Chapter Nine
Sam & Cat & the Haunted Thundermans: Back to the Past
Chapter Nine: Long Time No See!
Dr. Colosso POV
"DR. COLOSSO, DR. COLOSSO!!!" I heard Phoebe, Carly and a few others cry as they ran into Hank in Barb's bedroom, the room that I have been staying in for almost a year now.
Boy, do I miss being able to be in Max's room! Max used to be a super villain, like me, so we could relate to one another and had many greta times together; whether it was just planning another evil plan or having secret dance parties. Now that I have to live in the room that Hank and Barb sleep in, I hardly talk anymore since there is nothing interesting to talk about with Hank and Barb since they are superheroes. Also, I haven't really seen Max since year, and plus, ever since Hank and Barb brainwashed him, he is now a superhero, just like the rest of the Thunderman family. Max, why did you ever have to be so stupid and betray Phoebe and Carly? If he would have never done that, he would still be a super villain, we would still be buddies, and I would still be living in his evil lair. I know that I might sound a tad rude when I say this, but thank god that Carly and Phoebe no longer haver their super powers. If they still had them, then I would have to live in the same house with SIX super heroes! That's too many for me to handle!
All of the sudden, Hank, Barb, Carly, Phoebe, Billy, and Nora barged into Hank and Barb's room, along with several others. I had no idea what was going on, but whatever it was, it was urgent. For one, the Thunderman's and Carly had just brought a huge amount of non-supes into the house! There had to be at least more than twenty of them! For two, MAX was in the room! Hank and Barb have prohibited him from seeing me ever since they confiscated all of his super villain items.
"DR. COLOSSO, DR. COLOSSO!!!" Carly, Phoebe, and a few of the people who I did not recognize cried once more.
"MAX!!!" I exclaimed, ignoring Carly, Phoebe, and the others, "Long time no see!"
"DR. COLOSSO!!!" Max shouted with joy as he ran up to my cage and knelt besides it, "It has been such an enormous amount of time since your presence has been in my peripheral vision! How are you doing, old acquaintance?"
"What, did you not comprehend about what I had just said?"
"No, I comprehended all of it. It's just that I am so shocked to hear you talking so proper. Why are you even talking like that?"
"Ever since I have made the intelligent decision to become a superhero and to quit being a super villain, I have talked like this."
"No, I am almost positive that I-"
"No, becoming a superhero wasn't your decision! How could you be so blind, Max? The superhero training videos! The taking away of your super villain stuff! Replacing it all with superhero things! Moving me into this room, separating the two of us! How has it not dawned on you yet!?!? How could you be so forgetful!?!? It was all a punishment! How could you ever think that you made yourself become this way?"
Max paused for a moment, taking it all in, then got up and turned towards Hank and Barb. "H-how c-could y-you?"
"Max, we're so sorry," Hank apologized.
"We were just going to let the phase end by itself, but when you took it as far as draining Phoebe and Carly's powers, we knew that we just had to put an end to it," Barb explained, "We're sorry..."
"You brainwashed me into being someone who I am clearly not! You took my best friend away from me! What kind of parents do that to their own son?"
"We're really sorry, Max," Hank apologized, "But, ever since we punished you, our home has been a lot less stressful without your pranks."
"I guess that we hadn't realized that we were breaking up a true friendship," Barb stated, glancing over at me, then back at Max.
"Would you like us to move Dr. Colosso's cage back into your room after this is over with?"
"Yes, I would like that very much," Max replied, nodding his head.
"Me too," I agreed, "So anyways, what is your issue? It is very obvious that you need me for something very important."
"We need you to help us find Cat!" Phoebe answered.
"Cat? Who's Cat? Did you mean to say, 'a cat'?"
"Great, he doesn't remember either...," a boy with blonde hair and blue eyes who looked as if he was in his early teenage years muttered.
"No, Cat is a person," Carly explained, "Our friend."
"Friend? I don't remember having a friend named, Cat!"
"Just help us find her by picking up her scent and telling us which way to go!" Phoebe demanded.
"By picking up her scent? I don't know what Cat smells like!"
"Then, just... Shoot!"
"What is it?" A dark-skinned girl with dark-brown hair and dark-brown eyes asked.
"I forgot to grab something of Cat's for Dr. Colosso to sniff!"
"Then, we'll have to bring Dr. Colosso to Sam and Cat's apartment and let him sniff one of Cat's things in there," a young man with brown hair and brown eyes who looked as if he was in his early twenties stated.
"But what about those people?" A teenage girl about Phoebe's height with dark-brown hair and dark-brown eyes asked, "What if they see a rabbit sniffing one of Cat's belongings? Then they'll know that something is up with us!"
"Well, maybe if one of us takes him into another room that none of them are in, they will not notice us," Max suggested.
"That's a good plan," Carly complimented him.
Everybody nodded their heads in agreement.
"Why are you guys acting if I agreed to this?" I asked, "What makes you think that I would help you? Before you take me anywhere, I would like to know more about this Cat person and how the heck we know them!"
"Well, if we're going to do that, then we better fill you in on everything...," another teenage girl about Phoebe's height with brown hair and brown eyes stated.
"Yeah," everybody else agreed.
That is when Phoebe, Carly, and a few others told us the story of how we met Cat and explained to me why I could not remember her. They did not know what happened exactly that had caused me to forget and remember something completely else, but they did know that all of our enemies must of had been behind it. They told me about how Phoebe and Taylor, another person who I am apparently friends with, met Cat and her best friend, Sam, through the Countrywide State Essay Contest. It turns out that I actually knew all of these people who are standing right in front of me at some point in my life. I also learned about all of the adventures that we all had while we were friends, which surprisingly excited me and kept me entertained. Also, I found out that three of them, Miles, Ray, and Louie Preston were ghosts, and five of them, Alex, Max, Justin, Theresa, and Jerry Russo, were wizards.
"So, will you help us?" The ghost who I now knew as Ray asked me.
"Well, I don't know...," I began, knowing that I could get something out of them.
"We'll give you five slices of carrot cake!" Phoebe bribed me.
"Make it ten and it's a deal!" I negotiated.
"Ok, deal!"
"Wait, how'd you know that bribing me with carrot cake would work on me?"
"That's what we did when we needed your help during our last adventures."
"Oh, that explains a lot. I mean, it's not like you have any mind-reading powers! You and Carly don't even have any anymore ever since Max was stupid enough to drain them out!"
"Hey!" The Thunderman's and Carly barked at me.
"Oh, sorry! I was just trying to add in a little humor to our conversation!"
"Well, it wasn't funny!" Nora exclaimed.
"Yeah, if none of us laughed, then how could it be funny?" Billy asked.
I paused for a moment. "Hmmmpphh! Tough crowd!"
With that being said, Max unlocked my cage doors and took me out of it by picking me up. Then Phoebe and Carly held out their wrists and began to begin tapping a bunch of random buttons on these black wrist watches that they had.
"Alright, everyone grab onto us!" They ordered.
As soon as everybody had followed their orders, they each tapped another button, which caused us to begin to disappear into tiny, light-blue molecules. We were teleporting somewhere.
Before we knew it, we were standing in the hallways of the apartment complex that I was told that Sam and Cat live in. We walked right up to apartment 22 and knocked on the door. A few moments later, the door knob began to jiggle and the door was opened by a young man with brown hair and brown eyes who looked as if he was in his mid-twenties. Max quickly handed me over to Phoebe since it turns out that he does not remember what actually happened either.
"Oh, hey, you're back!" He greeted us, "Did you guys find Cat yet?"
"Unfortunately, we didn't find her yet," Phoebe sighed, "We just came back here because I have to the bathroom and we couldn't fin one. So, is it ok if I use yours real quick?"
"Sure. Wait, what's up with the bunny?"
"Oh, he's the family pet rabbit!"
"Oh cool!"
The young man then opened the door up even wider and stepped to the side. "Come on in! I'm sure that no one will mind if you use our bathroom!"
"Thanks!" Phoebe thanked him as she quickly rushed into the apartment with me still in his arms.
"So, which room are you taking me into, Phoebe?" I whispered.
It turns out that my whisper had been louder than I had intended it to. A living room full of five people, if you include the young man who had let us in, all gasped.
"Colosso!" Phoebe hissed at me, "Nice going!"
"Oops...," was all that managed to escape my mouth.
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