Chapter Twelve
Sam & Cat & the Haunted Thundermans: Back to the Past
Chapter Twelve: How Did I Get Here?
Cat Valentine POV
I woke up with a start when I heard a loud, "CRASH!!!" Alarmed, I sat right up and looked to my left. Something had created a huge hole in the wall and Max Russo, Alex, Justin, Mr. and Mrs. Russo, Carly, Freddie, Gibby, Spencer, Tori, Jade, Rex, Robbie, Andre, Beck, Frankie, Taylor, Ms. Hathaway, Nora, Billy, Max Thunderman, Phoebe, Dr. Colosso, Mr. and Mrs. Thunderman, Piper, Charlotte, Jasper, Henry, Captain Man, and eight people that I did not recognize(I assumed that since the Hathaway's were there, among those eight people were Miles, Louie, and Mr. Preston) were peering through it. I looked around at my surroundings. I started to become nervous when I had realized that I was no longer in my comfortable bed that is in the room that Sam and I share, but instead inside of a metal cage with bars in a gigantic shed. I knew exactly where I was. The only problem was that I had no idea how I got here. I wasn't just in any shed- I was in the shed that Nora Dershlit, Linda, Mack, Paul, and Steve put Taylor, Frankie, and me in when they had kidnapped us that one time about a year ago. But honestly, how the heck did I get here? Did Nora and her friends kidnap me over night while I was sound asleep? If so, how did my friends find me so quickly? Was this all a deja vu dream of some sort? I gave my left arm a quick pinch with the fingers on my right arm. I screamed out in pain.
This was no dream. This was real life.
"OH MY GOD, CAT!!!" I heard a boy with brown hair and blue eyes cry.
The boy sounded exactly like Miles.
"Dad, crawl through the hole, crush the lock on Cat's cage, and get her out of there!" Phoebe ordered.
"Is that lock made out of titanium too?" Mr. Thunderman questioned.
"No, from what I can remember, you were able to crush the locks on Cat, Taylor, and Frankie's cages, so we all assumed that they weren't."
"Oh, ok," Mr. Thunderman replied, sounding a bit confused.
"Why does Mr. Thunderman sound confused?" I asked myself in my head, "I know that I'm very confused right now, but why does he sound like he doesn't remember happened the night that Nora Dershlit and her friends kidnapped Frankie, Taylor, and me?"
I judged by where we all were right now, the way that everybody was acting, and the worried expressions on everybody's faces that whatever was going on right now was very serious.
Following his oldest daughter's orders, Mr. Thunderman crawled through the hole on the side of the shed wall. Like he did the last time, he ended up not landing on his feet and falling onto the hard ground. But like the superhero he is, Mr. Thunderman quickly got back up and rushed over to me. Since there was daylight, unlike the last time, Mr. Thunderman was able to find the cage that I was trapped inside of without Mrs. Thunderman having to project a light from the center of her palm, for him. Using his super strength, Mr. Thunderman crushed the large, sliver lock in his fist and opened my cage, setting me free. After that, he led me to the hole and lifted me through it. Once I was out of the shed, Mr. Thunderman climbed back out of the hole himself. Again, he ended up having some trouble and fell onto the grass, but got back up onto his feet.
"CAT, ARE YOU ALRIGHT!?!?" Carly asked, clearly concerned, "What did they do to you? Why did you scream like that?"
"I'm fine, Carly," I assured her, "I only screamed like that to see if this was all just a dream. And what did who do to me?"
"What do you mean by, 'and what did who do to you?' I'm clearly talking about those psychos, Nora Dershlit, Linda, Mack, Paul, and Steve! Wait, did you just call me Carly?"
"Yeah, why? Did I offend you when I called you by your first name? What would I like you something else? Ooh, can I give you a nickname? Can I call you 'Carls', just how Sam used to before she was my roommate and still lived in Seattle with you, Spencer, Freddie, and Gibby and did iCarly?"
"Oh. My. God...," Freddie breathed out, "She remembers..."
"Out of all people, Cat remembers...," Henry said, stunned.
"Wow, I'm not too sure if this means that we have less explaining or do or more explaining to do."
Everyone, except for me, chuckled at Alex's comment.
"What do I remember?" I asked, confused, "I usually forget a lot of stuff, so this is new to me. Oh, and what do you have to explain to me."
"Cat, you remember what really happened," Phoebe answered, "You remember us being friends. You remember all of the kidnappings and all of the times that we outsmarted our enemies."
I gave Phoebe a confused look. "Why wouldn't I remember that, Phoebe?"
"Cat-" the boy began.
"Wait, who are you? Are you my ghost friend, Miles, because you sound exactly like him."
The boy chuckled a bit. "Yes, Cat, I'm Miles. Sorry that I forgot to tell you that before I began talking to you. I forgot that Mr. and Mrs. Nichols, Megan, Drake, and Josh are also here, which means that you wouldn't been able to spot out my dad, Louie, and me as easily."
"Hey!" A girl who looked exactly like Carly, but a tad bit younger, hissed at Miles, upset at him for forgetting her and the other people that I did not know.
For some reason, this girl looked familiar. I know that she looks like Carly, but I feel like I've seen another girl who looks exactly like her before. I was experiencing deja vu again. Then, it hit me.
"SCARLET!!!" I shouted as I pointed towards the familiar-looking girl.
Instead of getting mad at me, she just laughed. "What is up with you people and Scarlet? Do you guys really hate her that much?"
The girl laughed again. "Well, I'm not Scarlet. I'm Megan Parker."
I furrowed my eyebrows and put my hands on my hips. "I think that's a lie. I bet you're just going under that name so that the police don't find you since you escaped from prison!"
"Cat, Mr. and Mrs. Nichols, Drake, and Josh are Megan's family," Tori told me, "Now, do you think that Scarlet would really use an undercover name around her family without them finding out anything and punishing her?"
I thought for a moment. "They could be her fake family."
"Cat, Scarlet lives in Swellview," Henry began, "Do you think that she would really go through all of the trouble of moving to Los Angeles and finding a fake family to hide her?"
I thought for another moment. "Hmmm... I guess not. Anyways, what was it that you wanted to tell me, Miles?"
"Cat," Miles began again as he looked me right in the eyes, "I don't wanna scare you, but something bad has happened."
"Yeah, I can kind of see that already...," I stated, looking around at my surroundings once more.
"Well, we don't know what happened, but whatever it was, our enemies must be behind it. Also, it caused us to all to never meet each other, which means that we never became friends and never had all of the adventures that we had together. Also, you, Phoebe, Carly, Henry, Freddie, Tori, Alex, and I are the only ones who remember what really happened so far. Everyone else remembers something completely remember than what we do. There's more for us to tell you, but we'll explain everything later. Right now, I think that we should call the police, Nona, Dice, and Goomer and tell them that you're ok."
"But, what about Sam?"
"Sam's at something called 'Twin Con'," Taylor explained, "We're going to go find her right after we call the police, Nona, Dice, and Goomer."
"Oh, ok. So, I'm guessing that her twin sister, Melanie, went with her since it's called 'Twin Con'?"
"I guess so... You would know better than me since you remember what actually happened and know Sam better than I do."
"But, I've never been to Twin Con before! I don't know what that is! I don't know what you do there!"
"And that's exactly why we brought Mr. and Mrs. Nichols, Drake, Josh, and Megan along with us, since they know where Twin Con is!" Mrs. Thunderman explained to me, "In fact, they were even the ones who told us that Sam's at Twin Con!"
I turned towards the unfamiliar faces. "How did you guys know that? I don't even know you! Does Sam know you?"
"No, but your Nona knows who I am," a lady with short brown hair and brown eyes told me, "My name is Audrey Parker-Nichols, but you can just call me Mrs. Nichols. Cat, your Nona and I are very good friends. She has told me everything about you and your best friend, Sam. We better call her and tell her that we found you. She's been worried sick ever since you went missing. Her and the police have been searching for you for over a year, Cat. She even told me that the police almost given up on looking for you multiple times, but she insisted that they keep on looking, since she has hope that someday you and her will be reunited."
I noticed that Mrs. Nichols was now starting to tear up a bit. Wow, he and Nona must be really close! How come Nona has never told me about Mrs. Nichols before?
Mrs. Nichols put her right hand on my left shoulders and looked me right in the eyes. "Today is the someday that your Nona hoped that you would be reunited on, Cat. I'll call your Nona. I have her number in my phone."
With that being said, Mrs. Nichols pulled out a large, brown, leather purse, pulled her smartphone out, and called Nona.
"Alright, so who's gonna call the police, who's gonna call Goomer, and who's gonna call Dice?" Max Thunderman asked.
"I'll call the police," Justin replied as he pulled his phone out.
"I'll call Goomer, but I don't know his number," Beck stated, "Someone's gonna have to give it to me."
"And I'll call Dice, but someone's gonna have to give me his phone number too," Robbie offered.
"Ooh, I know both of their numbers by heart!" I squealed as I jumped up and down.
"You do? That's fantastic!"
"Can you give them to us?" Beck asked me.
"Kk!" I agreed.
With that being said, I told Beck Goomer's phone number and Robbie Dice's as they both dialed each number one-by-one into their smartphones. As soon as I was done telling them what they were, they both tapped the green call buttons on their touch screens.
A/N: Hey, everyone! I was originally going to have the police, Nona, Goomer, and Dice come into the scene in this chapter, but I didn't want it end up to be another monstrous-length chapter, like some of the ones I have wrote for my previous books. Instead, they will be coming into chapter 13. So, if chapter 13 ends up being shorter than usual, then you know why. Have a nice morning/afternoon/night! Also, if you are on summer vacation right now, like how I am, then have a nice summer! 😎😎😎😎😎😎😎☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️
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