the way that Mom, Dad, Billy, and Nora do?"
"I don't know. Let's go find out."
With that being said, Carly and I ran down the wooden set of stairs that leads down into Max's evil lair, or what used to be his evil lair- I should say. Max's lair was now completely different. The first thing that I noticed were the dozens of posters that he had of legendary superheroes on his walls. Also he had a huge, dark-blue rug that had a huge Thunder Man "T" on it. His bedspread and screen savers on his computer had the same exact logo on it. I also noticed that Dr. Colosso's cage was missing.
Max, who was laying in his bed with his phone in his hand, looked up from his glowing screen at Carly and me.
"Good morning, Phoebe!" He greeted me, "Good morning, Carly!"
"G-good morning?" Carly and I replied, not used to seeing Max this way.
"Max, where's Dr. Colosso?" I asked.
"Mother and Father moved him into their room when they confiscated all of my old evil belongings, remember?" Max answered, trying to refresh our memories, "They said that he was too much of an evil influence on me."
"How can you let them take him away like that? Aren't you going to sneak him back in here?"
Max scowled at me. "Now, why would I ever want to do something like that? That Colosso is nothing but trouble! Also, I would be disobeying Mother and Father's orders!"
"But, he's your best friend!" Carly argued.
"No, he used to be my best friend when I was evil. Now, that I'm good, I no longer acquaint with him. Why are you two acting so odd? You were there when Mother and Father moved him into their room!"
"Max, you're supposed to be evil! You're supposed to have Dr. Colosso and all of your evil things in here! Also, you're not supposed to talk proper like that!"
"Again, why are you two acting like this? You know that being evil is just something of my past and not my present!"
"I guess that he doesn't remember how we remember it either," Carly whispered into my ear.
"Guess not," I whispered back, "This isn't good."
"No, it's not."
"What are you two whispering about?" Max asked, "I don't mean to sound nosy, but may I join in on your private conversation?"
"Max, what are you doing on your phone so early in the morning?" I asked, completely ignoring Max's question.
"Just watching some superhero training videos so I can become the greatest superhero one day; that's all," Max answered, "Why do you ask- not that you are bugging me. I am just curious as to why you asked that."
"For how long?" Carly asked, "How long have you been watching that for?"
Max thought for a moment. "For an hour or so. But, don't worry. I am planning on going back to sleep after it is done."
"Max, is this a part of your punishment?"
"No, not at all. I don't mean to be rude, but you two are acting really peculiar! You know what the punishment that Mother and Father gave me was!"
"Do they allow you to do this?"
"Actually, I didn't ask them of their approval yet. I know that I should have, but these videos are just filled with so many marvelous lessons for young superheroes, like myself, I just couldn't resist!"
That was the last straw. I know that I have always used to fight and argue with Max while we was a supervision, and I know that Max has always had a good side to him, but this was just insanity! This is so not like him! This is sickening me! My own twin brother was being brainwashed and I was going to do whatever it takes to bring him back to normal.
I leaped onto Max's bed, then snatched his phone right out of his hands quick enough that he had no time to react. Max gave me a shocked look. He tried to reach his hand out and snatched it back, but I was quick and held his phone high enough up into the air that he could not reach it. In order for him to grab it, he was going to have to stand up. Since I was on top of Max, I knew that the only way that we was going to be able to stand up was if he pushed me off of him. Knowing his new, brainwashed self, I knew that Max did not have the heart to do that.
"Phoebe!" Max cried, still shocked by my actions, "This is so unusual of you to do! Now, give me my cellular smart phone back!"
"No!" I rebelled, "Snap out of it, Max! This is so unusual of you! You're not a superhero; you're a super villain!"
"No, I used to be a super villain! Now, I'm a superhero! Why are you acting as if something else actually happened and this is all just a false reality that was never supposed to happen?"
"THAT'S BECAUSE IT IS!!! Right, Carly?"
"Yeah, none of this was supposed to happen!" Carly agreed, "You were supposed to betray The Dark Twister, The Dark Hurricane, and Nevel and Phoebe and I are supposed to have our powers right now!"
Max sighed. "I wish that I would have never betrayed you two, Carly. It was a terrible mistake that I completely regret. Phoebe, you lost what made you a superhero, and Carly, you lost what would have made you a superhero."
"Wait, if I don't have my powers anymore, then why am I here? What's the purpose of superhero training when you have lost the special things that make you a superhero, your super powers?"
"You didn't decide to stay here for superhero training, remember? After a good four months of living with your half-brother, Spencer, you decided to decided to move in with us, your mother's family, after many years of not hearing or knowing about us."
"Well, from what I remember, I decided to move in here to start my superhero training to become the chosen one."
"Well, what you remember is wrong. They are still searching for the chosen one."
"NO, IT'S NOT!!!" I cried, defending Carly, "WHAT YOU REMEMBER IS WRONG!!!"
"Oh, stop it with the shenanigans, you two!"
"Stop it with the proper talking! That's not how you talk! You're supposed to talk like every other teenage boy at school, not using words that teens usually don't use in a sentence while talking!"
"I used to talk like that, but now I don't. Also, so who cares if this is not how the average teenage boy speaks? What's wrong with me having my own speech preferences?"
"Nothing at all. It's just that this isn't what your "speech preferences" should be. Max, none of this was supposed to happen!"
"Yes, it was! Now, stop it with the silly pranks!"
My eyes started to water. I was starting to get really frustrated. He didn't believe me. What am I going to do?
"Max, do you really think that Phoebe and I would pull off a prank like this?" Carly queried.
Max thought for a moment. "You never know..."
"When was the last time that you have ever saw one of us pull a prank on someone?"
Again, Max thought for a moment. "I do not recall either one of you pulling any pranks, but it is possible that you have pulled a few on your friends when I was not there."
I was even more frustrated now. Max still wasn't convinced!
"M-max, if we w-were lying, then would I-I be crying r-right now!?!?" I exclaimed, tears starting to rush down my cheeks.
Before Max could answer my question, Carly gasped, "Our friends, Phoebe! What do you think happened to them!"
"I don't know, but we must go and see them! But, how are we going to visit them on such short notice?"
"What about Max's teleportation watches?"
"That might work! Max, do you remember building any teleportation watches before you became a superhero?"
"Yes, I do," Max replied, "I can't believe that I'm saying this, but I think that I actually believe you guys now. I do not recall ever telling ANYONE about those! Not even Dr. Colosso!"
"Really!?!?" Carly and I exclaimed, shocked.
"Yeah, really."
"Do you know where Mom and Dad put them?" I asked.
"No, I do not. You can ask them, but you're going to have to come up with a pretty good explanation as to why you even want to use them in the first place."
Carly and I both smirked at one another.
"I think that we have a story that might work...," Carly stated.
With that being said, the three of us went back upstairs so Carly and I could explain what we had remembered to Mom, Dad, Nora, and Billy. We were not too sure how much of our story they did not know, so we decided to tell them everything. We started with when I entered the Countrywide State Essay Contest and finished with when we were able to break Cat, Dice, Taylor, Frankie, Gibby, Henry, Charlotte, and Freddie from The Baton Rouge Juvenile Detention Center. Along the way, they interrupted us with stuff that they remembered. It turns out that we had never met any of our friends because I ended up writing her essay about a different girl, Madeline Wilson, who is two years older than me. They also told us about how I did not really like her and how I struggled to write a decent essay about her, which made me not win the Mexican vacation that Carly and I both recall. They told us about how how I had wished that I would've interviewed someone different once I had found out that I did not win.
"Hey, how come Max saved you two in your memories and not in ours?" Nora asked by the time that we had gotten to the part when Max saved my and Carly's powers from being drained, "Was he kinder or something in your made-up story?"
"First of all, our "story" actually happened and is not made up!" I began, "And technically Max is nicer now, but in our story, when he was a super villain, he was kinder than when he was a super villain in your story."
"How come?" Billy asked as he coked his head at me.
"Because in my memories, Max had friends that he actually cared about. They cared about us too. The majority of them were good influences. I think that some of their kindness rubbed off on him, giving him a soft spot."
"Oh, alright," Nora replied, "Continue."
"I can't believe that I'm saying this, but I think that I actually believe you two!" Dad told us when Carly and I were done explaining everything.
"Yeah, me too!" Mom agreed.
Carly and I both turned towards each other with shocked expressions across our faces. "Really!?!? You do!?!?"
"Yeah, I mean, I never remember telling ANY of you about The Wicked Cyclone, The Wicked Tsunami, The Howling Dust Devil, or The Howling Windstorm!"
"Yeah, I know that Max and Phoebe learned about Captain Man back in Metroburg, but not Cyclone, Tsunami, Dust, or Windstorm because I would have remembered Phoebe telling me about it one day after school."
"I believe them too," Billy joined in.
"Yeah, I mean, why would Carly and Phoebe lie about something like this?" Nora asked, "When was the last time that they lied to fool us?"
"Exactly," Carly and I both agreed.
"So, why do you guys think that this is happening?" Dad asked.
"I don't know," I replied, "All I know is that all of our enemies are behind this..."
"Yeah," Carly agreed.
"So, what do you think is happening to our friends right now?" Billy asked.
"I have no idea, but Mom, Dad, do you remember where you put all of Max's old evil stuff?" Carly asked.
"Yeah, why?" Mom answered.
"Could you please go get us some of his teleportation watches? They are black and have tiny, blue touch screens on them."
"What do you need them for?" Mom asked.
"To find our friends," Carly answered.
"But, you guys have school today!"
"Mom, as of right now, finding our friends is more important than going to school," I began, "God knows what they are going through right now. I am just hoping that at least some of them remember what Carly and I remember."
"Yeah, me too," Carly agreed.
"Alright, we'll get them," Dad finally agreed.
With that being said, Mom and Dad exited the living room and ran back up the stairs.
"Thump, thump, thump!" I heard about five minutes later. Mom and Dad had finally returned. They each had a black wrist watch in their hands.
"Sorry, we could only find two," Dad told us as he handed Carly and I each a wrist watch.
"That's fine," we replied as we strapped the watches to our wrists.
"Where should we go first?" I asked Carly.
"Let's go east to west," she replied.
"Alright, so Henry, Charlotte, Jasper, Piper, and Captain Man first or the Russo's first?"
"You know what, let's go to the Hathaway's and Preston's first since we don't know the address of the Russo's house. The Hathaway's will know it since Frankie and Taylor used to get babysat by them."
"Ok. Alright, everybody, grab onto either me or Carly!"
"Why?" Everybody asked.
"Just do it! You'll see why in a minute!"
Mom, Dad, Max, Nora, and Billy all looked at each other and shrugged. They then followed my orders and grabbed onto Carly and me. With that being said, Carly and I typed in the exact location of the Hathaway's and Preston's house and pressed "enter" at the same exact time. We began to break down into tiny, light-blue molecules until we all eventually disappeared.
A/N: Hey, I haven't gotten a chance to write chapter 3 yet because I've been so busy, so I don't know if I'll be able to update tomorrow. But, I promise that I'll update as soon as I can!
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