Chapter Thirteen
Sam & Cat & the Haunted Thundermans: Back to the Past
Chapter Thirteen: Thank Heavens That You're Ok!
Nona POV
I could hear the roar sirens and see flashing, red and blue lights as I pulled up to this two-story house with a huge fenced-in backyard in the police car that I was getting a lift in. The fence was so huge that I hardly see anything in it. Plus, I was sitting down in the back of a police car and there was no way that it could be an inch over four feet. But, that fence was huge! It had to be at least seven-feet-tall!
"Are you sure that this is where your granddaughter's friend told you to go, m'am?" The policeman who was driving the car asked me.
"I'm pretty sure that it is," I answered, "Why?"
"We're just making sure," the policeman who was sitting in the passenger's seat.
I was searching for Cat with about ten police officers when I had received the call. We were just about to go up to another house and ask the people who lived there if they saw her when I had heard a loud, "Rrrrriiiiiiiinnnnnnnggggg!" Startled, I jumped up into the air.
"Are you ok, m'am?" A tall policeman with brown hair and brown eyes asked me.
"What's wrong?" A policewoman with blonde hair and blue eyes asked me.
"Nothing's wrong!" I said honestly, "It's just that somebody is trying to call me, and I didn't expect my phone to go off like that!"
I quickly pulled my Pear Phone out of my red, leather purse. "Excuse me, officers, but I have to take this call."
"Oh ok, that's fine," a muscular policeman with dark-brown hair and brown eyes responded.
"Yeah, take your time, miss!" a policewoman with reddish-orange hair and cat-green eyes told me.
"Thank you," I thanked them.
I held my phone up to my face to see that the caller ID was unknown. Having a strange feeling that this call was important, I tapped on the green answer button.
"Hello?" I answered.
"Nona?" A familiar male voice replied.
I suddenly realized that that was Audrey Parker-Nichols, a good friend of mine
"Yep, that's my name!"
"Oh my gosh, I know I just talked to you when you told me about the storm that destroyed your house, but we hardly talk! So what's going on?"
"Nona, I found your granddaughter, Cat!"
I couldn't believe it. This had to be a dream. After a year of searching, my beloved granddaughter was finally found.
"What is it?" A policeman with blond hair and green eyes asked me, concerned.
"MY FRIEND FOUND HER!!!" I exclaimed with excitement.
"Really!?!?" A policeman with light-brown hair and blue eyes asked, sounding excited for me, "Where is she?"
"I'm about to find that out."
"Audrey, where are you?" I asked into the phone.
"In the backyard of this two-story house," she replied, "We found her locked up in a cage in a shed!"
"They found her in a shed in a backyard of a two-story house!" I told the police officers.
All of the officer's eyes widened.
"Really?" A policewoman with dark-brown hair and dark-brown eyes asked me, "What's the address?"
"Audrey, what's the address of the house?" I asked into my smartphone.
"Uh... I don't know," Audrey responded, "Hold on a second...,"
There was a short pause. I assumed that she was either asking somebody for the address, tracking her location with her phone, making somebody look at the street sing and house number, or was looking for them herself.
"Ok, I got the address!" Audrey announced, "It's 476 Flower Lane! Did you get that?"
"Yeah, I got it!"
"It's 476 Flower Lane!"
"Ok, let's go!" Another tall policeman with blond hair and brown eyes announced, as he and the other police officers piled into their cars.
"Thank you so much for finding her!" I thanked Audrey, "I've been looking for Cat for so long! How the heck did you find her!?!?"
"Cat's friend's were able to track them down and Walter, Drake, Josh, and I.. er, heard some stuff about them that we weren't supposed to know, so they let us tag along in exchange of us never telling anyone. But don't worry, the secrets aren't bad. They're just super-secret, ya know?"
"Cat's friends helped you find her?"
"Well, tell everyone that I said, 'thank you,' and that I'll be there soon!"
I hung up before either of us could say, "bye". I'm sure that Audrey understood why. I was in a rush to get to my granddaughter.
I quickly followed the officers to their cars. I decided to get in the backseat of the car that the policeman with dark-brown hair and the policeman with light-brown hair. As soon as all of the police officers put their sirens on, we sped off to 476 Flower Lane.
Both of the police officers unbuckled their seat belts and pushed their car doors open.
"You ready, m'am?" They asked me, as they turned their heads to look at me.
"As ready as I'll ever be!" I exclaimed as I pushed my car door open.
As soon as I got out, I realized that instead of four police cars, like there had been, there was now seven police cars behind the one that I was just in, making there eight cars in total. I figured that Cat's friends must have called the police as soon as they had found her. Just as the other police officers began to pile out of their cars, a big, silver truck pulled up behind them. Out of it came Dice and Goomer.
"NONA!!!" They cried as they ran up to me.
"Dice, Goomer!" I greeted them, "I haven't seen you guys in over a year!"
"We know!"
"So, did you hear the good news!?!?" Goomer asked me with excitement in his voice.
"Goomer, if Nona didn't hear the news, then why would she even be here right now?" Dice questioned.
Goomer thought for a second. "Ooh, to look for kittens!"
Dice and I both face palmed ourselves and shook our heads in disapproval.
"Goomer, why would Nona be looking for kittens at a time like this? We need to get to Cat!"
"Hey, cats are like kittens, but the grown-up version of them, so I was pretty close!"
Dice and I both sighed.
"Look, I don't have any time for this!" I announced, "I have to get to my granddaughter!"
"Ohhh, so that's what you're here for!" Goomer exclaimed.
Right before I bolted off towards the fence, I saw Dice face palm himself and shake his head in disapproval again. When I had reached the fence, I had realized that someone had left the gate that was attached to it open and that there was a lock in the grass.
"Cat's friends must of unlocked the gate and left it open," I thought to myself as I pushed the gate open even wider.
Right there, standing about twenty feet in front of me, was my long-lost granddaughter, surrounded by her friends from Hollywoods Arts, friends of hers that I did not recognize, and Audrey and her family.
"CAT!!!" I cried with glee as I started to sprint towards her.
"NONA!!!" Cat cried as she pushed her way past her friends and towards me.
We met each other half-way and hugged. I felt tears leak out of my eyes as I held onto Cat tightly. But, they were not tears of sadness; they were tears of joy. I was thrilled to see my beloved granddaughter again after a long year of searching for her. The police officers have tried to give up several times, but I never tried to. I told them to keep on searching because I knew that one day, she would be found. I didn't know who would find her, but I knew that someone would. I knew that one day, Cat would be reunited with me and everyone else who she loves. When I woke up this morning and started to search for her again today, little did I know that today would be that day.
"Cat, thank heavens you're ok!" I exclaimed, "You don't know how long I've been searching for you for! I've looked in every nook, every cranny... Searched high and low..."
I could feel tears rushing down onto my shoulder. Cat was crying tears of joy too.
"I know, Nona, I know," she replied, "Mrs. Nichols told me that you've been searching for me for about a year. But, it's ok, Nona. Everything's going to be ok. I'm here now. My friends found me. I'm here."
Cat and I just stood there for about five minutes, hugging one another and crying tears of joy. As soon as we had parted, I realized that Dice, Goomer, and all of the police officers were already behind us.
"CAT!!!" Dice and Goomer cried as they both rushed over towards her and gave her a bear hug
"DICE, GOOMER!!!" Cat exclaimed as she hugged them back.
"Cat, you've been gone for so long!" Dice exclaimed, "We haven't seen each other in over a year!"
"I missed you so much!" Goomer told Cat.
"Me too!" Dice and I both agreed.
"It's so great to see you all again!" Cat told Goomer, Dice, and I, "I missed you guys too!"
"Alright, we're going to go search the house for it's owners," the policewoman with reddish-orange hair and cat-green eyes announced.
"Ok," Cat, Goomer, Dice, Audrey, her family, Cat's friends, and I all responded.
As the police officers started to walk towards the two-story house, I turned to Cat's friends and Audrey and her family. "Thank you all so much for rescuing my granddaughter! I have been worried sick ever since she went missing. I have been doing nothing but looking for her for a little over a year now. How did you guys manage to find her. Audrey told me that you tracked her down somehow, but how? And if you knew how, then why didn't you do it when she went missing? If you are her friends, then you must've known her before she got kidnapped!"
A sort-of-tall teenage girl with brown hair and brown eyes who looked as if she was sixteen-years-old let out a sigh. "Great, she remember either..."
"And how do you know that she don't remember?" A tall man with brown hair and brown eyes asked.
"Remember what?" I questioned as a cocked my head.
"That's how."
All of the sudden, a boy with blond hair and brown eyes who looked as if he was around thirteen or fourteen years old took a few steps towards Goomer, Dice, and me. "Goomer, Dice, Nona, do you remember us?"
We all thought for a second.
"Well, I remember Cat's high school friends, Tori, Beck, Jade, Andre, Robbie, and Rex, my good friend, Audrey, her husband, Walter, her son, Drake, her daughter Megan, and her stepson, Josh, but I don't remember you or any of the others," I told the boy.
"Yeah, I recognize some of Cat's Hollywood Arts friends from them sometimes coming over to her and Sam's apartment to do school stuff, but that's about it," Dice chimed in.
"I don't remember any of you!" Goomer cried, feeling apprehensive, "Who are all of you!?!? How do you know our names!?!?"
"Yeah, how do you know our names?"
"Cat has probably mentioned us to them before," I guessed.
"Yeah, you're probably right, Nona. I mean, how else would they have known to call us? Cat must've told them to!"
"Actually, I just gave them your numbers," Cat admitted, "I think that Miles was the one who said that we should call you guys first."
"Yeah, I was," a boy with light-brown hair and blue eyes, who I am assuming is Miles, agreed.
"H-how d-do y-you kn-know u-us?" Goomer stammered.
"Well, I'm sure that Cat has told Miles about us before she got kidnapped," I assumed.
"Yeah, I did," Cat agreed, "But, you guys have also met before I was kidnapped."
Dice furrowed his eyebrows. "What? No, we didn't! I don't even recognize most of the people here!"
"Yeah, me neither!" Goomer and I agreed in unison.
"You're right, Phoebe," a sort-of tall girl with brown hair that was so dark that it looked as if it were black and dark-brown eyes admitted, "They really don't remember."
"See, told you," the sixteen-year-old girl, who I am assuming is Phoebe gloated.
"Can you guys please explain everything now?" Cat asked.
"Explain what?" I questioned.
"You'll see in a second," a young man with brown hair and brown eyes who looked as if he was in his early twenties replied, "But, Cat, I think that Phoebe, Carly, Miles, Henry, Alex, Tori, and I are going to explain to Nona, Dice, and Goomer what we remember first ok?"
"And then the rest of us will explain to us what we remember," a girl with dark-brown hair and brown eyes who looked as if she was fourteen-years-old added.
"Ok," Cat, Goomer, Dice, and I all agreed as we nodded our heads.
So that's when Cat's friends, Phoebe, Carly, Miles, Henry, Alex, Tori, and the young man, explained to Goomer, Dice, and I what they had remembered. They told us that their friendship circle started when Phoebe interviewed Sam for the Countrywide State Essay Contest and vise versa, and when Cat interviewed Taylor and vice versa, and that it just grew on from there. It turns out, that Goomer, Dice, and I were friends with all of these people at one point, but couldn't remember. They told us that something had happened to cause the majority of us to forget had what really happened and to remember something totally different instead. Only a few of them remembered what had really happened, and it turns out that Cat was one of those few. They said that they didn't know what had happened exactly, but they had a feeling that their enemies were behind it. I was fascinated by all of the adventures that Phoebe, Carly, Miles, Henry, Alex, Tori, and the young man, who eventually told me that his name was Freddie, told me that I had went through. I could tell by the looks on Dice and Goomer's faces that they were amused as well. We were especially shocked when we found out that the Thunderman's and Carly are superheroes, Dr. Colosso, their pet rabbit, could talk, the Preston's are ghosts, and the Russo's are wizards.
Then, they explained to us how they had found Cat. They told me that they went into her and Sam's apartment and let Dr. Colosso sniff one of Cat's belongings. Some how, he has a very good sense of smell and was able to track down Cat's scent. The only reason that the Parker-Nichols tagged along was because they had heard Dr. Colosso talked and they promised that they would not tell anyone if they told them their other secrets, because apparently Megan knew that they and more and was right. So, they all eventually agreed as long as none of them told another soul and told them where Twin Con, where Sam is going to be with her twin sister, Melanie all this week, was. They just figured that it would be easier to bring the Parker-Nichols along with them so that they could just go straight to Twin Con without having to go back to Sam and Cat's apartment.
"So, do you believe us?" Alex asked me.
"Actually, I do believe you," I admitted, "I mean, if you guys knew how to find Cat, then why wouldn't I? I've been looking for her for so long, but you guys found her in a snap!"
"Yeah, I believe you guys too," Dice and Goomer both agreed.
"So, Cat, if you don't remember being in here for too long, then why did you say that you missed us?"
"Because when I didn't wake up in my own bed this morning and in the shed that I was in about a year ago when Nora Dershlit and her friends kidnapped me, I got scared," Cat explained, "And when I didn't see you, Goomer, Nona, and Sam among those who got me out of the shed, I got even more scared. I was thrilled to see everyone else, but I wanted to see you guys too. Oh, and speaking of Sam, when are we going to go find her?"
"As soon as the police are done searching the house for Nora Dershlit and her friends and as soon as everybody, except for Phoebe, Carly, Miles, Henry, Alex, Freddie, and I, is done explaining to you what they remember, we're gonna go head out for Twin Con," Tori answered.
So that's when everybody else began to explain to Cat what they had remembered. They told her that Phoebe had never interviewed Sam for the Countrywide State Essay Contest and vise versa, Taylor never interviewed Cat and vise versa, when Max, Carly, Phoebe, and Nevel, the iCarly gang's arch nemesis, by The Dark Hurricane and The Dark Twister, instead of betraying Twister and Hurricane, he betrayed Carly and Phoebe and let their powers get sucked out of their bodies and into Twister and Hurricane's, Max's super villain stuff and Dr. Colosso were taken away from him by his parents, who also made him watch superhero training videos, which made him turn into a super hero, SFL was never caught, so the FBI was forced to place tracking devices around Carly, Freddie, and Gibby's ankles that went off every time they left town, which were later disabled by Max, and everything else that Phoebe, Carly, Henry, Miles, Freddie, Tori, and Alex said had happened never happened.
After that, I told Cat what had happened when she had went missing. The police had sent out a search for her and when they had told me that she was still not found after about a week, that's when I jumped in and started to help them search. I told her about all of the places I had looked for in and all of the adventures that I had there. Well, they weren't really adventures to me. All I did when I was in all of those places was search for Cat, searched for her again, and then searched for her some more. Even though I was worried about my granddaughter and depressed that she wasn't with me, I kept my hopes high. I told Cat about all of the times that the police almost gave up, but I made them keep on looking because I knew that one day, she would be back in her apartment, reunited with all of her friends and family.
"I know, Mrs. Nichols already told me about how you refused to give up on me and kept on searching," Cat told me.
I turned towards Audrey. "You really told her that?"
Audrey nodded.
"Unfortunately, we were unable to find the kidnappers inside of the house on on any of their property. We looked everywhere in that house for them, but just couldn't find them," the policeman with blond hair and green eyes announced as soon as we were done explaining everything as he and the other officers walked out of the house.
He then turned towards Cat. "Do you happen to know the first and last names of the people who kidnapped you?"
"Yeah, they're Nora Dershlit, Linda Marty, Paul Marty, Steve Marty, and Mack Marty," Cat answered.
"Ok, Nora Dershlit has been wanted for quite some time now. We'll start a search for them. If you see them again, dial 911."
"Kk! Thank you, kind officers!"
"Yeah, thank you!" The rest of us chimed in.
"You're welcome!" All of the police officers replied, as they started to head back towards their cars.
"Alright, so where's Twin Con?" Cat asked as she turned towards Audrey, Walter, Megan, Drake, and Josh, eager to find Sam.
"It's on 237 Jackson Street," Megan replied.
"Ok, I'll set up my GPS!" Max Thunderman announced.
As soon as Max Thunderman was done setting up his GPS, we started to walk back towards our cars. Dice, Goomer, and I got into Goomer's truck, Thunderman's and Dr. Colosso got in a van, the Hathaway's and the Preston's got in another, the Russo's got in a car, Spencer, Carly, Gibby, and Freddie got in another, Captain Man, Henry, Jasper, Piper, and Charlotte got in a car, Mr. and Mrs. Nickels, Drake, Josh, and Megan got in another, and then Tori, Beck, Robbie, Jade, Rex, and Andre got in one car. With that being said, we were off to Twin Con to find Sam!
A/N: Remember, how I said that this chapter might be shorter than the others? Well, it turned out to be longer than I thought that it would be. :P In fact, I think that it might be the longest one in this book so far! I'm really glad that I didn't make Nona, Goomer, and Dice come into the story in chapter 12! Can you imagine how long it would have been if I would've done that? Also, I'm starting to get really excited because my birthday's coming up on July 7th! 🎉🎉🎉🎉 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 My grandparents are taking me out to go shopping for my present on Sunday, then I'm going to go to lunch and have icecream cake with my family the next day, and then I'm going to have a party with my best friends and probably going to have some more cake on my actual b-day! Also, my mom's birthday is tomorrow(so, I'm really excited for her as well!🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉), so I'm going to be really busy these next couple of days! So, if I'm not really active on Wattpad tomorrow, Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday, then you know why. Have a nice morning/afternoon/night, everyone! 😀
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