Chapter Twenty-One
Sam & Cat & the Haunted Thundermans: Back to the Past
Chapter Twenty-One: No Way That Was Just a Dream!
Nora Thunderman POV
My eyes slowly fluttered open. By the fact that I was now lying down in a bed and that the room I was in had purple walls that were decorated with bow stickers, I could tell that I was now in my bedroom. How did I get here? Wasn't I just in that huge evil lair in Ghost World with my friends and family, getting rid of our enemies for good? I tried to recall what had just happened. The last thing I could remember was finally trapping the frozen past versions of our enemies in that huge electric cage and going unconscious.
I tried to recall the memories that I had that were considered to be false because I don't remember what actually happened. For some reason, all of those memories were just a haze now. That's when I realized that I no longer didn't remember what had actually happened. All of the stories that Phoebe, Carly, Miles, Alex, Tori, Henry, and Cat told me roared to life inside of my head. They no longer felt like they were movies I envisioned with my imagination. They felt as if they were movies I could replay in my head over and over again without even thinking too hard. My memories were back, baby!
"What time is it?" I asked myself in my head.
I rolled onto my left side to look at the hot-pink alarm clock that was sitting on top of my white, wooden nightstand. It was now 6:45 in the morning.
"6:45 A.M.?" I thought to myself, "Is it even still May 4th?"
I scooted myself closer towards my nightstand. I reached my right hand out, grabbed my MePhone, and brought it closer towards me. After I pressed the on button, my phone's screen came to life. Right across the top of my lock screen, it clearly said that today's date was Monday, May 4th.
"If it's 6:45 in the morning, then how the heck is it still May 4th?" I wondered in my head, "If it's this early, then it should be May 5th! Last time I checked, it was sometime in the afternoon!"
That's when something occurred to me.
"Was that all just a big, crazy dream?" I thought to myself, "No way that was just a dream! That was WAY too realistic to be just a dream! I know that I have realistic dreams all the time, but that was just way too real!"
I quickly hopped out of my bed and started to march towards my bedroom door. As much as I would hate to wake my family up and make my siblings lose a couple of minutes of sleep before we have to get ready of school, I just had to find out if they remembered what I remember! I have to find out if that was a dream or not! If that was just a dream, that meant that all of our enemies were still out there. If it wasn't, that means that we are finally safe and sound! I pulled my bedroom door wide open and stormed out into the hallway.
"MOM, DAD, PHOEBE, CARLY, BILLY, MEET ME IN THE LIVING ROOM!!!" I shouted as I headed for the stairs, "IT'S IMPORTANT!!!"
I raced down the steps, into the living room, and towards the yellow hatchet that led down into Max's lair. I quickly pressed the button that opens the hatchet.
Seconds later, I heard a bunch of loud grumbling and moaning, which was soon followed by footsteps. Billy was the first one down since he had used his super speed. About twenty seconds after he had came down, Mom, Dad, Phoebe, and Carly started to march down the steps. Just as they had made it into the living room, Max started to climb up the steps that led down into his evil lair with Dr. Colosso in his arms.
Instead of, "What is it, Nora?", the first thing that was asked by everybody was, "How did we get here?"
"So, you guys remember it too?" I sighed out of relief.
"You mean the fact that we finally just trapped all of our enemies for good, then passed out shortly afterwards?" Max asked.
"Yeah! I thought it was all a dream!"
"Unless we all had the same dream, it wasn't because I that's the last thing before waking up in my bed too," Phoebe told me.
"Yeah, me too," Mom, Dad, Billy, Carly, and Dr. Colosso all agreed.
"Hey, my memories are back!" Billy shouted with glee.
"Mine are too!" Mom, Dad, Max, Dr. Colosso, and I all agreed.
"So, you guys remember what actually happened now?" Carly asked us.
"And boy, are we glad that we listened to you and Phoebe when you told us that everything that we remembered was untrue!" Dad exclaimed.
"Yeah, I was very close to not believing you," Mom chimed in, "But by the way you and Phoebe were acting, I could tell that you were telling the truth. I mean, you two would never lie to us, right?"
"We'd never lie to you!" Carly and Phoebe chirped in unison.
"Hey, if you guys remember what actually happened now, does that mean we went unconscious because everything was going back to normal and we were sent back to where we were right before our enemies changed the course of history?" Phoebe asked.
"Maybe," Dr. Colosso agreed, "I mean, that does sound like a legit reason for why we're all back at our house and it's almost 7:00 in the morning on May 4th. I mean, wasn't it like sometime in the afternoon when we left to go back in time?"
"That's exactly what I was thinking!" I exclaimed in agreement.
"Wait, if everything is back to normal now, does that mean that Phoebe and Carly got their powers back?" Billy asked.
"That's a good question, Billy," Phoebe complimented him.
"Let's find out!" Carly announced.
With that being said, Carly and Phoebe each stuck out their first two fingers and pointed them at pillows on our blue living room couch. They then lifted their fingers up into the air. Like magic, the pillow that Phoebe was pointing at and the pillow that Carly was pointing at floated up into the air.
"Yes!" They both exclaimed victoriously as they dropped the pillows out of excitement.
Phoebe and Carly both high-fived each other in celebration of getting their powers back.
"Cool, now let's see if you got your other powers back!" Billy announced.
"Billy, if they got their telekinesis powers back, don't you think that they would've gotten all of their other powers back too?" I questioned, raising an eyebrow, "I mean, if everything is back to normal now, then why would they only get their telekinesis powers back? They should be able to use all of their powers again now!"
Billy contemplated on what I had just said for a moment. "True. Hey, Max, are you back to your old-self?"
"Come closer and I'll tell you the answer," Max replied with a smirk on his face.
"Ok!" Billy agreed as he walked up to Max.
Max quickly stuck his index finger in his mouth, then pulled it out and stuck it in Billy's ear, giving him a wet willie.
"Eww, your finger's all wet!" Billy cried as he jumped backwards.
"Was that a good enough answer for you?" Max smirked as he took his finger out of Billy's ear.
"Yeah, you're definitely back to your old-self," we all said in unison.
"Yeah, I figured that when I felt like telling Nora to shut up when she started yelling. Plus, I sort-of figured out that we all went back to normal, including me, when I realized that all of my super villain things and Dr. Colosso were back in my evil lair. I also realized that I was back to normal when I wanted to call my room an evil lair again."
"Oh, that's right!" Mom cried, "We had moved Dr. Colosso and all of your super villain belongings into our room when we punished you for causing your twin sister and half-sister to lose their super powers! I forgot all about that!"
"Yeah, me too!" Dad agreed, "For some reason, all of my false memories are really foggy now! I only really remember when we gathered up all of our friends to get our memories back and to get rid of our enemies for good!"
"Same here!" Mom, Billy, Max, Dr. Colosso, and I all agreed.
"But, this is fantastic!" Phoebe squealed with glee, "Everything is back to normal! Carly and I have our powers back, you guys have your memories back, and Max is back to his old-self! Max, I don't even care that you're a super villain anymore! I'm just glad that you're back!"
"Yeah, me too!" Carly agreed, "When you started talking all proper and started acting like a goody-two-shoes, I was like, 'what the heck!?!?' "
"Me too!"
Max placed both of his hands on his chest. "Aww, you guys actually care about me! How sweet!"
Phoebe just rolled her eyes at Max. "Anyways, this is so great! I need to go call up all of our friends!"
"Maybe you should do that after you, Max, Billy, and Nora get home from school considering the fact that our friends on the east coast are probably at school right now since they're three hours ahead of us."
"Wait, if some of our friends got up before us, then why didn't they call us before they went to school?" Billy asked.
We all just shrugged.
"Maybe they didn't wake us up since it would've been anywhere between three and four in the morning for us when they had to wake up for school," I suggested.
"Yeah, maybe...," Mom, Dad, Phoebe, Max, Carly, Billy, and Dr. Colosso agreed with me.
"Hey, I have an idea!" Dad announced.
"What is it?" The rest of us asked as we cocked our heads at Dad.
"Why don't I call up cousin Blobbin and ask him if we can have a huge party at his mansion in celebration of us getting rid all of our enemies once in for all?"
"That's a great idea!"
"Why, thank you!"
"Now, Phoebe, Max, Billy, Nora, why don't you start to get ready for school while your father calls up your cousin Blobbin?" Mom told us.
"Ok!" Phoebe, Max, Billy, and I all agreed.
"Hey, wait a minute!" Dr. Colosso cried.
"What is it, Colosso?" Max questioned.
"You guys owe me ten slices of carrot cake since I helped you find Cat!"
"Ok, how about after Hank calls Blobbin, Mom, Hank, and I will go out to the bakery and get you the ten slices of carrot cake that we all promised you?" Carly asked.
"Oh, that's fine. I just didn't want you guys to forget!"
"Oh, ok," Mom, Dad, Billy, Max, Carly, Phoebe, and I all replied.
With that being said, Billy, Phoebe, Max and I rushed into our bedrooms and started to get dressed for a whole new school day filled of monotony.
A/N: Hey, guys! How'd you like the early update? I only updated this early because like I said, I'm going on vacation in two days and not coming back until the 4th of September. If I had just waited to update until I got back, I would have left you guys hanging with Chapter 20's cliffhanger for about two weeks! But, I probably won't update Chapter 22 until I come back since I have to pack today and tomorrow and I'm going to be busy all throughout my vacation. That's a little over a week from now, but at least I won't be leaving you guys hanging for two weeks! Have a nice morning/afternoon/night, everyone! 😊😀😃😎 If you are still are on summer vacation and are going back to school in September like me, then enjoy your summer while it lasts because it's almost over! 😢😢😢😭😭😭😭😭 But, if you're back in school already, then I hope that you have a wonderful school year! 😊😀📝✏️📔📓📖📋📘📙📚📗📕📒
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