Chapter Fifteen
Sam & Cat & the Haunted Thundermans: Back to the Past
Chapter Fifteen: How Much Did You Hear?
Zack Martin POV
"Well, you shouldn't of listened to me!" I fired back at my twin brother, Cody, "And weren't you supposed to make sure that no one caught us?"
It was now around 3:00 in the afternoon on Monday, May 4th, and Cody and I just got caught spying on two identical twin girls, which I now knew as Sam and Melanie from listening in on their conversation, a teenage girl, Phoebe, and her fraternal twin brother, Max, at Twin Con. You see, the S.S. Tipton II is going to be in dock in Los Angeles all this month, and when Cody and I found out that they were going to have this Twin Con event, we immediately wanted to do it. You see, a few years after the first S.S. Tipton was sold and destroyed, they decided to make a new one. Cody was offered a job on it as the ship's manager, which he gladly took. Also, this is our first day here at Twin Con and things were going great until we overheard a conversation that was a little too interesting to not want to listen to.
"Alright, now that we're eating, what do you want to do now, Zack?" Cody asked me, as we walked past the snack table.
It was now around 2:30 in the afternoon and as you can see, Cody and I were in the Twin Room and we had just finished eating our lunch. I stopped walking for a moment and so did Cody. I glanced around for a moment. That's when I began glancing around the Twin Room. My eyes stopped moving as soon as I had spotted an area where you could sit down on large, black, leather couches and either watch tv or play video games.
"Wanna play video games?" I asked.
"Nah," Cody rejected, shaking his head.
"Then, what do you want to do then?"
"I believe that I was the one who asked that question first, Zack."
"Well, I told you what I wanted to do and you just said, 'nah'!"
"Well, what else would you like to do?"
"I don't what else I want to do! It's only our first day! I don't know what there is to do here!"
"Look around and see what there is to do then."
Just as I began to look around, I heard a female voice say, "Secrets? Oh, goody! Yeah, yeah, I promise not to tell anyone!"
I looked all around until I laid my eyes upon a girl with blonde hair who was talking to her sister and a pair of teenage fraternal twins, one being female and one being male, over at the snack table.
"Alright, where could we go that's private?" The fraternal twin girl asked.
"Why don't we go back to my room and then you can tell us?" The blonde-haired girl suggested.
I smirked as I turned towards Cody. "Cody, I have an idea about what we could do!"
"You do?" Cody asked, obviously oblivious to what was going on or what I was thinking, "What is it?"
I leaned in towards Cody and started to whisper. "You see the two blonde twins and the fraternal twins with brown hair over by the snack table?"
Cody gasped and took a few steps back in shocked. "No, Zack, we are NOT going to eavesdrop on them and find out what they're secrets are!"
My eyes widened. "Oh, so you heard them!"
Cody chuckled. "Yeah, the one blonde was talking pretty loud. She must pretty excited to find out those secrets!"
"Yeah, and if she's that excited, that means that these secrets are worth finding out!"
"Zack, I don't think that this is such a great idea..."
I groaned. "C'mon, Cody, let's just do it! Whatever those secrets are, I promise that I won't tell anyone about them!"
"I still don't think-"
"Ugghh, c'mon now, Cody! You wanted something to do, and I just suggested something to you! You gonna take the offer or not?"
"I don't wanna eavesdrop on them, Zack! That's just wrong! And, I am no, I'm not gonna take your stupid offer."
I glanced back at the the blonde identical twins and the fraternal twins to see them start to walk away from the snack table and towards the lobby, so that they could get to the hallway.
"Fine," I grunted as I turned my head back towards Cody, "Have fun being by yourself and missing out on a bunch of juicy secrets!"
I angrily matched away from Cody and started to follow the identical twins and the fraternal twins towards the identical twins' room.
"Zack, wait," Cody told me, causing me to stop and turn back around.
Cody then ran up to me, so he could catch up with me. "I guess I'll tag along just to make sure that no one catches you."
"Now, that's the spirit!" I exclaimed, as I gave him a high five, "Now, let's go! But, we have to be quiet."
Cody nodded. I then turned back around in just enough time to see the identical twins and the fraternal twins exit the Twin Room and enter the lobby. Cody and I quickly followed them.
Before we knew it, Cody and I were both on the hallway carpet, pressing our ears up against the front door of the identical twins' room, listening in on the secrets that the fraternal twins were telling them. I was amazed by the wonderful stories that they told them, and by the look on Cody's face, I could tell that he was just as amazed as I was! I was shocked when I found out that The Thundermans, the fraternal twins' family, and Carly Shay from iCarly were superheroes, Dr. Colosso, their pet rabbit could talk, the Preston's were a family of ghosts, and the Russo's were a family of Wizards. I was also a bit depressed to hear that their enemies did something to cause the majority of them to forget what had really happened, including their friendship, and remember something totally different, which meant that only a few of them had actually remembered everything correctly. I mean, that friendship of theirs sounded pretty awesome to me. Who would ever want to forget something as important as a relationship like that?
After the fraternal twins, who we now knew as Max and Phoebe, were done spilling all of their secrets, we heard one of the identical twins, who I think is Sam, ask with excitement, "Cat's back!?!? You guys rescued her!?!?"
"Oh, crud, I think that Sam's coming," Cody whispered to me.
"Yeah, we better get out of here!" I whispered back.
Cody nodded in agreement.
Just as we started to get back up, I heard a loud, "SMACK!!!", which was followed by a sharp pain in the back of my head. Next thing I knew, I was timbering down like a big, old, dead oak tree. As soon as I had hit the green carpet, I heard a loud, "THUD!!!" Now, my whole entire body was aching. I groaned in pain, as I rolled over on my back. I looked over to my right to see that Cody was on the ground, lying on his back, as well. I then looked up to see that the door was now open and that Sam, Max, Phoebe, and Sam's twin sister, Melanie, standing over us.
"Aww, I told you that we shouldn't of eavesdropped on them, Zack!" Cody scolded me.
"You mean you?" Cody corrected me.
"Aww, c'mon, admit it, Cody!" I cried, "You were just as interested in that conversation as I was! You even had you're ear pressed up against the bottom crack of the door!"
"Hey, so did you!"
All of the sudden, we heard someone clear their throat. Cody and I looked back up at Sam, Melanie, Max, and Phoebe. We gave them a nervous laugh as we slowly started to get back up.
"So...., what's up?" Cody asked nervously, not knowing what else to say.
"How much did you hear?" Phoebe asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Oh, only all of it," I smirked.
"Zack!" Cody hissed, as he elbowed me.
"Ow! What did you do that for? I was only telling the truth! Would you rather have had me lie to them? I mean, it's not like that they don't already know that we were eavesdropping on them!"
Cody paused for a moment. "True."
"Well, Max, you know what this means we have to get...," Phoebe stated.
"Please don't erase our memories with your Brain Melt 3,000, like you did to Nora Dershlit and her friends!" Cody begged, literally dropping down on his knees and clasping his hands together, moving them up and down as if he were praying, "We promise that we won't tell anyone about we just heard!"
Sam, Melanie, Phoebe, and Max all gave Cody strange looks.
"Wow, so you guys really did hear all of what was said!" Melanie exclaimed.
"Yeah, and like Cody said, we won't tell anyone," I said, still smirking, "If, you let us tag along with you on your little adventure to get your memories back. I mean, it's pretty obvious that's what you're gonna try and do next, now that you have everyone."
"Zack, don't!" Cody argued as he stood back up, "They might not want us to tag along! And I know that you're not going to drop it if they say, 'no'! Just leave them be! They have a device that can erase memories for Pete's Sake!"
"Consider it done!" Max exclaimed.
"Wait, what!?!?" We all asked him in unison, confused.
"I mean, you two can tag along with us!"
"I think that we have enough people already, Max," Sam argued.
"Well, the more people we have to battle our enemies if we encounter them, the better. And besides, we could use their spying skills! They must have really good hearing to hear us through the door! Also- Wait, did you guys follow us here?"
Cody and I both nodded.
"Also, they must have great stealth and agility to have followed us without us noticing, as if they were ninjas."
Cody and I stifled a laugh.
"Yeah, I guess you're right...," Sam agreed.
"Alright, you guys can tag along...," Phoebe gave in.
"Y-you sure?" Cody stammered.
Sam, Melanie, Phoebe, and Max nodded their heads.
"Ooh, this is going to be so exciting!"
We all laughed at Cody.
"So, welcome to the team!" Max told Cody and I as he shook our heads, "Glad to have you aboard our team!"
"Thanks!" We thanked him.
"So, my name is Max Thunderman, that is my fraternal twin sister, Phoebe, this is our good friend, Sam Puckett, and this is her identical twin sister Melanie," Max introduced everybody as he pointed to them each.
"And my name is Cody Martin and this is my identical twin brother, Zack," Cody introduced us, "Oh, and just so you know, we sort of already knew your names from eavesdropping on you."
"And we already knew your first names from you guys calling each other by them!" Melanie replied.
We all laughed again.
"Alright, so what are we waiting for!?!?" Sam asked excitedly, "Let's go see Cat!"
Before we knew it, Sam was racing down the hallway and towards the lobby, and we were following her.
"CAT!!!" Sam cried as she came bursting through the door that separated the lobby from the hallway.
Standing right in front of us was a large group of about thirty people.
All of the sudden, a short teenage girl, who I am assuming is Cat, with red hair and brown eyes came bursting through the crowd, shouting, "SAM!!!"
As soon as Sam and Cat reached each other, they gave each other a huge bear hug.
"Oh my gosh, Cat!" Sam cried as they were still hugging, tears now streaming down her face, "I'm so glad that you're ok! You've been gone for over a year! I missed you so much!"
"I missed you too, Sam!" Cat replied, tears now streaming down her face.
"Wait a minute, how could've you missed me if Max and Phoebe told me that you're one of those who actually remember what really happened?"
"Because, even though I have no memories of what happened to me while I was gone, when I woke up in Nora Dershlit's shed this morning and everybody rescued me, I felt as if I hadn't seen them in a really long time and all I wanted to do was see you, Nona, Dice, and Goomer when I saw that they weren't there. Nona, Dice, and Goomer didn't come until we called them and the police, but I had to wait to see you because you were in Twin Con!"
"It's ok, Cat. I'm here now. It's ok. Everything will be alright, kiddo."
Cat said nothing in return. She and Sam just continued to stand there, hugging and crying tears of joy. While they were having their little moment, Phoebe, Max, and Melanie explained to them that Phoebe and Max had agreed to let Melanie tag along if she didn't tell anyone, how they caught us eavesdropping on them, how we promised not to tell anyone if they let us tag along, and how they agreed because they needed our skill and the more people they had on their side, the better.
"Alright, what should we do now?" A tall woman with reddish-brown hair and green eyes asked as soon as Sam and Cat were done having their moment.
"Beats me," a young boy with curly, black hair and brown eyes replied.
"Come on, people, think!" Phoebe ordered, "How could've our enemies ever caused something like this to happen?"
"Wait, I have a question," I interrupted.
"What is it?" A tall boy with short, black hair and brown eyes asked me.
"Well, it's really only for the people who remember what actually happened."
"Oh, ok."
"We're listening," Phoebe, Cat, a boy who looked like Freddie Benson from iCarly, a girl who looked like Carly Shay from iCarly, and four others stated.
"Alright, this might sound a little harsh, but you guys have been through some pretty tough stuff that would've never happened if you weren't friends," I began, "Did you guys ever wish that you hadn't met before so you wouldn't have gotten into so many messes with those villains?"
All of the sudden, Carly's eyes widened. I have seen that look many times before and it only meant one thing- realization.
"Guys, I think that I know what our enemies did to cause us to never become friends," Carly announced, her eyes still wide.
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